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* A House Republican sent me this spot-on email today. Posted with permission…
Yesterday should have been a great day for the Republicans. We’ve been asking for weeks to be brought back into session, and on the first day back, the Republicans on JCAR held firm and forced the repeal of the IDPH rule which would have allowed small business owners to be charged with a Class A misdemeanor. Leader Durkin spoke well on the floor and properly shamed a protester who went over the top with Holocaust references.
But were those the stories of the day? Of course not, it was the Darren Bailey Show, where everyone played their assigned parts to perfection. The Speaker was able to fracture our caucus with his rule-making authority, Bailey got another 15 minutes of fame and the Governor was able to duck serious criticism of his disastrous rule. It’s rare that the Republican Caucus gets an opportunity to get the kind of positive exposure it deserved yesterday, and it was totally squandered.
Bailey ought to be thanking us for throwing this party on his behalf, and both the Governor and the Speaker should be wearing big Darren Bailey buttons with the message “My Favorite Republican.”
…Adding… Leader Durkin did try to talk some sense into Bailey yesterday. A Ted Schurter pic…
…Adding… The protesters are gone, so he’s lost his audience…
UPDATE: Rep. @DarrenBaileyIL is wearing a mask #twill
— Rebecca Anzel (@RebeccaAnzel) May 21, 2020
posted by Rich Miller
Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:16 am
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Durkin should remove Bailey from all his committee assignments.
Comment by Just Me 2 Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:19 am
The identity of the House Republican was omitted, and no mention of “on condition of anonymity” or other similar language.
Please disclose the name of this Republican.
Thank you.
Comment by John Lopez Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:20 am
===Please disclose the name of this Republican===
Please get your own blog.
Comment by Rich Miller Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:22 am
I don’t have much sympathy for a caucus getting petard hoisted by failing to control their own. The GOP has created their own sandbox, and it has attracted children and bullies.
Comment by RIJ Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:22 am
If you can’t spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, you are the sucker.
Comment by Ok Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:23 am
Darren and the rest of the Bailey Boys can never complain again about why the GOP loses elections. They are the exact reason voters have credibility issues with the party. And all the press they steal, its because people are laughing at them, unsurprisingly they will never understand that.
Comment by Red Fred Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:23 am
And all these years I’ve been told that Democrats are the ones who are in disarray.
Comment by Curious citizen Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:26 am
The coordination between Caulkins and Bailey was epic….in that there wasn’t any. Continues to confirm they are total Rubes. Fire, Ready, Aim !!
Comment by Helm Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:27 am
If you read this and your first thought is “What Republican would dare criticize Rep. Bailey” you’re part of the problem.
Enjoy the super-minority.
Comment by NIU Grad Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:27 am
Meh - Bailey is who Republicans are. If this member wanted to disavow that, they would’ve put their name out there. Otherwise, it’s just more smoke. Whichever R sent that is just as complicit - Trump voters elected them too.
Comment by Joe Bidenopolous Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:30 am
This should have come from every GOP member.
Comment by Bruce (no not him) Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:31 am
adding…anonymous emails criticizing colleagues don’t exactly rise to profiles in courage…
Comment by Joe Bidenopolous Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:32 am
I wanted it to be about the message, not the messenger.
Comment by Anonymous Republican Legislator Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:35 am
=== Please disclose the name of this Republican.===
Start your own blog.
To the Post,
This is a pretty good assessment of yesterday.
There were so many lessons learned, taught, so many things I found out about people, caucuses, and lots more solidified by the disappointments I already knew, but saw once again.
For me, along the lines of this email, I learned, maybe relearned is better, about the HGOP vs. the HRaunerites schism still so much in play.
See, I commented recently with a hashtag towards Leader Durkin… #NoLeadership.
I did it. Easy to find too
What yesterday did, and clarified for me, is where that schism of HGOP members are, and where the HRaunerites reside.
The HRaunerites? Well, they’re phonies. They vote to divide, like choosing to vote FOR the rule of masks, but vote AGAINST the downstate legislator refusing to wear one.
