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Big troubles at ISP

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* Last December Sheikh Kifah Mustapha completed the Illinois State Police training course to become the ISP’s first Muslim chaplain. But there’s a problem

According to a police statement, “in early January, the ISP became aware that Mr. Mustapha was potentially identified as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee. An immediate review of our background process began.” […]

Such membership resulted in Mustapha being named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the holy land foundation case, the “largest terrorism financing prosecution in American history.”

The ABC7 report claims that all seven people who went through the chaplain training have been “told to refrain from any state police work.” Apparently, the ISP doesn’t quite know what to do about this situation.

All this came to light when Steve Emerson, a “self-styled national security expert,” started digging

Mustapha’s name appears on a list of unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) Hamas financing trail, which ended with sweeping convictions in November of 2008. On this list he is identified as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee. According to the indictment in the HLF trial, the “Muslim Brotherhood is an international Islamic fundamentalist organization” that is “committed to the globalization of Islam through social engineering and violent jihad.” It created the Palestine Committee with a “designed purpose to support HAMAS” politically and financially.

A 1991 internal memo to Palestine Committee members reveals that members of the committee intended to further the Muslim Brotherhood’s goals “on the American front.” Mustapha appeared on the list due to his positions with HLF and Hamas’ U.S. propaganda arm, the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP).

The IAP also wasa component in the Palestine Committee’s Hamas-support network.

In a deposition for the civil litigation Boim v. Quranic Literacy Institute Kifah Mustapha explained that he was a “registered agent for HLF in Illinois” from the mid 1990s until 2001 when HLF’s assets were frozen. During this time Mustapha raised money for HLF.

During the deposition Mustapha also described himself as a former member of a volunteer committee for the IAP beginning in the early 1990s. As a volunteer, he “distributed flyers” and helped prepare for “festivals or conventions.” Those meetings often featured incendiary rhetoric and skits portraying Hamas violence against Israelis. Additionally Mustapha said that he donated money to HLF and “maybe” IAP.

* Meanwhile

The Illinois State Police chief of staff will get better than a 20 percent pay increase if the governor’s office approves the recommendation from the department. […]

Is the midst of a state budget crunch the right time for this? [First deputy director Luis Tigera] said such things should be viewed on a case-by-case basis.

“She does an excellent job,” he said.

Jessica Trame’s salary will rise from $87,108 to $105,000.


posted by Rich Miller
Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 9:37 am


  1. Not to sound like a broken record, but Quinn should be considering Rep. Sacia or Senator Millner for the top job at the State Police.

    Sacia is a former FBI agent, Millner a former police chief and head of the state association of police chiefs.

    Both men supported ending racial profiling and second chance for ex-offender legislation.

    Sacia has been instrumental with Thompson prison.

    Comment by Yellow Dog Democrat Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 9:42 am

  2. I love how the standard line in response to the raise (or anyone getting a raise in a state position) is: “THIS IS NORMAL.” This is in line with what others are making, etc.

    This is just plain silly. So she does her job well. I’ll stipulate that assumption. But don’t any of the other thousands of non-union employees who work for the state do a “brillant” job as well? Not enough for a raise, that’s for sure.

    Not saying she doesn’t DESERVE a raise. Saying if she gets on, EVERYONE who deserves one should get one, and that ain’t happening.

    Comment by Former Card Carrying Repub Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 9:44 am

  3. Without pre-judging the Mustapha case, it appears that the ISP is at least taking precautions after receiving serious information.

    Comment by wordslinger Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 9:49 am

  4. “His appointment in Illinois is one of the most shocking developments and demonstrations of government ineptitude that I have ever seen,” said Emerson

    now lets get on with Monkens appointment

    Comment by proudstatetrooper Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 9:50 am

  5. Why does the ISP need chaplains at any time, not just during fiscal calamities?

    Comment by Responsa Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 9:54 am

  6. “Without pre-judging the Mustapha case, it appears that the ISP is at least taking precautions after receiving serious information”

    This information was available BEFORE he was appointed chaplain.

    Comment by Leave a Light on George Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 9:56 am

  7. So, the ISP doesn’t do background checks on their chaplain trainees? Am I missing something here? Cripes and Criminy.

    Comment by dupage dan Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 10:10 am

  8. Not to be too cynical, but I have to agree with Responsa, why does the ISP need chaplains? What is their function? I know a lot of local law enfocement agencies have local ministers who volunteer as a “chaplain” in the event one is needed. I sure would like to see their job duties and a job description for this position.

