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*** UPDATED x8 *** Session could resume as early as next week

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* Politico

State lawmakers are returning to Springfield to wrap up what will be a super-abbreviated legislative session hampered by the coronavirus pandemic.

Democrats are holding Zoom caucus meetings today at 10 a.m. to discuss when and how they’ll go to the state capitol. Most likely, they will return on staggered schedules, with senators going first.

Lawmakers expect to be called to Springfield soon. They were told this week to be sure to get tested for the coronavirus even if they don’t have symptoms.

House Speaker Michael Madigan holds the cards on all the details. Lawmakers could convene (in a social distancing sort of way) as early as next week, though they could wait to meet until after Memorial Day.

By then, Illinois will have a better idea about how much and what kind of federal funding would be directed toward the state in the latest relief package to help budgets bleeding revenue.

Technically, legislators are already in session through May 30, but their return could be deemed a “special session” — which would allow them to focus on a limited number of issues. It’s one of those confusing, legislative inside-baseball-sort-of-things.

I’m not quite sure what that last paragraph is supposed to mean (they could use a special session to limit the topics of discussion) and the spring session, as always, is scheduled through May 31, but subscribers know a lot more about options for a return.

…Adding… Subscribers were told about this as well

The Illinois General Assembly might gather at the Bank of Springfield Center to allow social distancing amid pandemic.

Brian Oaks, general manager of the downtown convention center, said that he’s been talking with House Speaker Michael Madigan’s office. “We don’t have anything final,” Oaks said.

*** UPDATE 1 *** House Democrats were just told in caucus that they’re returning next week.

*** UPDATE 2 *** House Democrats were told that they will, indeed, meet in the convention center.

*** UPDATE 3 *** Senate Democrats were told they will come back next Wednesday through Friday. As I told subscribers this morning, the Senate will convene at the Statehouse.

*** UPDATE 4 *** Senate President Don Harmon and House Speaker Michael Madigan are expected to issue a statement at around noon today.

*** UPDATE 5 *** Click here for the House’s plan. This will indeed be a special session in order to limit the number of topics. Speaker Madigan has also asked his members to sign a pledge

In the interest of conducting the necessary business of the Illinois House of Representatives in a manner that prioritizes the health and safety of our fellow members, staff, and our communities at large, we do hereby pledge to follow the recommendations as approved by the Illinois Department of Public Health by:

*** UPDATE 6 *** As often happens, the House will have a concurrent special session along with its regular session.

*** UPDATE 7 *** Speaker Madigan has sent a letter to House GOP Leader Jim Durkin asking that the House Republicans sign the above pledge “Given your enthusiasm to resume normal operations of the House and the uncertainty of these times.” Click here to read the letter.

*** UPDATE 8 *** From the Senate Democrats…

We will be scheduling a special session for May 20, 21 and 22 to address fiscal and COVID-19 related issues.

The Senate plans to meet at the Capitol in the Senate chamber.

posted by Rich Miller
Wednesday, May 13, 20 @ 9:47 am


  1. I also like to refer to knowable things that I do not understand as confusing, inside-baseball-sort-of-things.

    Krebs Cycle? confusing, inside-baseball-sort-of-thing.

    Comment by LizPhairTax Wednesday, May 13, 20 @ 9:51 am

  2. Illinois Times is just reporting (online) that the GA is looking at meeting at the Bank of Springfield Center.

    This is formerly the Prairie Capitol Convention Center had it not been for this silly corporate renaming. So the GA is hoping to put more of the “Capitol” into the Praire Capitol Convention Center (which I’ll always call it):

    Comment by Chatham Resident Wednesday, May 13, 20 @ 9:54 am

  3. Politico has obviously never seen the GA gavel in then immediately gavel out of a special session before. I bet it would blow their mind.

    Comment by Elijah Snow Wednesday, May 13, 20 @ 10:15 am

  4. Get ready for the 120 days to replace the 30 days to ensure the Governor has the authority he seeks, good work Darren and company, good work! They should and must meet but the agenda might be slightly more than the hateful eight had hoped for…they do not run the agenda no matter how loud and childish the tantrums

    Comment by Elliott Ness Wednesday, May 13, 20 @ 10:24 am

  5. No dinner meetings or gatherings, guess lobbyists are not invited!

    Comment by Elliott Ness Wednesday, May 13, 20 @ 10:26 am

  6. “Illinois will have a better idea about how much and what kind of federal funding would be directed toward the state in the latest relief package to help budgets bleeding revenue.”

    From the view up here in the nose bleed seats, that $3T heroes act doesn’t seem realistic, or reflect the need for Senate passage or Potus signature.

    I sure hope these Illinois folks can process that reality and act accordingly. lol.

    Comment by 40,000 ft Wednesday, May 13, 20 @ 10:44 am

  7. And interestingly, one block south of the Center on 8th Street is Saputo’s!

    Does Saputo’s do delivery during this time?

    Comment by Chatham Resident Wednesday, May 13, 20 @ 10:48 am

  8. Can’t wait for the HGOP statement, which will probably say, “psych!”

    Comment by Precinct Captain Wednesday, May 13, 20 @ 10:56 am

  9. ===Does Saputo’s do delivery===

    They cater.

    Comment by Rich Miller Wednesday, May 13, 20 @ 11:11 am

  10. == Illinois Times is just reporting (online) that the GA is looking at meeting at the Bank of Springfield Center. ==

    I was just going to say the PCCC is the obvious location in Springfield that would allow social distancing while holding sessions. And it is obviously empty with all events cancelled.

    Comment by RNUG Wednesday, May 13, 20 @ 11:14 am

  11. “We don’t have anything final,” Oaks said.

    Guess we’re still arguing about money. That’s the pandemic spirit.

    Comment by Jibba Wednesday, May 13, 20 @ 11:26 am

  12. The scoreboard can be used to record vote totals.

    Comment by Chatham Resident Wednesday, May 13, 20 @ 11:59 am

  13. “The scoreboard can be used to record vote totals.”

    And everything placed on Short Debate, No Shot Clock Violations.

    Comment by Give Me A Break Wednesday, May 13, 20 @ 12:10 pm

  14. They could always use the Old Capitol building like they did during the remodel back in 2005 or 2006. Can’t remember now. That was a special kind of funk and smell during some of those hot May days. I’m sure there’s no ventilation challenges there at all……/s

    Comment by Helm Wednesday, May 13, 20 @ 1:06 pm

  15. “They could always use the Old Capitol building like they did during the remodel back in 2005 or 2006.”

    Unfortunately, I don’t think social distancing would be possible in the Old State Capitol.

    Comment by Chatham Resident Wednesday, May 13, 20 @ 1:56 pm

  16. ===Unfortunately, I don’t think social distancing would be possible in the Old State Capitol.===

    OTOH, someone can sleep under the stairs like Grant did in 1861.

    But seriously folks, this is a good, workable plan. Even with social distancing, there seems to be more capacity for visitors, the House gallery is fairly small.

    Comment by Anonymous Wednesday, May 13, 20 @ 3:23 pm

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