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* Bill Brady said this during his campaign kickoff fly-around yesterday…

“Our statewide ticket is not only broad-based in terms of geography, but also in terms of ancestry and background, unlike the Democrats’ ticket,” Brady said.


There are two Irish-Americans (Pat Quinn and Lisa Madigan, by adoption) and three African-Americans (Jesse White, David Miller and Robin Kelly) on the Democratic ticket.

If nothing else, Brady’s comment should make it pretty clear why the Democrats are thinking about somebody other than a black person and an Irish-American for lt. governor, despite some of the uproar that the thought process has generated.

But Brady ought to be very, very careful about bringing race into this campaign. We’ve got enough problems without that. The Peoria paper passed it off as a joke. They’re doofuses. Other reporters aren’t.

* Speaking of silly statements, Brady also talked yesterday about what he would cut

If elected he would look to reduce state spending by $3.5 billion, and call for across –the-board cuts to reduce deficit spending by 10 percent.

$3.5 billion in spending cuts? Plus a $1 billion tax cut? And the budget is magically balanced? Waiter, I want what he’s having.

More on his across-the-board cut plan

“I have to cut state spending by 10 percent if I’m going to pay for my tax breaks, if I’m going to reconcile the budget in a balanced way, and pay back the backlog of unpaid bills that Gov. Quinn and Gov. Blagojevich have accumulated,” he said.”

A ten percent cut of just the operating budget wouldn’t even be $3 billion. I really would like to see his numbers on one sheet of paper.

* Meanwhile, Zorn was given an opposition research document by the Quinn campaign yesterday of some of Brady’s more socially conservative votes and statements. Read the whole thing. I’ve already written about most of these bills, but Zorn also had some quotes…

Brady said the minimum wage should be controlled by “market-forces” and opposed increases in the minimum wage. “I think supply and demand in the marketplace determines the rate of minimum wage. I don’t think governmental intrusion is as effective,” said Brady. [Pantagraph, 1/23/03]

Regarding pay equity for men and women, Brady said the marketplace should set pay standards. Responding to a question about pay equity between men and women, Brady said the marketplace should dictate pay rates. On a question about affirmative-action programs for college students, Brady said he “opposes setting quotas.” [State Journal-Register, 5/8/06]

A few more…

Co-sponsored SB 908 – Insurance Without Mandated Coverage (2003)… Voted NO on HB 211(2003) – Contraceptive Coverage in Private Health Insurance… Co-sponsored SB 2343 (2006)– Pharmacy/Pharmacist Refusal… Voted NO on SB 4 (2007) – Stem Cell Initiative… Voted NO on SB 144 Senate Concurrence with House Amendment #3 (2007)– Prevention coverage in the Illinois Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan (CHIP)… In a questionnaire submitted to the Illinois Federation for Right to Life, Senator Brady indicated that he would sign a law banning abortions except to save the life of the woman (2010)

Expect to hear more about Brady’s voting record later today. From a press release…


In an 11 a.m. news conference on Tuesday, March 9, the Chicago Chapter of the National Organization for Women (Chicago NOW) will gather with several advocacy groups, including Citizens Action, Planned Parenthood Illinois Action and Personal PAC, along with a number of women business and political leaders, to discuss GOP Governor Candidate Bill Brady’s extreme record on issues including the Family Medical Leave Act, healthcare funding and choice issues, along with the dire consequences they entail for Illinois women and families. The choice that Illinoisans make for governor in the upcoming election will have a profound impact on the direction of our state for the next four years. But for the women of Illinois, the outcome carries particular importance.

Brady addressed this yesterday

“The Democrats are going to try to distract us, which they typically do,” Brady said. “They’re all about politics but we’re going be about policy. We’re going to be about job policy and ending the culture of corruption.”


“You’d be surprised (by) the number of people who come up to me and say ‘Hey listen, you’re pro-life, I’m pro-choice, but I’m going to support you because, A) you don’t scare me and B) I know we need someone who can take a business approach to rebuilding Illinois,”‘ Brady told The Associated Press in a telephone interview before an eight-city fly around.


“A lot of pundits don’t believe Republicans can win statewide offices in Illinois. But you and I know we can.

“Just like the states of Massachusetts, Virginia and New Jersey were challenged, Illinois can rise above it. We can reach out to independents and Democrats, through the Republican Party, and build the strongest groundswell of support with principles, values and economic development.”

