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Question of the day

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Besides raise a lot of money, what does Judy Baar Topinka have to do to win this November?

posted by Rich Miller
Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 3:35 am


  1. Make sure that the Feds publicize all of the investigations that are going on in this administration.

    Comment by girl friday Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 4:48 am

  2. Judy will need some third party help, either in the form of an actual third party (Meeks) or in the form of high level federal indictments of the Blago administration or his close advisors.

    Right now the economy is humming along, even in Illinois. That means that most people are fat and happy. They are not hungry for change. There is a significant lack of interest. That is part of the reason that turn out was so low in the Primary. Judy needs some kind of spark to get folks interested. I’m not sure that she could accomplish that on her own.

    Comment by anon Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 5:48 am

  3. She needs the George Ryan circus to quickly and quietly go away. A Meeks third party run would be a huge help. She needs the fourth-coming federal indictments (that are guaranteed to be here by mid to late summer, by a few of the bloggers that are in the know) to surface. An Oberweise endorsement would help. Oh yeah, and she needs her name to stay out of the Tristano stuff. From what I hear, it’s not limited to just Reps and past Rep candidates.

    Wasn’t she investigated for a little politicking on state time?

    Comment by B Hicks Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 6:26 am

  4. Frankly, the only thing have not yet seen is a budget plan of her own. What Rod has done and is continuing to do with the budget is reprehensible, but until Judy presents some alternatives, she will be at a disadvantage. Saying you’ll do things differnentle than the status quo once you’re elected is a cop-out, I want to hear some concrete plans. Perhaps some well-publicized town hall meetings with financial experts would get a good dialog going and play up the differences between the candidates. Being the treasurer, she should be able to demonstrate some fiscal knowledge beyond what Rod’s kids have come up with. Yeah, some of it may lead to admitting a need to raise taxes. That doesn’t scare me as a voter if it comes along
    with some responsible spending.

    Comment by Gregor Samsa Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 6:38 am

  5. Hiring a campaign manager would probably be a good start, maybe get a message, talk about what’s facing Illinois families…give us a reason to support her other than “I’m better than the other guy” and if that’s their plan, good luck, because I haven’t seen anything that makes her better than Rod.

    Comment by Zach Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 6:49 am

  6. Meeks runs. She needs to raise questions about Blago’s financial moves, like the pension raid.

    Comment by Ravenswood Right Winger Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 7:15 am

  7. Judy needs to distance herself from George Ryan with a public statement once George is found guilty. She is linked with his old regime (Kjellander) and whether this linkage is deserved or not, does not make much difference. The perception that Judy and George were close political friends will be enough to keep many of the conservative GOP from voting for her.

    I am not sure what Judy is supposed to say to show that she is not a close buddy of George Ryan and his corrupt group of political friends but she needs to get her speech writer busy thinking something up.

    Perhaps “Death to the tyrant” (upon George’s conviction coming in) will be enough to soften up Oberweis and his supporters. I can see Jim Oberweis planting a big wet one on Judy once she utters those words. It will truly be, “A Kodack Moment”.

    Comment by Beowulf Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 7:30 am

  8. Make a concerted effort to reach out to each county GOP organization. A “unity tour.” A few trips up to Lake County would be a major plus right now. The GOP in Lake County is in complete shambles and is looking for new leadership.

    Louis G. Atsaves

    Comment by Louis G. Atsaves Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 7:45 am

  9. She needs to work on multiple funding streams including national and state GOP and smaller individual contributions.

    I don’t know that she has to come up with a detailed plan for how she would run the state.
    One of the few advantages of not being an incumbent is that you can throw rocks, so to speak. And a detailed plan this early will be dissected ad nauseam by the Dems.

    She should prepare very carefully for the debates that we are told will take place. Of course, Blago isn’t a very good debater either but again, he has the advantage of incumbency.
    She needs to find some good tough coaches who aren’t afraid of her, outside her inner circle and practice, practice, practice and be willing to criticize her own performance. She didn’t do very well in this fall’s debates, coming across as being somewhat eccentric.

    She needs to convey, through as many personal appearances as possible between now and November that that she really wants the job and she really wants to find ways to provide Illinoisians with the best possible set of government services while at the same time fixing the state’s finances. She needs to convey that it’s possible without raising income taxes, even if she wants to leave herself an escape hatch on the tax issue.