Politics over safety.
Leaders, like Leader Durkin, they saw the politics in policy wins and discussing how to meet safely, move forward, push, and be thoughtful to others.
Leader Durkin also led… going out of his way to confront a protester and that abhorrent sign. The Hateful Eight? Where were they? They weren’t out there calling out hate, they make their hay sowing division and distain for others not like them.
Those voting AGAINST removing Mr. Bailey.., they voted, not only to politically support Mr. Bailey, they were voting to help Mr. Bailey move his division and anger forward.
It’s who you are. Congratulations.
I’m with Leader Durkin. Even with hashtags that are/were used to excite the thoughts. The reality is Leader Durkin is exactly who I know him to be. Leader Durkin is the man calling out hate, literally in the face of those willing to use hate.
The Raunerites, evolving into old, angry, white, regional heroes who vote AGAINST removing a person willing to infect others, after voting for the precautions to keep people safe… you’re going full Trumpkin… even Rauner waited until it was too late for him to be saved… before embracing the Trumpkin ways.
That email is some seriously good “observing”.
I saw stuff too. I saw Bailey.
I saw Bailey get helped… by those not named Leader Durkin.
Comment by Oswego Willy Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:36 am
I did not and still do not judge the Dems by the actions of Blagojevich. Be nice to have the same courtesy, something sorely missing in this State.
Comment by RH Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:36 am
Exhibit A for why I am no longer a Republican.
Comment by DirtLawyer Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:36 am
===anonymous emails ===
It wasn’t sent anonymously.
Y’all are always looking for loopholes to defend the indefensible.
Comment by Rich Miller Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:37 am
The moment that mask-wearing became political was when all common sense went out the window. Folks who subscribe to that line of thought will double down on their position out of spite or disdain for the other side instead of being motivated by safety or risk avoidance on behalf of themselves or others. How sad is that?
Comment by Father Ted Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:37 am
Moving quicker to a regional party. The Eastern Bloc should bite the bullet and form their own party
Comment by Holding Back Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:40 am
What a waste of hand sanitizer on Beatle Bailey’s table.
Comment by don the legend Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:40 am
Anyone who has been following this blog regularly, can likely infer with fairly reasonable confidence who sent that message. There’s no reason to disclose it, and there’s no reason for any names to be mentioned.
The message, and context, is what is important. Not who wrote it.
Comment by TheInvisibleMan Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:42 am
Unfortunately I didn’t see in the new house rules that a legislator needing to get COVID tested was a requirement for admission to the floor. I expect to see a few ‘Motions for Personal Privilege’ to discuss Rep. Baily’s statement yesterday that he did not get tested. Also unfortunate, I doubt any Republican Legislator will call him out. Including his good buddy Rep. Caukins that got thrown under the bus.
Comment by Nagidam Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:46 am
Durkin, this is your party.
You tried to talk sense to this guy?
He couldn’t even see you, he was looking at another Fox interview. You were non-existent.
How about talking sense to the GOP legislators, including my own, that voted against removal?
This is your party, bub.
Comment by efudd Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:46 am
Yet no outrage of the democratic rep for not wearing his mask?
somebody want to comment on two rules one from republicans and one for dems> and why does this “republican” and his outrage at Rep Bailey not signal his outrage at the Democratic Rep? Two standards here. My guess is that one Republican cow tows to Madigan and one does not. Sad.
Comment by prairiedog Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:50 am
=== Also unfortunate, I doubt any Republican Legislator will call him out.===
With great respect,
They called him out by voting “Green” to remove him.
=== How about talking sense to the GOP legislators, including my own, that voted against removal?===
There’s a big divide in the party in that caucus… if you’re willing, with great respect, to see it.
===This is your party===
… and he’s deep in the soup trying to do what’s right.
Respect to you both.
Comment by Oswego Willy Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:50 am
I’m admittedly someone who hurls criticism from behind a pseudonym, but I think this anonymous email is useful. Not as a criticism of Bailey — there have been plenty of those and he’s listened to none of them— but as a diagnosis of the IL-GOP’s many self-made problems.