* Brady did talk about one hot-button issue yesterday

Brady also said he would lift the state’s freeze on executions and would refrain from cutting funding to help ensure fair trials.

While on the topic of law and order, Brady criticized Quinn for allowing 1,700 prisoners to be freed from state prison early; some were sent back for new offenses.

“I will do everything I can to keep Illinois safe,” Brady pledged.

* Related…

* Brady Blames Quinn for U of I Budget Woes

* Brady, Plummer make swing through Adams County

* Brady drops by Lincoln Day Dinner

* Bill Brady thanks his supporters in Marion

* Brady ends statewide victory lap in Twin Cities

* Extremely distracting political charge makes sense for Quinn

* Brady touts conservatism but hopes to appeal to all voters

* PJ Star: A bit of advice for the GOP gubernatorial nominee

* Brady kicks off campaign with focus on jobs

* Brady makes stop in Quincy during fly-around tour kicking off campaign as GOP nominee

* Ill. candidate for governor pledges better times

posted by Rich Miller
Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 8:47 am


  1. Excuse me Rich, but is this accurate?

    “There are two Irish-Americans (Bill Brady and Lisa Madigan, by adoption) and three African-Americans (Jesse White, David Miller and Robin Kelly) on the Democratic ticket.”

    Comment by fedup dem Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 8:50 am

  2. LOL. Fixed. Thanks.

    Comment by Rich Miller Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 8:53 am

  3. “Our statewide ticket is not only broad-based in terms of geography, but also in terms of ancestry and background, unlike the Democrats’ ticket,” Brady said.

    Uh, guess all they need now is an accountant.

    Dem guv. reelection by default. Can we just skip to Nov.?

    Comment by vole Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 9:05 am

  4. re Bill Brady’s comments on the Dem Ticket’s ancestry.

    Do we have to listen to this all the way to November? Good grief, it makes you almost want to fall off the wagon and skip out on AA meetings until after election day. It’s the only way one can handle it.

    Go Rich Whitney!!


    Comment by train111 Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 9:08 am

  5. So, when a D talks about how diverse their party is, that’s great.

    When a R mentions that their ticket actually IS more diverse than the other one, that’s bad???

    Comment by Pat Collins Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 9:09 am

  6. I guess Brady is deservedly going to get nitpicked here, but take a look at the GOP ticket Rich. It is diverse by any standards.

    The first Asian-American on a major party statewide ticket, Hispanic SoS candidate, Three downstaters, four Chicago area residents, one woman.

    It’s also much more ideologically diverse with conservative, centrist and “liberal” Republicans.

    Pick at the statement all you want, but what Brady said is true. The GOP ticket is diverse. The only diversity on the Dem ticket is skin color. Otherwise it is all Cook County, all liberal, all the time.

    Comment by Adam Smith Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 9:10 am

  7. He is not truly pro-life if he is for the death penalty and restarts executions! Will he be able to take communion?

    Comment by riverside Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 9:12 am

  8. When you have a someone consuming so many magic beans, you have to expect a lot of gas coming out of him. (My grandpa taught me that.)

    Comment by Pot calling kettle Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 9:13 am

  9. The Repubs best chance was that a sizeable number of Democrats would stay home, without the charismatic Obama on the ticket, the election seems boring, they’re irritated by the Blago trial and ongoing ethics problems, the liberals are annoyed with what Obama isn’t getting done, but they don’t want to vote for a Repub–or against one. And Dillard doesn’t seem too bad or too threatening to the Democratic way of life.

    But now the Brady candidacy will bring them out in droves. Defeating him will become a crusade.
    Lists of right-ish votes and right-ish positions will be circulated ad nauseum. Brady will keep talking about budgets and the economy, but that’s not nearly as exciting as abortion rights and other social issues and he’ll have trouble getting anybody to pay attention to him.

    Great job, Republicans.

    Comment by cassandra Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 9:24 am

  10. Quinn’s camp is shooting spit balls by nitpicking Brady’s votes in their attempt to define him as “too extreme”. The only things voters are seeing right now as too extreme are… the massive state deficit, unemployment, lack of job creation and proposed tax increases. The Hurt Locker crew couldn’t diffuse those bombs for Quinn.

    Comment by Nero Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 9:28 am

  11. –A ten percent cut of just the operating budget wouldn’t even be $3 billion. I really would like to see his numbers on one sheet of paper.–

    You and me both. If he refuses to do it, it’s because he knows his numbers are nonsense.