    At the end of the day, of course, outside events will play a huge role. If Blago officials are indicted, if Meeks really runs, if Blago gets his bread and circuses budget through…all could have huge negative or positive impact no matter what she does.

    Comment by Cassandra Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 8:01 am

  10. If Meeks doesn’t run and there’s no indictment, it will be tough. But Topinka still has a reasonable (though less than 50-50) chance to win by hammering the governor on pay-to-play and overspending. By the way, the latest Zogby poll has Blago up 43-37.

    Comment by Realist Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 8:12 am

  11. I think that Meeks hurts Judy as much as it hurts the Governor. There are a great number of conservatives who will either leave the governor’s space blank or vote for Meeks.

    Comment by Daniel Darling Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 8:16 am

  12. She has to make Blagojevich the issue, and the only issue in November. He is running for re-election, so he is asking for another term, and it is his job performance that needs to be addressed.

    Eisendrath ran a poor, underfunded, badly timed campaign and still pulled in 30% - 40% downstate. Voters understand what is being asked here; would you vote for Blagojevich again? Even without competition in a primary, Democratic voters said “no”, in large percentages.

    As with every re-election, the issue is the incumbant. It is smart for Blagojevich to run ads touting his accomplishments - thats what he is supposed to do to win this time. What Topinka has to do is show how empty his accomplishments have turned out.

    Comment by VanillaMan Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 8:25 am

  13. She needs to do two things:
    1) Head off Democratic attempts to make the election a referendum on Bush’s presidency, and
    2) Somehow reassure the GOP’s moral-conservative constituency that they would be better off with her than with Meeks–or than by not voting at all

    Comment by Defensor Pacis Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 8:48 am

  14. The answer is quite simple. That’s the thing with politics, so many people try to make things much harder than they really are.

    All Judy has to do to be elected is win suburban Cook County. That has been the key to victory for the last 20 years and will continue to be in this election.

    Comment by Mike Noonan Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 8:51 am

  15. She needs to make some moves which clearly indicate that she is the de facto party leader and not the creature of what John Kass calls ‘the combine.’ A meeting with the State Party chairman, Andy McKenna in which he assumed in public a position fully in support would do.

    Right now, the Republican Party is under the control of the Thompson/Edgar wing with Bob Kjellander being the linchpin between the State and Karl Rove and the national party Chairman.

    Because there is no way to dump Bob without his bosom buddies in Washington being involved, the Conservatives are balking — and given the number of votes (Oberweis-Brady) this is life or death in the General election. Kjellander’s departure will send a clear signal to those reluctant conservatives that there is hope for inclusion.

    The advice about Lake County is good advice.

    The far right wing conservatives, hung up on Judy’s appearance in the gay pride parade, are talking nonsense about a Stufflebeam candidacy in the Constitution Party She can bid them godspeed.

    Judy must now organize a campaign with the goals of getting herself elected, getting conservatives such as Peter Roskam (6th) and David McSweeney (8th) into Congress. These are essential races for the Republicans, especially in the face of the low poll ratings of the President. A huge consservative turnout in support of these two races will be necessary to offset the heavy national Democratic Party support for Duckworth (6th) and the incumbency of Bean (8th.)

    In Cook County, the Democrats are putting forth a tired slate. The Republican facing Stroger has an outside chance but only if the State provides additional money, Judy B is active in the suburbs, and she can coopt some of the Meeks positions on parental invovement in Education.

    The issue of school choice appears to be popular in urban (read black) Milwaukee but the teachers Union is the third rail of Illinois politics. But this may be an issue of some value.

    Judy B can win if and only if she can distance herself from George Ryan, regardless of the verdict; create a wide enough ledge for the conservatives to balance on; tar Blago with the condition of the state finances — running on a clean record on finance; and presenting a positive image for the future of the state.

    Comment by Truthful James Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 9:26 am

  16. Avoid getting defined by Rod as too right-wing for Illinois. Convince Republican base not to splinter as she moves left. Present herself as a capable, responsible manager and downplay ideology as much as possible.

    Comment by Boone Logan Square Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 9:59 am

  17. She needs to fire whoever it is advising her right now, because her campaign is a joke.

    Comment by Tom Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 10:01 am

  18. Do nothing until session is over. ARod has been a no-show thus far for session and is really making everyone quite angry at his absence. And don’t run any ads until session is over. ARod is running all kinds of ads talking about education, pre-school, and other stuff and all I do when they come on is hit the mute button. Let him continue to waste as much of his stash as possible until she jumps in with her own ads. Also, she should literally make a performance evaluation for ARod, print it and pass it out everywhere she goes. Make sure the facts are correct, especially the not raising taxes statement and then prove that all of the higher use fees are really taxes. It’s a tax Rod and we all know it. It’s just your kids who think we were all born stupid. A lot of us were born at night - but certainly not last night.