At a time when the Republicans need to re-establish themselves as a capable alternative to the Democrats, they are instead demonstrating their inability to even govern themselves.
Instead of speaking with one voice in this time of crisis, the most childish among them are allowed to steal the spotlight.
The GOP simply cannot win statewide elections without moderates in the collar-counties — but on suburban televisions, the face of the Republican party is a divisive and repellant yahoo.
The IL-GOP’s problems can’t be fixed until they’re identified. This email was a small step in that direction.
– MrJM
Comment by @misterjayem Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:52 am
==Yet no outrage of the democratic rep for not wearing his mask?==
Whataboutism at its finest.
==somebody want to comment on two rules one from republicans and one for dems==
There aren’t two rules.
Your pouting is juvenile and par for the course for people like you.
Comment by Demoralized Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:55 am
Yes they called him out for not wearing the mask. I feel not getting tested is a bigger betrayal that warrants a second response from the Republicans.
Comment by Nagidam Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:56 am
Anonymous Republican Legislator is correct, because the message that the caucus needs to send in order to win house seats is entirely different from the message that Bailey wants to spread to further his own career. This is no different than Bost screaming and throwing paper around the chamber years ago - party message got buried in the news cycle, but it sure did help Bost get elected to Congress.
There was a great picture of Leader Durkin admonishing a protester holding a ridiculous sign. Capfax was the only place that I saw a story about it. Saw a bunch of stories about bailey, though.
Comment by Lester Holt’s Mustache Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:58 am
=== I feel not getting tested is a bigger betrayal that warrants a second response from the Republicans.===
To that, I *can* concur.
Comment by Oswego Willy Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:58 am
===Yet no outrage of the democratic rep===
Watch the video. He has a mask hooked to his right ear. He took it off to drink water. That’s allowed under the rules. Sheesh.
Comment by Rich Miller Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:58 am
Sure some Republicans sided with Bailey and voted to not have him dismissed. But how many stood up and said, “If you throw him out, you’ll have to throw me out too?” I’ll wait.
Comment by JSI Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 11:59 am
I would have no problem if ECW links were banned from this site.
Whatever those guys were five years ago, is not what they are today. They took a wrong turn in the past few years and have lost their way.
A perfect microcosm of those they have chosen to align with.
Comment by TheInvisibleMan Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 12:01 pm
=== Sure some Republicans sided with Bailey and voted to not have him dismissed. But how many stood up and said, “If you throw him out, you’ll have to throw me out too?” I’ll wait.===
If you’re measuring how big of a cowardice these legislators are taking, you’re doing it wrong
The chance to be counted was on the votes. The rest now is excuses.
- @misterjayem -, that’s some good stuff to this.
Comment by Oswego Willy Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 12:03 pm
So the Edgar County “Watchdogs” are now the official Illinois state face mask police?
Comment by Dance Band on the Titanic Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 12:06 pm
pardon me, Rich, I’ll amend
Legislators who send emails to reporters criticizing reprehensible colleagues but asking to have their statement sourced anonymously are not exactly profiles in courage.
Comment by Joe Bidenopolous Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 12:08 pm
Meh - Bailey is who Republicans are.
Nope. I am a Republican. This idiot doesn’t represent my beliefs by a long shot. Republican leadership in this state needs to wake the @?&% up. Schneider needs to go. I grow more and more frustrated with my party every day. Butler is my rep and his vote on Bailey yesterday was a disappointment.
Comment by Birds on the Bat Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 12:09 pm
Rep. Bailey was auditioning yesterday to be the Republican candidate for Governor in 2022. At this point, there isn’t much of a Party in the suburbs so he will likely be a leading contender. I almost want to see him run and be obliterated.
Thanks to Leader Durkin for being the voice of sanity in today’s GOP. I don’t envy his job.
Comment by SuburbanRepublican Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 12:10 pm
I still think there’s a “Masked Singer” angle to all this hullabaloo.
Comment by Ken Jeong Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 12:18 pm
Speaking of state reps misbehaving, anyone know the status of Carol Ammons stolen purse case?