    Comment by the Patriot Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 10:18 am

  9. Just another example of political correctness outweighing common sense

    Comment by Fed up Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 10:31 am

  10. Brady’s too conservative, Plummer is too young, and ISP is just right. This is devastating to Quinn who appointed a young man to head up ISP and who wants to bring Muslim terrorists to a jail on Illinois soil.

    Comment by Cousin Ralph Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 10:41 am

  11. Yellow Dog,

    You’ve floated Sacia’s name for the DOC, now you want him for ISP?

    Quinn can’t appoint Sacia to anything. Sacia reportedly supported/sponsored legislation that prescribed for the less than gentle killing of horses.

    Comment by Will County Woman Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 10:41 am

  12. Given Quinn (and the Democrats) fondness for plumping up the salaries of state civil servants, both unionized and appointed, we have to wonder how many other appointees are getting huge raises on the taxpayer this year.

    After all, Quinn has to make up to them for those furlough days. And maybe a bit more….or more than a bit.

    You can see why employee unions resisted furlough days. It would be harder (and more public) to
    “reimburse” fuloughs with hefty raises for union folks. Easy peasy for the appointees.

    Comment by Anonymous Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 10:47 am

  13. how about no raises for non-union state employees this year? this embarrassment was avoidable.

    Comment by VanillaMan Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 10:52 am

  14. “no raises for non-union state employees this year?”

    Seems to me that there are no raises for non-union state employees EVERY year. Well, at least in my case and in my particular agency that’s true.

    Comment by Secret Square Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 10:59 am

  15. As a state worker with an ever increasing work load, I was recently served with a notice that my salary has been indefinitely frozen. This post made me abosolutely sick to read.

    Comment by heet101 Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 11:05 am

  16. Will County Woman.

    Ugh. Tired old rhetoric that is misleading and wrong on Sacia’s horse bill. Ridiculous that your post is even allowed in this section.

    Comment by heet101 Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 11:08 am

  17. Everytime team-Quinn brings up Plummer. Brady can just counter with Monken. Great! :)

    Quinn is the worst kind of candidate to have running because he has all kinds of baggage. his being a career politican makes that so, but so too does his first year as governor. he has few, if any, accomplishments. he caused our deficit to grow in his first year and likely to repeat this in his second year. he is a very weak incumbent, and a bloody primary had nothing to do with that really. he just isn’t governor quality.

    Comment by Will County Woman Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 11:12 am

  18. From what I understand ISP Chaplains are called to scenes of dramatic trauma, they counsel Police Officers who have been through very difficult situations, they counsel families of Officers, etc. There have been Chaplains with the ISP for many years. A lot of other Police Depts. have them also. The ISP has Chaplains of most denominations but this is the first Muslim Chaplain. Back ground checks were done on all the candidates. However, this self proclaimed homeland security internet investigator has found a court transcript that was heretofor unknown, apparently. I didn’t see what the credentilas were for this self proclaimed homeland security internet guy, I don’t know if the piece listed any. But anyhow the ISP are listening to him and following up. This is causing a reaction in the Muslim community.

    Comment by Irish Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 11:12 am

  19. heet101 that’s exactly what you get! for being a quinn supporter. you’ll probably be laid off soon too. whatever.

    Comment by Will County Woman Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 11:15 am

  20. At my agency we asked our Springfield staff about this a couple years ago when middle management wasn’t getting raises. We were told that no non union staff were getting raises and we were all suffering together. Yeah except we knew that those folks had gotten substantial “salary adjustments”. I guess if they aren’t called raises they don’t count.

    Comment by Irish Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 11:16 am

  21. Rich,
    Quinn’s handpicked people brought into clean up dept of corrections just hired six new employees making over $100,000 per year! This Governor is just as bad as the last one for lying to the public, How can he ask state employees to take furlough days when he continues to hire his friends at $100,000+ per year?

    Comment by WOW Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 11:37 am

  22. wow is right!

    Comment by Will County Woman Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 11:44 am

  23. There are always ways around the financial loss of furlough days; with bargaining unit employees (no furlough days currently but in past admins) the employee makes it up with overtime and time and a half.

