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* Please continue making Golden Horseshoe Award nominations on our earlier post today, but since I stupidly forgot to open up any nominations on Monday, we are behind schedule and we need to do another one today…
* The 2013 Mike McClain Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Statehouse Insider
Last year, McClain won his own award. If it happens again, I’m just gonna retire the thing. .
Remember to explain your nominations. Thanks!
posted by Rich Miller
Friday, Dec 20, 13 @ 11:26 am
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Let’s get the ball rollin’ with a nod to Capt Fax himself. He is the dominant opinion maker, power broker, and dynamic economic engine in SPI right now.
THink of how he scared everyone Wednesday with his “analysis” that FarmerBrucey will be the next governor.
BTW if Capt Fax declines the nod, we go for FarmerBrucey. He is so far inside that he is coming out the other end Tee Hee
Comment by CircularFiringSquad Friday, Dec 20, 13 @ 11:48 am
Dave Vite. Imagine the conversations and decisions that were made when he roomed with Mike McClain and Greg Baise over the past several decades. There is no better insider than Dave who worked with GOP and Dem Governors, Cullerton, Madigan, and others.
The fact that Quinn, Rahm, Daley, Madigan, Cullerton, Durkin, and Radogno all feted Dave at his retirement says it all.
Comment by 4 percent Friday, Dec 20, 13 @ 11:50 am
Several prominent insiders are heading out, although I doubt they’ll be that far away. Dave Vite and Bill Olsen are simply legends. However, this year it seems the next generation of Statehouse insiders started to make their presence known. The one that really sticks out is Shaw Decramer. Most know him from his days on the Speakers staff, and democratic candidates know him as the guy who ensures they get on the ballot. He had an incredible year. He was one of the head lobbyists for the gay marriage bill and several members have commented it was his perseverance that got it over the goal line. Greg Harris gave him a particularly special shout out. He also worked behind the scenes for his clients on some of the most important issues this year. Members seem to trust his instinct and rely on him for advice. If he isn’t the winner, he’s definitely someone to watch.
Comment by Interesting Friday, Dec 20, 13 @ 12:37 pm
Mike McClain has been a good friend to me and my family for years and has always been there for me when I needed him. We have add some ups an downs but more ups then down. Just like any family has and he is just like family to us. Congregation Mike great job.
Comment by Quincy Friday, Dec 20, 13 @ 12:44 pm
Matt O’Shea: He was in on the marriage equality deal and the pension bill..
Comment by neverashill Friday, Dec 20, 13 @ 1:00 pm
Victor Reyes is the best insider in the Statehouse…period. He is not seen as of any of the Leaders or the Governor, yet has the respect and gravitas to be able to lead complex multifaceted negotiations that create winning outcomes for both the political players and his clients. There is no one else who can work shuttle diplomacy between the House, Senate and Gov’s office like Victor.
Comment by Anon Friday, Dec 20, 13 @ 1:18 pm
LIke we said at 11:48 this award should go to our host he is about as inside as you can get.
Comment by CircularFiringSquad Friday, Dec 20, 13 @ 1:21 pm
If nominated, I will not run. If elected, I will not serve.
Comment by Rich Miller Friday, Dec 20, 13 @ 1:39 pm
But nominations better start picking up soon or I’m gonna retire this category.
Comment by Rich Miller Friday, Dec 20, 13 @ 1:45 pm
I second R. Miller - he’s monetized the legislative process as well as any other insider…
Comment by Joe Bidenopolous Friday, Dec 20, 13 @ 2:00 pm
I think it’s time to give it to Mike for the final time, commission a bronze bust, put it in the Lincoln Museum and retire the category. Giving it to anyone else would diminish the award. It’s a testament to him that he could win it year in and year out. I think.
Comment by A guy... Friday, Dec 20, 13 @ 2:16 pm
Mark Denzler. If you look at most of the big issues working their way through the legislature you’ll find Denzler right in the middle of the action. Look at the powerhouse coalitions that have been built with him in the lead. Everyone in the Capitol knows that if you are going to try to move a big issue you better talk with Denzler first. The Governor and Leaders get a lot of credit but when you look closely at the big deals they have Denzler’s fingerprints all over them. Any serious candidate for office in Springfield knows that one of the first calls you make it to Mark Denzler. He’s sometimes underestimated but only by the foolish.
Comment by Old Timer Friday, Dec 20, 13 @ 2:28 pm
Can I nominate Bruce Rauner?
Comment by John A Logan Friday, Dec 20, 13 @ 2:48 pm
Denny Jacobs, he not only knows where the skeletons are he knows who buried them.
Comment by Obama's Puppy Friday, Dec 20, 13 @ 3:04 pm
It seems to me Dave Vite should get it for all he’s done. Who better to get the McClain award than he
Comment by Can't come up with a good nickname Friday, Dec 20, 13 @ 3:29 pm
I’ll second Shaw, for all the reasons stated above. He is the young insider up and coming superstar.
Comment by dave Friday, Dec 20, 13 @ 3:57 pm
McClain. Plain and simple. Years of experience, Madigans
Go to person and a true gentleman
Comment by Onefortheroad Friday, Dec 20, 13 @ 4:30 pm
Seriously Rich retire the category. Leave it for staff, legislators, bars and restaurants. You might even consolidate some of those categories to make it more competitive. Just my opinion. No big deal if you don’t agree. It’s your blog. Merry Christmas.
Comment by Jaded Friday, Dec 20, 13 @ 4:31 pm
Shaw Decremer is a winner, not a whiner. He tells the unvarnished truth. He can take a joke. He deals with anger with aplomb. It might be early, but he’s an early riser.
If we cannot go with McClain again, at least let’s agree he’s a fine human being, practical, humble, and gracefully effective in a sometimes mucky world.
Comment by walkinfool Friday, Dec 20, 13 @ 4:33 pm