    Comment by LittleEgypt Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 10:14 am

  19. What is she hires Tom DeLay to work alongside Karl Rove as campaign manager? That way she would not need KJ and Cellini so much.
    Then she can work on downplaying the Ryan, Tristano, Daniels connections.
    Just trying to help

    Comment by Reddbyrd Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 10:39 am

  20. - girl friday - Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 4:48 am:

    Make sure that the Feds publicize all of the investigations that are going on in this administration.

    Also, she should expose the investigations pending before Lisa Madigan and Dick Divine and any other unethical or unlawful actions taken by this admin.

    SHE WILL HAVE HER HANDS FULL! But she has some help. Her running mate. Dupage County Joe Birkett who is a prosecutor and can investigate the Gov and the IAG should there be a need.

    Rich, don’t leave Lisa Madigan out of the investigations. She has a role too in which she ducks and hides from corruption.

    Comment by anonymous reformer Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 11:12 am

  21. THERE WILL BE INDICTMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by JUST OBSERVING Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 11:15 am

  22. She needs to quit smoking.

    Comment by 105th Blues Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 11:24 am

  23. She will not win. She is untested, undisciplined, and will not raise the money needed. Her main claim on why she should be governor is ethics but that can easily be countered by her own troubles. Blagojevich will go negative on her soon and she won’t have the money to respond. She was not the best candidate to elect if the goal was to beat Blagojevich.

    Comment by Big Mike Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 12:18 pm

  24. Sharing from a friend - This supporter of Judy is watching from Kansas and still loves Judy. But I thought his objective take was worth sharing! I myself thinks she needs to unleash the hounds of her own strengths, be herself, and become the John McCain f Illinois. A few staff changes wouldl help too!

    “She better win, but I do think it’s going to be a tougher race than I first thought.
    I watched repeat clips of each response (both Rod’s winning speech and Judy’s response) as well as their first debate the next morning on wgn.
    Here’s my candid outside observation/constructive criticism/advice.

    She looks great and solid alone, but she doesn’t look as genuinely accepted by the others (Birkett and Edgar) as what it looked like on TV. She needs several more appearances with each where it doesn’t look like she’s forcing thank yous (I don’t think this was the case, but the camera and/or angles made it seem less genuine than Rod’s speech.) Appearances where speaking is minimal, such as Taste of Chicago or the State Fair (this one is really good since everyone loves Edgar outside of Chicago), where the appearance is filmed my an affiliate and then fed back to Chicago. Judy and Edgar out at the Fair and the reporter comes up to the two of them and Judy answers some brief questions candidly. Same type of coverage with Joe in the collar suburbs. As far as the city goes, she should do those appearances alone–both Joe and Edgar don’t help her win votes there. If anything, she’s helping Joe inside of Chicago, but at her own expense.  Anyway, Rod’s speech made him seem like he was a king, and Judy’s acceptance speech seemed much less optimistic than what she conveys when she’s alone. Again, I don’t feel this way about her, but this is the image that TV projected, and unfortunately, image is at or toward the top of the list in importance to the citizens.

    Rod’s too vague and general, but his grand theme in many areas sounds like he’s the best thing since Clinton. In fact, he even sounds like Clinton, the finest expert of modern times on how to win over an audience, especially on camera. It even looks like he’s actually running for president instead of governor. Careful analysis should be made of every statement Rod makes and see if such programs actually benefit the US more than IL and see if those programs actually hurt IL but are still projected simply to gain more votes later from the US. And during campaign visits outside of Chicago area, share with the people how little time Rod actually spends on IL (don’t do this on the Chicago stops) issues when he’s practially never in Springfield (from last I heard, this is still true).