    Comment by wordslinger Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 9:36 am

  12. This Zorn gave the OR memo to John William at WGN-AN. Too bad no one listens there any more. Kathy and Judy would have had their audience of babes in the ‘burbs running for exits and BilltheBuilder would be kaput.
    Meanwhile let’s be grateful that BillTheBuilder did not come out against the Ameren rate hike.

    Comment by CircularFiringSquad Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 9:46 am

  13. =Great job, Republicans.=

    Do you think Quinn would be ignoring social issues if anyone but Brady had won?

    He’s a weak candidate that needs any hits he can get against Brady, but I wouldn’t doubt for a moment that his team would spin every social issue against the GOP nominee even when Quinn has the same position.

    Comment by Brennan Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 9:47 am

  14. Adam Smith is right, Rich. The republicans have more diversity on their statewide ticket — that is a fact.

    I’ll grant you that ancestry is a poor choice of words. But on this fact — you are wrong and Brady is accurate.

    Comment by budget boy Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 9:52 am

  15. A “diversity” ticket only works if you win …

    Does anyone think Jesse or Lisa are in trouble with a “diversified” ticket against them? Even politcally savy people, a majority of them possibly, on these boards, dunno the NAMES of the first Hispanic SoS candidate, or the first Asian-American on a statewide ticket …

    “We can’t find anyone to run against the Jesse and Lisa juggernauts, but by gosh, we are diverse!”

    “Although Jesse and Lisa have large approval ratings too, we should think diversity in government on election day” …What????

    Thank goodness for Alexi… and banking, and the fragile Quinn campaign, otherwise this could be a sweep ticket again. You would think with the Dems running everything in IL, and the tanking economy, economics would be good starting point to get relevant again … but … going with the “diversity” ticket?

    One more thing … Bill, … do you really want to say that this ticket is diverse, which it is by definition, but doesn’t that also open the door to you being “closed minded to gays, abortion, and to true diversity in the lives of people in Illinois.” As we are seeing in the record brought out by a WOMENS’ group, why keep this door open? Once you say it, its out there.

    Bill Brady … stay on message 24/7 … economy!

    Comment by Oswego Willy Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 9:55 am

  16. Is it too late to get a ‘None of the Above’ on all the Nov. ballot choices & just start over?

    Comment by sal-says Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 10:00 am

  17. Jim Edgar was on WBEZ this morning talking about the problems with flat spending cuts and why he wouldn’t do it. Might be good fodder down the road.

    Comment by Chicago Cynic Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 10:02 am

  18. So, let me get this straight…

    $3.5 billion in cuts.
    Plus 10% across the board cuts ($3 billion).
    = $6.5 billion in unspecified cuts.

    At that level, he is firing teachers, cutting hundreds of thousands off healthcare, reducing services for seniors and the disabled, and maybe even closing prisons.

    But, his interview with St. Louis Today enlightened us that he won’t cut the courts.

    That’s the first indication of what he will or won’t cut yet.

    Comment by George Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 10:07 am

  19. Tomorrow, Quinn should present two budgets.

    The first with a tax increase and some spending adjustments. With it, he should point out that the state has already been cut to the bone and then some. He could point to early release as an example of how the cuts have gone too far.

    The second should be balanced with spending cuts only. He should refer to suggestions that this is a good path for the state. He should promise to impose that cut budget if the GA punts the cuts to him as they did last year.

    It is unlikely he will do this. If he does, it won’t matter (at least to the GA) because he didn’t follow through on his promises last year.

    He should do it to get the press (and everyone else) talking about what Brady’s proposals would actually mean if implemented. The Senate has started this with their hearing, but I’m not sure it got much traction.

    Comment by Pot calling kettle Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 10:11 am

  20. I’m confused.

    So let me get this straight: The Republican ticket is more diverse than the Democratic ticket but we can only make fun of the Republican ticket and not mention the Democratic ticket.

    The Republican candidate for Governor has been consistent over the years in his ideology and fiscal conservatism, the Democratic candidate for Governor (and current accidental governor) has been all over the board and on both sides of nearly every issue. His specialty. Symbolism. You know, the guy who was fired by Harold Washington for his inability to handle city finances?

    Who is laughing at what now why?

    Comment by Louis G. Atsaves Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 10:39 am

  21. So let’s see…
    We elected Blagojevich in 2002
    We elected Blagojevich in 2006
    Now this?

    What are we - Paraguay?

