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* Yesterday morning, Gov. Pat Quinn’s campaign sent this e-mail to supporters…

Dear Friend,

Last week, we achieved an important victory in Springfield that will ensure a brighter economic future in Illinois.

Since taking office, I have pushed for comprehensive pension reform to restore fiscal stability to our state.

While there were no easy solutions to a fiscal crisis that was 70 years in the making, something had to be done in order to ensure retirement security for hard-working employees.

On Friday, Moody’s said that this reform package “may be the largest reform package implemented by any U.S. state.”

I’m proud that we worked together in a bipartisan way to do the right thing.

The pension crisis was the biggest fiscal challenge Illinois has ever faced and getting this done is a historic win for the people of Illinois.

Let’s keep moving forward.

Governor Pat Quinn

* As with all of his campaign’s blast e-mails, there were two buttons underneath the letter, one to volunteer and another to contribute…

* And yet

It appears Gov. Pat Quinn is seeking to transform last week’s move to overhaul the state’s pension systems into some quick campaign cash.

With the ink barely dry on a new law that changes retirement benefits for state workers, the Democrat from Chicago sent out a fundraising solicitation to supporters Monday asking them to donate to his re-election campaign.

* And

Gov. Pat Quinn went without a paycheck for months to make the point that lawmakers needed to pass a pension reform bill. Now he’s seeking to make sure the successful effort will pay off for his re-election bid.


Much ado about almost nothing.

* Here’s what a “real” Quinn fundraising e-mail looks like…

There’s a big difference.

* Meanwhile, state Sen. Mike Frerichs sent this e-mail to supporters last week…

As Capital Fax reported, my likely Republican opponent, Tom Cross, a long time proponent of gouging our public sector workers, voted against pension reform not because he’s switched his position, but instead to curry favor with far right extremists like Bruce Rauner, Ron Gidwitz, Ken Griffin, and Ty Fahner who blame all of the state’s ills on our middle class and public sector workers.

n my mind, that’s the worst kind of politics. I’m asking for your help in fighting back.

This quarter is quickly wrapping up and I need to report a strong fundraising total to ensure that the moneyed elite–who Ken Griffin recently said “actually have an insufficient influence” in our political process–won’t buy the Treasures’ office by outspending me.

First, it’s Capitol, with an “o.”

Second, Fahner was for the bill, not against it.

Third, Frerichs also voted against it.

Fourth, it’s “Treasurer’s office,” not “Treasures’ office.”

* Frerichs also sent out a fundraising e-mail just minutes before he voted against the pension bill…

Original Message ——–
Subject: It’s Official: I’m On The Ballot
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 17:17:08 -0500 (EST)
From: Mike Frerichs


Candidates for political office had until 5pm yesterday to file petitions to appear on the ballot, and at 5:01pm it became official: I am the only Democrat to officially file for the Treasurer’s office while my likely GOP opponent has a contested primary to contend with.

This is a huge development for our campaign. It means that the money we raise now can go towards defeating my Republican opponent in November and winning the Treasurer’s office back for working families in Illinois.

Help Democrats take back this office by donating $5, $10, or $15 today.

posted by Rich Miller
Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 10:30 am


  1. Apparently, Mike Frerichs has gone full Grogan with all those mistakes.

    Comment by The Ice Cream Man Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 10:34 am

  2. Frerichs needs a new communications person… one that can spell.

    Comment by Anonymous Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 10:37 am

  3. Well, duh . . .

    Anyone running for election or re-election will use their position on this bill as a fundraising tool. That’s what candidates DO.

    Comment by Joan P. Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 10:38 am

  4. Hope Frerich’s math skills are better than his spelling abilities.

    Comment by phocion Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 10:39 am

  5. If Dwight Kay can run for Repubican Leader I don’t see any problem with Mike Frerichs trying to run for Treasures.

    Maybe if he ever announces we will know what he is really trying to do. Hǎo yùn Mike.

    Comment by ChefKief Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 10:39 am

  6. Quinn does deserve to gloat a bit.

    Big accomplishment for him. I don’t see any of the GOP field making the case for not reelecting him. Quinn is weak in many ways but he looks like Gen. Patton compared to the wannabes on the R side.

    Comment by too obvious Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 10:40 am

  7. The quality of campaign staff seems to be getting worse!

    Comment by Norseman Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 10:41 am

  8. === Since taking office, I have pushed for comprehensive pension reform to restore fiscal stability to our state. ===

    Revisionist history.

    Comment by Norseman Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 10:43 am

  9. Mike Frerichs is about 3 moves away from becoming known as, or seen as, the Most Annying on the Democratic statewide ticket.

    Admittedly, I am the last person to point out “spelling”, heck, I was called out for “hypocisy” just yesterday. But, here’s the “rub”. When I am here Posting, I am not soliciting monies for a campaign, or speaking first person about having others follow me.

    There is something to be said for professionalism when asking to be seen as a professional.

    Also, voting against the Bill, yourself, is probably a good enough reason NOT to send emails against your opponent for doing the same thing.

    While you are at it, please, get a “score card” or pay attention to “who is on what side” of whatever point you are trying to make. Mistakes like these, make you, and your campaign, look sadly misinformed about the issues of the day, and no better than some Dope on a newspaper blog bloviating about matters they have no clue about, but could, with a simple “search” key question.

    It is difficult to get the spotlight, sometimes, on down-ballot races, and I will give you some hyperbole to get some discussion going, but really, if your discussion fails to recognize “who is for what” and calling out a “bad” vote the same as the vote you cast, what are you really trying to do?

    I know you are excited, we are all excited for you, gettig to run statewide and all, and with no Primary to boot, but, geez, pull it back a bit and look around before you take all this self-importance around the block for a test drive.