    Judy needs to point this out time and again that Rod’s trying to be everything to everybody. She started this road, but topic changed gears in interview. She needs to continue that path and give examples. Ultimately, Rod should be less concerned about how he will look in his race to become president 4YRs from now than about what he is currently doing for the IL people. How will robbing the 401K and pension funds look to the American people to pay for his plans without raising taxes??? She’s great at jokes, and this would be an appropriate way for her to ease this into the public perception without her actually trying to call him out directly on whether this is what he’s doing when he attempts to make such broad claims. And when she’s not in front of Chicago audiences, she needs to confirm to the audience how Rod is more concerned with appeasing the Democratic Party and the Daley machine on topics X, Y and Z, whatever he’s done for them in the past few years, over actually helping other citizens of IL, probably since he’s more concerned with the mass of votes he’ll get from Chicago when he runs for President than farmers or small communities more than 50 miles from Chicago. She needs to turn every democratic farmer into a vote.

    But even more important than this, she needs to do EVERYTHING to show that Ryan’s mismanagement was his own and had nothing to do with her. And she needs to do this FAST!

    IIn the tapes I viewed, I sensed this to be her greatest weakness by the way Rod is trying to paint her picture and story. We know this is false and he knows it’s false, but he’s got someone as slick as snot who has determined that this is the easiest and quickest way to win the race. Thus, he’s pushing this crap out to the people on TV, and if they hear it enough times without a genuine response from Judy on her own without being pushed into a corner in a debate, they’re going to start believing it. The regular Joe citizen thinks all Republicans are one way and on one team, and all Dems are one way and on the other team. They have no idea that Judy was an outsider within her own party at the time that Ryan and his shannanigans swindled all the tax dollars and committed crimes, etc…. during the 90s and early 00s. Since no one (I believe this is the case) from her office was arrested in the corruption scandals that rocked the party, it’s completely unfair for Rod to continue his ugly offensive attempt to link the two together. She’s bold, and people already know that, so if she’s doesn’t boldly call Rod out on this ugly smear effort he is making, it’s going to hurt her, (particularly because people are used to seeing her be bold) and I fear it’s the greatest roadblock from keeping her win.

    Lastly, she needs to provide specifics with how her office was run efficiently and made money on various programs not only for the state but for the people of the state as well thru Cash Dash. Use the $ amounts since they were so large. In debate, if Rod continues to fake the link between Ryan and Judy, she needs to ask him if she’s so strongly linked to the previous governor based on her position as in charge of the Treasury, then what role did she play in Rod’s ability to save so much money and suddenly operate so efficiently. And she should even parallel the exact performance of her office during his tenure as well as that of Ryan’s tenure, and my guess, is the performance is nearly identical. And if her performance was better under Ryan, she could then paint a picture that because Rod mistakenly took away funds from her budget, one that was making more money previously without the insight and leadership to know that it would adversely impact her office and ultimately cost IL taxpayers money in lost revenue out of her office….. something along those lines, then he’s not the leader IL needs at the helm….”

    Comment by Dem Voting R Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 12:27 pm

  25. All of you who like to throw around the word indictment and say they are coming blah blah. There is no evidence of that and he has never been accused of anything. So instead of unfair attacks how about addressing real issues that face the state.

    Comment by The Deal Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 12:27 pm

  26. Big Mike: Undiciplined and in need of money, yes. But untested? How many more statewide elections does she have to win to be considered tested?

    And I have to bite on this: who was the best candidate to elect if the goal is to beat Blagojevich? Obie? Brady? Gidwitz?

    Andy Martin?

    Comment by Thom Yorke Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 12:30 pm

  27. She is going to carry these deomcratic counties around me, without much effort.

    The governor has no support here, not even among the Democratic office holders that I know.

    Comment by Shelbyville Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 12:46 pm

  28. Judy has to make the election about Rod. She is just a bit better then him, not enough to get the loyal D’s to cross over. It has to be about his corruption and bankruptcy of the state.

    Excuse me, The Deal, have you read his own internal audit reports. CMS is a per se sham, there is a vacant office in the District 9 IDOT building that no one will even go in since the FBI swept through, and a dozen FBI agents don’t ascend on the IDOT headquarters in Spingfield when there have been no accusations.

    The FBI does not get involved without accusations. He will be indicted, maybe not before Nov. Doesn’t matter. Before Nov, gives the mansion to the R’s for four years, indicted after Nov, may break the strangle hold of the state for the D’s. Read the paper, Madigan and Jones are distancing themselves, budget, 2nd amendment, capitol improvements. If the guv has a good chance of winning and no indictment, you close ranks in an election year, they are being smart and protecting the party and their constiuents. Too bad for the republicans.