Comment by Samson Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 12:18 pm
All it takes is one jackass to inflict organizational public opinion damage that lingers far beyond any actual detriment to the organization process or product.
Comment by Anonish Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 12:25 pm
“…and the Governor was able to duck serious criticism of his disastrous rule.”
Disastrous? If this is disastrous, what was four years under Rauner, who created his own crisis? Can’t blame JB for this current crisis.
Comment by MSIX Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 12:29 pm
I imagine that many people in the eastern bloc were against helmets back in the day. Correlation? I don’t know
Comment by Holding Back Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 12:30 pm
=Rep. Bailey was auditioning yesterday to be the Republican candidate for Governor in 2022.=
I guess here’s where I admit I had a nightmare last night that very thing was happening; a Bailey/Bryant ticket.
Comment by DownSouth Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 12:36 pm
=== I guess here’s where I admit I had a nightmare last night that very thing was happening; a Bailey/Bryant ticket.===
Won’t matter.
The numbers don’t work.
What numbers
$300K… every day… for 430+ days.
That’s the measure.
Neither of them can get $300K… 430+ times from “anyone“.
Comment by Oswego Willy Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 12:39 pm
Looking at the photo of Leader Durkin and Rep. Bailey reminded me of how my Dad stood when I’d transgressed as a fractious teenager, leaning in with glasses in hand, trying to talk sense into me. And I’d stand there, too, but not dismissively like Bailey is doing to Durkin, with a hand shoved into his pocket, seeing but not hearing, with an impatient slight head tilt. That kind of body language would have set off Dad big time. Probably should have irritated Durkin some, too.
Comment by Flapdoodle Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 12:47 pm
Meanwhile in a state where the trend isn’t their friend. 1 ICU bed available in the State Capitol.
Comment by Live Wire Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 12:49 pm
To the update: Show’s over folks. Grandstand is closed.
Comment by Ron Burgundy Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 1:06 pm
Has anyone else questioned why Bailey was admitted to the BoS Center today, given that part of the rules that the Speaker issued for the session included that all members must have had a COVID-19 test….. and Bailey admitted after the fact yesterday that he had not, in fact, gotten a test? Did he get one in the period between being booted out yesterday and the House convening today?
Comment by Osborne Smith III Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 1:08 pm
===all members must have had a COVID-19 test===
Not in the rules.
Comment by Rich Miller Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 1:11 pm
In the name of Liberty I interrupt this democratic process…What an @$$. Yea, I’ve been begging for a legislative session only to have part of the 12 days they have to do 5 months of work wasted. Just when down state republicans think the Governor has made so many people mad they may have a chance, this guy stars in the Pritzker re-election ads.
Comment by the Patriot Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 1:11 pm
===Not in the rules.===
I stand corrected.
Comment by Osborne Smith III Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 1:12 pm
==Please disclose the name of this Republican==
What, no puns about wanting Rich to unmask the legislator calling out the legislator for not wearing a mask. Very disappointing.
Comment by the Patriot Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 1:14 pm
Its funny……I saw one of the downstate Representatives who voted against removing Rep. Bailey at Wal-Mart last week wearing a face mask. They must have thought it was pretty essential then? It just proved to a lot of people this is a political game. This isn’t the time or place.
Comment by ShawneeCoal Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 1:17 pm
Can somebody explain why most of Durkin’s leadership team (Butler, Spain, Davidsmeyer, McCombie, Bourne, Sosnowski) voted for the rules and then flipped to not enforce them? Either they agree with the rule or they don’t. Which is it? Jim Durkin did the right thing. Why didn’t his team follow suit?
Comment by Teddy K Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 1:19 pm
===Can somebody explain why most of Durkin’s leadership team (Butler, Spain, Davidsmeyer, McCombie, Bourne, Sosnowski) voted for the rules and then flipped to not enforce them?====
Phonies gotta phony.
Looks as though Bailey will attend today, with a mask.
All those who voted for the rule, and against enforcing it look even more ridiculous… supporting Bailey… and Bailey now masked in attendance.