    With appointees, looks like it’s extra high raises, for some, anyway.

    We should never assume that the Quinn admin is saving any money with furlough days. It’s all for show.

    Comment by cassandra Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 11:54 am

  24. I didn’t see what the credentilas were for this self proclaimed homeland security internet guy

    Don’t you love the internet. It is so easy to make a statement like you did alleging something nefarious. Well, instead of making such statements, educate yourself.

    Steve Emerson was a national correspondent on Canadian television for many years. He has won the George Polk Award for television documentary, has had his documentaries aired on public television, been interviewed on 60 Minutes, and testified before Congress. A.M. Rosenthal, former editor of The New York Times said this about Emerson, “”Steve Emerson is one of the nation’s best national security correspondents. His investigative work on radical Islamic fundamentalism is absolutely critical to this nation’s national security. There is no one else who has exhibited the same expertise, courage and determination to tackle this vital issue.”

    You said that the ISP listening to Emerson’s reporting is causing a reaction in the muslim community. Maybe it should be the content of his reporting that gets the reaction.

    Comment by Niles Township Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 12:19 pm

  25. I should add he also spent time at US News & World Report and CNN.

    Comment by Niles Township Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 12:23 pm

  26. It is really disappointing that as Americans we continue to attack a community that has paid the price and continues to be punished since 9/11. Its is disappointing when someone’s religion is a factor in whether they serve their State and/or Country - Scapegoating Muslims/using Muslims as part of a Political battle is wrong.

    Comment by Disappointed Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 12:39 pm

  27. ===Scapegoating Muslims/using Muslims as part of a Political battle is wrong. ===

    Criticizing the hiring of somebody at ISP who was an unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorist financing case is not scapegoating based on religion.

    Comment by Rich Miller Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 12:40 pm

  28. the key word here is “Unindicted”

    Comment by Disappointed Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 12:51 pm

  29. No. The key word is “co-conspirator”

    Comment by Rich Miller Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 12:56 pm

  30. Dissappointed, I am disappointed in your inability to differentiate between muslims and extremists that promote violent jihad against the United States and for the destruction of Jews in Isreal (and everywhere else). The problem is not that this guy is muslim, it is that he freely associates with a group that embraces and promotes jihad through terrorism.
    Also, is the investigative powers of the Illinois State Police so lame that they could not find out about this guy, or is it now so politically correct that it ignores this guy’s mission. Remember the headlines out of Texas a few months back about a psychiatrist in the Army who had embraced radical jihad?
    Additionally, do you recall the stories about our intellegence services discovering that radical muslim terrorists are looking to recruit disaffected individuals in our prisons to turn to radical Islam and become a home-grown terrorist?
    Scapegoating is not the term to use to describe how the voters will respond to this story.

    Comment by Cousin Ralph Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 1:07 pm

  31. == the key word here is “unindicted” =

    Wow. That is one amazing statement.

    Comment by Moving to Oklahoma Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 1:09 pm

  32. Trame is another state employee who is a relative of Bill Cellini
    Tigera the number 2 in ISP has a father that is a heavy weight in the Chicago Hispanic community
    Monken the kid as ISP call him has a father that is a St Charles political heavy weight

    This is why ISP has gone down hill in respect to their ability to be considered an elite law enforcement agency as they once were, a long time ago.

    The sworn officers are fed up with political hires and promotions.

    Monken should not be confirmed nor should Trame receive a raise, oh sorry a wage adjustment.
    Tegera should never have been promoted past Sgt if that, if you see him,ask him about the load of cannabis and some very expensive electronic equipment that was lost on a case he was supervising a long time ago, he has no clue.

    Comment by Retired Myself Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 1:28 pm

  33. There is no surprise here re the hiring and salary boosts of upper level functionaries. Certainly makes it less likely that us folk in the trenches step up for those voluntary furlough days. Appearances won’t balance the budget but I believe people are more willing to take on more duties and make more sacrifices when they belive the burden is being borne by everyone. PQ is showing his stripes, here. He is obviously nothing more than an old fashioned machine pol and should be treated as such. Vote. him. out.

    Comment by dupage dan Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 1:36 pm

  34. Hey, Congressman Jerry Costello was named as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in a big corruption case in St. Clair County a few years back. So, in Illinois, if you’re an unindicted co-conspirator, you’re fit to be a career congressman…but not a chaplain for ISP? Interesting.