    Food for thought

    “You’re” Pal,

    Oswego Willy

    Comment by Oswego Willy Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 10:48 am

  10. - Norseman -

    Get the Campaign Staff together … and make sure you get ME a dictionary.

    With “HQ” being at a Library, one of the 3 cubicles should have Reference Books.

    Comment by Oswego Willy Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 10:55 am

  11. ===Apparently, Mike Frerichs has gone full Grogan with all those mistakes.===

    You never go full Grogan!

    Comment by Lurker Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 10:57 am

  12. I got that email from Quinn. Google warned me to be careful with it–many people had marked it as spam.

    Comment by Chavez-respecting Obamist Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 11:03 am

  13. Is it “going full Grogan” or “going full Grogran”? Can someone please consult the Chicago Manual of Style?

    It seems the more qualified someone makes their candidacy based on their auditing career is somehow in reverse correlation with their grammatical competency. Which then leads back to the question of how skilled are you as an auditor if you can’t even proofread?

    Comment by ChefKief Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 11:04 am

  14. OW - I love you man, but this Frerich’s e-mail thing is just that, an e-mail. To be more specific, a poorly written e-mail. No need to lose too much breathe.

    A well worded e-mail would have made it clear that Cross is moving further to the right, and that means strong D’s should step up even more to support him.

    Comment by Hamilton Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 11:06 am

  15. The Frerichs letter is disappointing. He doesn’t need to go down that road.

    Mike, take the high road and get control of your campaign staff before they lead you into a train wreck.

    Comment by Endangered Moderate Species Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 11:07 am

  16. - Hamilton -,

    When you send anything out, it represents your Campaign and it represents your name as how you are as the Candidate.

    I will get my breathing up to your acceptable levels when we find out when all these emails and such actually “count”(?)

    ===A well worded e-mail would have made it clear that Cross is moving further to the right, and that means strong D’s should step up even more to support him.===

    Funny thing about that “well worded email”, Frerichs never sent THAT email, the Frerichs campaign sent the dopey email Posted above.

    Wishing away any simple campaign mistakes is the best way to make sure you make more campaign mistakes. I guess correcting mistakes is just not worth it?

    Whew, now I can breathe.

    Comment by Oswego Willy Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 11:13 am

  17. Hmmmm, this means mention the Capitol Fax at any time and get fact checked and spell checked at your own risk!

    Comment by Levois Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 11:16 am

  18. There is probably no doubt that Governor Quinn’s email arrived in the mail boxes of many public sector workers who have a very different opinion of comprehensive pension reform than he expresses in that fund raising message. It is really like pouring salt in an open wound.

    Comment by Rod Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 11:33 am

  19. Frerich’s statement is embarrassing trash.

    Looks like an 18-year-old, with a weak 8-year- old’s writing skills, put it out.

    Comment by walkinfool Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 11:36 am

  20. Rod,

    If it’s “probable” then there is doubt. Just sayin’.

    Comment by Six Degrees of Separation Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 11:39 am

  21. Three observations:

    1) Hopefully my well established reputation for typos will protect me …

    2) Quinn’s victory lap is premature but, unfortunately, most of the voters will have forgotten by the time the deal blows up

    3) Now that the State systems are “fixed”, the drumbeat has started to “fix” the Chicago pension problems

    Comment by RNUG Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 11:46 am

  22. Typos v. telling public employees you’re proud of attacking their pensions.
    I know which email the six figure voting block of public employees and their families will think is a big deal. The state workers I spoke to were livid. All Republicans have to do is nominate someone who won’t scare the hell out of Democratic and independent public employees and Quinn’s term is over.

    Comment by Will Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 12:04 pm

  23. Frerichs is continuing the Sheila Simon pattern of investing almost nothing in quality campaign help and risking all kinds of mistakes as a result. This is exhibit A - there will be many more.

    Comment by NW Illinois Dem Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 12:26 pm

  24. All Republicans have to do is nominate someone who won’t scare the hell out of Democratic and independent public employees and Quinn’s term is over.

    There’s no one running on the other side I’d vote for.

    Comment by Chavez-respecting Obamist Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 1:07 pm

  25. Man, Rauner, Gidwitz and Fahner can’t win. The Republican right calls them “RINOs” and then Frerichs on the left calls them “far right extremist.”

    Comment by Lost in Chicago Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 1:13 pm

  26. It cracks me up how many people misspell “Frerichs.” Also, the possessive of Frerichs should be Frerichs’.

    Rich seems to get it, commenters not so much …

    Comment by Just sayin' Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 2:11 pm

  27. >Frerichs also sent out a fundraising e-mail just minutes before he voted against the pension bill…

    Comment by Empty Suit Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 3:10 pm

  28. I trust that he sent that out from another location other than the State Capitol or senate floor or office?

    Comment by Empty Suit Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 3:11 pm

  29. Hey Willy, maybe “Frericks” needs a con$ultant…the overhead on the job would be low. Dictionary and Spellcheck. Maybe even a subcontract to a retired teacher who needs the $$ after the COLA whack.

    Comment by Arthur Andersen Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 4:49 pm

  30. - AA -, yeah, subcontract it out, but don’t Bill it the AWillyWord, now that Rauner is really going full tilt.

    Then again, working for a Dem might make it easier to land Rauner. Your call, make it “Rain”

    Comment by Oswego Willy Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 4:52 pm

  31. I’m so confused by Frerichs’ email, I don’t even know what to think. He voted against the pension bill and he is pointing out that Cross did? And denying that Cross switched his position?

    This is an Ambien email.

    Comment by Dan Bureaucrat Tuesday, Dec 10, 13 @ 5:01 pm

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