Again, Leader Durkin showing again where the foolish are, even in his team.
Comment by Oswego Willy Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 1:22 pm
The guy asking for the name of the legislator does, apparently, have a blog. It doesn’t have the credibility, reach, or audience of this blog, but he does have one.
Comment by Socially DIstant Watcher Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 1:27 pm
Well for one thing none of those legislators represent a Chicago suburb. Travel outside your bubble sometime. It might be scary for you, but you will enjoy it!
Comment by Joash Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 1:33 pm
= Either they agree with the rule or they don’t.=
Presumably they saw the rules as mere suggestions or felt that the punishment of non-compliance was not fitting. Either way it doesn’t make a lot of sense. Perhaps they view this as Chris Miller does who called wearing a mask “a running joke.”
On a positive note Bailey is in attendance today wearing a mask.
Comment by Pundent Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 1:34 pm
Whoever said gave Rich that quote was absolutely right, and little else matters. The problem with Illinois Republicans is that too many are trying to emulate Bailey and his self-promotion and not enough are doing the quiet work of, if not governing, being a responsible and effective minority party.
That’s why this matters to me, and why serious Illinois Republicans ought to wish for more members who see it the same way this anonymous legislator sees it. Government and politics are serious business. Just because some want to make it a circus doesn’t mean we all need to become clowns.
Comment by 47th Ward Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 1:44 pm
==the Governor was able to duck serious criticism of his disastrous rule==
I believe the reason the Governor decided to withdraw the rule was due to negative feedback. Leaders who see an error and immediately correct the mistake should be commended, not condemned. I do not feel sorry for the Republicans that they were not able to take a few shots at Pritzker, especially given that the session is short and serious business needs to be done.
Even if one of the reasons Pritzker withdrew the rule was to “duck criticism” from Republicans, his ability to outsmart the Republicans is politically savvy.
Comment by Bourbon Street Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 1:52 pm
What Bailey did yesterday is great for him but terrible for the party.
The party needs to be able to get soccer moms in the suburbs back into the fold. May not happen with Trump as head of ticket but have to look beyond just this November. Moms in the suburbs may want to open too but they are wearing masks, disinfecting constantly, taking precautions etc etc. Having Bailey as the voice for the party doesn’t help. His stunt yesterday made sure he is the standard bearer for the party and everyone knows his name. That’s the look right now.
Comment by Frank talks Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 1:56 pm
THIS is why, far from wanting to draw a map that gets rid of Bailey, Democratic mapmakera will do everything possible to ensure he serves for as long as he wants in the Illinois Legislature.
Comment by low level Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 1:58 pm
Spain flipped? I wonder how his employer , OSF Healthcare, feels about?
Comment by Live Wire Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 2:11 pm
Good for Leader Durkin. It’s always the right time to do the right thing. Too bad gadfly Bailey spoiled the good vibes.
Comment by SAP Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 2:23 pm
He’s just terrible at this. He can’t put together a message other than “MERICA!” and he fails to fundraise off of it. I wonder why there’s less than $1,000 in the bank.
Comment by Token Conservative Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 2:34 pm
The roots of this kind of behavior, and everything the Republican Party has become, leads back to one source: Roger Ailes and his creation, Fox News. Ailes headstone should read: the Man Who Destroyed America.
Comment by filmmaker prof Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 2:48 pm
Darren Bailey is also the favorite Republican of many Republicans. Some feel that he is a patriot and a hero. The following page isn’t satire.
Comment by Correcting Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 5:39 pm
Define… “many”
Comment by Oswego Willy Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 5:41 pm
=== Define… “many”===
“The Facebook” has 3,300+ likes.
Dan Proft has 59,000+ votes… for a whopping 7.73%
3,300+ is a lotta jelly beans, but not many in talking voters or support.
Mr. Bailey hopefully knows that.
Comment by Oswego Willy Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 5:50 pm
Not every “like” is a fan.
Comment by 17% Solution Thursday, May 21, 20 @ 7:46 pm