    Comment by Steve-O Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 1:48 pm

  35. ===So, in Illinois, if you’re an unindicted co-conspirator, you’re fit to be a career congressman…but not a chaplain for ISP? Interesting. ===

    He was reelected. He also wasn’t involved in a terrorism case and wasn’t hired by the state police.

    Comment by Rich Miller Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 1:56 pm

  36. Rich: I was just being sarcastic towards my unindicted co-conspirator of a Congressman.

    Whether or not the kid running ISP had anything to do with this horrible lapse in background screening…it still reflects poorly on Quinn’s judgement, and further validates the criticism of putting him at the post.

    Comment by Steve-O Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 2:21 pm

  37. == the key word here is “unindicted” = Rod was that you?

    Comment by OneMan Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 2:32 pm

  38. The chaplain should be fired. He’s tainted even if he’s completely innocent. He’s tied to groups that support terrorism. He has no business on the public payroll.

    Secondly, law enforcement officers (even chaplains) need to be beyond reproach.

    It’s hard to teach someone respect for them when one’s a terrorism-supporting radical or maybe just plain crooked such as the local sheriff Gallatin County behind bars for dope dealing and other crimes, such as trying to arrange a murder for hire.

    Cases like these chip away at the respect for law and law enforcement.

    Comment by Downstate Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 3:47 pm

  39. Bottom line ISP followed procedures; nothing came up in the background check. Heat was brought by media because of SUSPECTED LINKS that were mentioned but not proven in the court of law.
    Being on the unindicted list does not mean much legally. If you keep in mind that more than 300 names of ALL IMAMS and respected Muslim organizations nationwide were published in that list while the practice has always been to keep the unindicted names unpublished, you can tell it is meant to harm the the Muslim Leaders (who are trying to SERVE) by media attacks. This is case of someone who wanted to SERVE as a citizen and now is being attacked, as this was the intent of the “unindicted co-conspirators”
    Judgment should not be made based on media and internet, but by getting to know the person and the work they do in the community.

    Comment by Understanding Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 4:20 pm

  40. Sounds like this Jessica Trame must be pretty good at something to earn the wages she’s earning. Always helps to be connected to Bill Cellini and Gene Marlin. I don’t think she is worth half of what she is currently making.

    Comment by Bill from Geneseo Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 5:13 pm

  41. Wow, that $20,000 raise/adjustment must be nice. Many “normal” state employees would love that, instead we are told to keep cutting waste and expenses, do more with less, etc.. No wonder the ISP continues to lose status as a Law Enforcement Agency. A few bad apples, screw ups, and connected folk hurt everybody.

    Comment by Concerned Voter Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 6:54 pm

  42. Is is possible that this raise for Trame may bes the result of an equal pay for equal work complaint ( to prevent a lawsuit)?

    Comment by really? Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 7:09 pm

  43. Folks, if I am remembering correctly, the SJ-R article stated that Trame’s salary adjustment was based on a comparison of Chiefs of Staff of other agencies and that this salary adjustment would bring her up to a comparable level. What is wrong with that? I would venture to guess that if they looked at the gender of those others for which her salary was compared, I imagine there’s an issue there too. One of the few women Chiefs of Staff making a great deal less than her mail counterparts? Not acceptable, no matter who she’s related to. Maybe she should check out the pay equity act.

    In that same SJ-R column, it talked about some 26-year-old guy who is the new deputy chief of staff for the Governor’s Office going from $65,000 to $90,000 with three years of government experience (in broadband?), but you don’t talk about that or who his relatives are.

    Come on. Give her a break.

    Comment by Don't Hate Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 7:13 pm

  44. This is another example of a case where just being Muslim will makes someone automatically suspect or guilty by assocaition. Just because a known anti-Muslim Islamophobe published some trash in his blogs should not make any difference in the way ISP deal with this case. Imam Kifah’s background was checked thouroghouly by ISP when he cmpleted his training and he became a chaplain based on that clearance.
    Steve Emerson has been systematically targetting any active Muslim leader or Islamic Organizations. If we succumb to his unethical tactics, we will lose not only the Muslim community’s trust in justice and due process, but we will loose a well respected figure within the Muslim community and a strong partner in our struggle against bigotry, discrimniation, antisemitism and misinformation.