    In a very short time, Blago is going to be standing in a room all alone trying to figure out what went wrong. Well Rod it is loyalty. When money buys eveything for you, no one is loyal because there are no higher principles at stake. There will be more flipping by his administration officials then IHOP employees.

    In short, Judy be quiet, close ranks and don’t be stupid by flipping from your record. you are what you are, take a vacation and hope Rod emplodes soon.

    Comment by the Patriot Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 12:50 pm

  29. Topinka has won state office many times, this is true. But she is not tested in the type of blood match this race is going to be. We all see how little it took in the primary for her to say stupid things.

    Gidwitz would have been the biggest threat to Blagojevich because he is a self funder who can match Rod dollar to dollar and can run as a moderate outsider who wants to ‘clean up’politics in Illinois.

    Comment by Big Mike Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 12:55 pm

  30. The Patriot-
    You said, “the FBI does not get involved without accusations” The key word there is accusations. That is all they have and, regardless of who I will vote for, I think its unfair and wrong that people would attack anyone who is only accused of something. If there are ever charges then we will see if anyone is convicted of anything and can judge them then. Until then I think it only fair that we stop convicitng people who have not even been indicted, let alone convicted. That is my humble opinion.

    Comment by The Deal Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 1:01 pm

  31. Not just be herself… she won’t win then. Maybe take some etiquette courses.

    Comment by Rum n' Coke Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 1:02 pm

  32. She needs to give voters, especially downstate voters, a REASON to vote for her…simply saying, “I am not Rod” is not good enough. A solid display of leadership and vision is what voters need.

    Comment by SalukiDog Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 1:11 pm

  33. DO

    1. Hammer Rod and his corruption morning, noon and night.

    2. Define yourself as a competent, responsible and experienced alternative who has the know how to get the fiscal house in order.

    3. Make peace with the Conservatives by asking KJ to step aside for the good of the Party.

    4. Spend a lot of time in suburban Cook.


    1. Allow Rod to define you. Affirmatively smack back his many attempts - silence worked in the primary, but not here.

    2. Get sucked in to coming up with legislative proposals for everything. That’s what Rod wants, as it allows him to turn the focus to your programs, and away from his problems.

    3. Assume you have the women’s vote in your pocket. It’s in play, given Rod’s giveaways.

    Comment by Bubs Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 1:34 pm

  34. She needs to keep her mouth shut…

    Comment by Illinois Democrat Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 1:51 pm

  35. She needs to purge the phrase “That rooster’s done crowed but this hen’s gonna deliver” or any of the other colloquialisms in her lexicon that beg to be set to banjo music.

    Comment by Thom Yorke Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 1:55 pm

  36. I forgot to mention that she should give Brickhead The Executioner his own plane so can zip around the state to announce the post inaugural hanging schedule. That should hlp firm up the base. Maybe they could drag their AG candidate — if anyone could remember name.

    Comment by Reddbyrd Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 2:12 pm

  37. Comment to Mike Noonan, wouldn’t you say that Southern Illinois pushed Rod into the victory column last election?

    And Dem voting R - If JBT hasn’t looked at hiring you, she should. But SHAME ON YOU for voting R!

    When do we take a stand for the PARTY? Can’t the Democrats pull together to defeat JBT? When everything is said and done, will more jobs be created by a cantankerous election? Not! Our priorities are WAY off base.

    Comment by So IL Gal Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 3:32 pm

  38. Win the Mega Millions jackpot tonight.

    Comment by 4% Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 4:01 pm

  39. When the Dan Ryan project turns into a mess - and it will - exploit it from the perspective of — they never would have done something like this to a white part of town, inconveniencing so many white drivers without making adequate alternative routes. Thompson and Edgar always were able to get a sizable chunk of the black vote - Judy could, too.

    Comment by Anonymous Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 5:28 pm

  40. “Gidwitz would have been the biggest threat to Blagojevich because he is a self funder who can match Rod dollar to dollar and can run as a moderate outsider who wants to ‘clean up’politics in Illinois.”

    I agree because the other three had huge baggage.

    Comment by T.J. Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 5:37 pm

  41. It would benefit Judy to announce her budget ideas. Illinois is in serious financial trouble and this issue is the top focus of most voters.

    Comment by Swami Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 5:39 pm

  42. On election night she said could win `without the conservatives in her party’. I guess that means she needs to learn how to beg!