    There is so much stupid in Brady’s comments, I won’t even bother heckling them. The longer Brady campaigns, the lower his polling numbers. He could have been the first candidate that could have won by granting monthly interviews to Parade magazine.

    Comment by VanillaMan Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 10:40 am

  22. This morning on the 848 radio show on WBEZ, Jim Edgar was talking about the state budget. Without naming anyone, he described calling for a 10% across the board cut as “naive.”

    Comment by JonShibleyFan Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 10:44 am

  23. I think Brady needs some new advisors they are killing him right now. He has time to right his ship but not a lot. He does need to avoid the race issue, but he may need to have an ethnically diverse staff himself. Especially people from Chicagoland!

    Comment by Levois Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 10:52 am

  24. Youse guys, we do too have a diverse ticket. We got candidates from the nort’ side, the sout’ side, AND the west side!

    Comment by Six Degrees of Separation Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 10:52 am

  25. Back when he was governor, Edgar had a lot of under the covers respect for Quinn. At one point, he even thought Quinn would be his most formidable challenger. Not sure what he thinks these days.

    Comment by Niles Township Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 10:53 am

  26. =Without naming anyone, he described calling for a 10% across the board cut as “naive.”=

    That’s not what Edgar said. He was asked about a “10% across the board cut” and responded that “I don’t agree with across the board”. He did say he would cut Education.

    Comment by Brennan Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 10:56 am

  27. Look - you have to admit, Brady is right.

    They have the Anglos AND the Saxons.

    Comment by George Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 11:10 am

  28. It seems to me that Brady does not have a campaign spokesperson yet. i don’t recall reading anywhere that he has one as of yet. he needs to get one and fast. i don’t think it wise of him to be talking to the press. he’s the type that needs to have a carefully crafted script to stick to. and right now a a professional and skilled spokesperson should be talking for him.

    if he brady has not selected a campaign spokesperson yet, he should pick a woman as she will have a good pulse on and understanding of how women generally think. the conventional wisdom is that the suburban white women in the chicago area is who he needs to attract. so a woman can help him blunt some of the quinn camp orchestrated attacks.

    Re NOW etc…

    they don’t speak for women as much as they might think that they do. i wouldn’t put a whole lot of credibility behind them or other groups like them. brady should ignore them, and not respond to their claims. he should keep on the budget.

    Comment by Will County Woman Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 11:18 am

  29. C’mon, guys. Let’s ease up on Brady. The twenty-first century has been really hard on him, given his nineteenth century beliefs.

    Comment by Aldyth Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 11:35 am

  30. Aldyth, i’d like to think it’s more a case of his Catholic faith informing his views n social issues. as such, the attacks by NOW etc. are really misguided and somewhat very un-politically correct in a way, ironically.

    Comment by Will County Woman Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 11:52 am

  31. “Funding to ensure fair trials” doesn’t translate to funding “the courts” as much as it does funding defense attorneys and defense experts in the capital cases Sen. Brady apparantly wants to encourage. At least the Capital Litigation Defense Bar will be able to send their kids to college - no matter how much tuition rises!

    Comment by girllawyer Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 12:42 pm

  32. **i’d like to think it’s more a case of his Catholic faith informing his views n social issues**

    You mean like his support for the death penalty? Oh wait…

    Comment by dave Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 12:55 pm

  33. ===That’s not what Edgar said.===

    Reporter: “So you’d go with that 10 percent across-the-board approach?”

    Edgar: “No, I don’t agree with across the board. I think that’s a naive approach.”

    In fact, it is exactly what he said.

    Comment by JonShibleyFan Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 1:16 pm

  34. eye for an eye????

    it just might, dave. i don’t brady and i dunno if this applies to him, but it is not uncommon for christians for example to support the death penalty as a just response to somone’s heinous act(s) against others. i have even heard of some evangelical christian types, in their own words, who support death penalty for those who are accused and convicted of rape.

    Comment by Will County Woman Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 1:37 pm

  35. Looks like Brady has now put the University of Illinois on the chopping block.

    He is bit by bit explaining what he would cut.

    Comment by George Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 2:03 pm

  36. ===it just might, dave.===

    Rome’s position on capital punishment is (mostly) clear.

    From “The Catechism of the Catholic Church”:

    ‘If bloodless means are sufficient to defend human lives against an aggressor and to protect public order and the safety of persons, public authority must limit itself to such means, because they better correspond to the concrete conditions of the common good and are more in conformity to the dignity of the human person.’”

    Comment by JonShibleyFan Tuesday, Mar 9, 10 @ 2:07 pm

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