    Comment by Guilty because of being Muslim Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 7:37 pm

  45. ==Come on. Give her a break. ==

    Glad to. As soon as Pat Q decides to give me a 10% raise. I’ll even continue taking furlough days. And I know a woman who has been underpaid compared to her male colleagues since Blago first started jacking around with the non-political merit comp employees, and they still haven’t fixed it. But fear of retaliation keeps most people who aren’t politically in bed with our reform governor from complaining.

    Comment by Anonymous Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 7:40 pm

  46. Don’t Hate wrote, “What is wrong with that?”

    How about the fact that she is the chief of staff for an ACTING director making hers an interim position? Monken’s future is far from certain, and as a result, so is hers. If Monken is confirmed (doubtful IMO), then I would have no problem with an appropriate salary adjustment to put her in line with the other chiefs. Unless and until that happens, she should just have to “suffer” with making a mere $87K per year.

    Comment by No Comment Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 8:47 pm

  47. The pay discussion probably went down something like this, a few weeks ago:

    ‘Did you see that article on Tamara Hoffman?’
    ‘Did you see all the wild stuff she did, and how much she got paid?’
    ‘And what does our C.O.S. make?
    Just sayin’…’

    Comment by Fly on the wall Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 9:20 pm

  48. The problem I have with Trame is she is only a code employee and not a sworn officer. Therefore I consider her an over payed secretary who is political connected. This makes the entire ISP look bad.

    Comment by Bill from Geneseo Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 9:31 pm

  49. Bill, I am not in agreement at all with the raise Trame got.It never mentioned her husband is also with the ISP, but she doesn’t use his last name of Butler. You seem to think that code people are a lower class of citizen that sworn. We are doing a job just like you.

    Comment by Anonymous Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 9:51 pm

  50. Speaking of secretaries, why doesn’t someone check into the HFS Medicaid Director’s secretary getting turned into a bureau chief with oh maybe a 25% raise or so, and I’m talking about the LAST raise and promotion This person can’t manage her way out of a wet paper bag. This stuff is all over the place, people. At least Trame has a real job, experience, credentials and a whole lot of responsibility where she probably has the potential and capacity to earn her salary.

    Comment by Just saying Thursday, Mar 4, 10 @ 11:11 pm

  51. It’s good to know that a law enforcement agency like the ISP doesn’t bother with things like reliable sources or actual evidence when conducting their own background checks. Steven Emerson is a notorious bigot. He is neither reliable, nor objective and it is totally inappropriate for a law enforcement agency to use the writings of a spite-filled blogger as a part of a background check investigation.

    Sheikh Kifah Mustapha is a model citizen. He has served the City of Chicago’s Disaster Response Team, the Department of Health and the Red Cross. He was also designated a chaplain with FEMA where he was deployed as one of the first respondents to counsel victims of Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana. While Emerson was lurking somewhere in the dark conjuring up new ways to defame the Muslim community, Sheikh Kifah was collecting the bodies of victims of Katrina and counseling survivors. In order to work with these organizations, he had to have gone through background checks – which he passed (just as he passed the background checks with the ISP). The difference is that islamophobes like Emerson weren’t taken seriously by these other organizations.

    Unindicted coconspirator lists have no legal implication whatsoever. We live in a country that requires that if the government is going to deprive anyone of life, liberty or property, that it do so only after having provided that person with due process. I know, that darn Constitution always getting in the way… I would think that professionals involved in politics would know about that little provision. Simply claiming that people are guilty without ever giving them an opportunity to face their accusers or test the veracity of the allegations and evidence against them defies the principles of our justice system. If the ISP uses this to deny Sheikh Kifah a chaplaincy position, it will be violating his due process rights.

    Comment by Honest Abe Friday, Mar 5, 10 @ 1:13 am

  52. It’s important that we focus on the facts. Imam Kifah Mustapha is an outstanding citizen, continues to work diligently with all communities, fulfills his Islamic obligations to all people, works for social justice. Unfortunately someone like Emerson is free to tarnish innocent peoples lives, create barriers for them to have a future. ISP has to look at the facts and ignore those whose goal is to destroy the life of a Model Citizen.

    Comment by Model Citizen Friday, Mar 5, 10 @ 1:43 am

  53. Truth hurts doesnt it rich

    Comment by Rick Friday, Mar 5, 10 @ 5:03 am

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