    Comment by Truthdetector1 Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 6:41 pm

  43. Topinka has never run a tough race. She barely beat Nancy Drew Sheahan and almost lost to Dan McGlaughlin while she was an incumbent. Tom Dart…….where did his campaign go. Ms. Topinka has never been a fundraiser of any magnitude. The current state of national and Illinois Republicans is already against her.

    Comment by Anonymous Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 6:59 pm

  44. Attack - Attack - Attack

    Comment by Anon Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 7:02 pm

  45. anon 6:59 you obviously don’t know much. The RNC and ILGOP support her. Stop being a hater!! Well, Rod barely beat Paul Vallas, and then barely beat Jim Ryan and ALMOST beat Judy. Another close race for Gov. Topinka.

    Comment by scoot Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 7:48 pm

  46. She needs a credible Democrats for Topinka headed up by a Poshard type. Also, don’t go near Bush or Cheney . That would drive swing Democrats back to Blago.

    Comment by Pete Granata Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 7:54 pm

  47. Send Joe Birkett out into central and southern Illinois all summer and fall. this will lock up the win!

    Comment by pike Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 8:05 pm

  48. Do anything she can to get Meeks out of the race. He’s like a siren trying to seduce the “conservative base” of her support. (One poll showed her dropping to 40 percent in a three way race, from 44 percent in another poll. This could be a coincidence, but I don’t think so.)

    Comment by Amy Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 8:49 pm

  49. The Deal - Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 12:27 pm:

    “All of you who like to throw around the word indictment and say they are coming blah blah. There is no evidence of that and he has never been accused of anything. So instead of unfair attacks how about addressing real issues that face the state.”

    Your right, it should be about the issues - DEBT, PENSIONS, UNPAID MEDICAID BILLS, AND ETHICS.

    Comment by Anon Tuesday, Apr 4, 06 @ 9:17 pm

  50. It won’t happen but, Judy could call upon her former opponents like Rauschenberg, Gidwitz, Brady, and Oberweis for their thoughts and input.
    Someone like Rauschenberg would prove invaluable to Judy in coaching her as to the state’s financial quagmire.

    It won’t happen but the talent is out there if she took the initiate to reach out for assistance from within the Illinois GOP. I am afraid that Blagojevich is going to “roast her” in any debates that they have due to her lack of knowledge on various state financial issues.

    Comment by Beowulf Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 6:49 am

  51. Topinka and the state Republican canididates need to work with Cook County Commissioner Anthony Peraica and the Cook County slate of Republicans(Garza and others). They need to stay together against the “combine”, of Republicans and Democrats who work together to beat independent canididates! Her and Peraica working hard in Cook County could probably muster up 45- 55% of the vote and clear up the rest of the state for the Republicans!
    Cook County is key in this election, as well as the suburbs! The Cook County Board Presidency race is about change and stopping corruption and tax hikes! Cook County voters will come out for the election, and even though she ,Topinka is known in Cook, she needs Peraica ,who is not afraid and a go getter, tell the voters about corruption and the need to change the system in Cook County!
    If she works with him, she will be viewed as working against this systemic corruption that has plagued the City,County and State for years! This will translate into a landslide victory for her and all the Republicans!
    Her Motto should be,” vote Topinkaq and Peraica to change Cook County and Illinois”!

    Comment by Anonymous Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 8:53 am

  52. I don’t know…Peraica seems a little quirky.

    She should have a talk with Mitt Romney in Massachusetts, a potential 2008 presidential candidate, who has, apparently and amazingly, brought about universal health insurance in Massachusetts. All citizens will be required by law to carry heatlh insurance, there are a variety of charges depending on income, and there are economic penalties for not having insurance. It is not limited to children. It is unlike the traditional throw government money at the poor and not so poor and damn the business community approach that Blago and Dems in general take towards so many issues. New York Times covers it today.

    A sensible plan by a Republican governor.

    Comment by Cassandra Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 9:23 am

  53. Well, just to be clear, I’m not hired by anyone in politics or state government! But I love to give advice. As for being a Democrat, I will vote for every Dem on the ballot - except maybe John Stroger, I’ll leave that one blank. But I think Judy can work with Democrats - a knack of governing not seen in her party since back when Newt invaded. Working bipartisanship isn’t a pipe dream. It’s the answer to our country’s woes.

    Comment by Dem Voting R Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 11:51 am

  54. Dye her hair blonde

    Comment by Mixtec Wednesday, Apr 5, 06 @ 5:50 pm

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