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Triggered Trib

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* Tribune editorial

Six members of the House challenged the Madigan opponents to come together for “unity” in a letter that was leaked to WBEZ. Why push for continued Madigan leadership when he’s under so much heat? In large part because they want and need his expertise during the redrawing of legislative maps in 2021, which will allow them easy reelection prospects and continued one-party control in Springfield. Madigan knows how to draw highly partisan maps that protect the status quo. He has blocked every effort from Illinois citizens to take the process out of the hands of politicians.

The six trying to keep “outside forces” from meddling in “our leadership election” from the leaked letter are: House Democrats Fran Hurley, Justin Slaughter, John D’Amico and Nick Smith of Chicago; Mike Halpin of Rock Island; and Michael Zalewski of Riverside, whose own father has become embroiled in the ComEd investigation. Maybe Zalewski should sit this one out?

These lawmakers in their letter calling for self-preservation, for Democrats to “come together as a family,” claim that the speakership is theirs to decide. “Our” leadership election. Everyone else, stay out? No. They are public servants. Nothing is “theirs.”

* Actual context

To be clear, the Editorial Board with a history of animosity toward core issues that our Caucus holds dear has openly called for the House Republican Caucus to intervene in our leadership election. The inherent danger in even considering that premise cannot be understated.

For any outside forces, specifically those with ideological bents against social services, persons of color, women, veterans, public education and labor to even broach the idea that our Caucus’ leadership should be decided by any other voices but our own is disturbing. It poses a risk to our constituents we individually and collectively work to protect. For four years, our caucus stood united as the single barrier between Bruce Rauner, the Republican caucuses, the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board, and others who fought to destroy our state and our values. Meanwhile, we are the Caucus that delivered on promises to allow our citizens to marry who they choose to love; guarantee equal pay for women; raise the minimum wage; repeal the death penalty; legalize and regulate cannabis; mandate corporations prioritize diversity on their boards; develop a first-of- its-kind mental health reporting system for firearm ownership; require disinvestment of State funds from countries such as the Sudan and Iran, and pass a comprehensive capital bill. United, we are capable of fundamentally good things.

The reason the Editorial Board felt it had license to even make the suggestion is because we aren’t united—neither publicly, nor privately. This kind of pressure will only increase in the coming weeks, and, left to fester, cause damage to our mission to serve our constituents best. There is so much on the line. The time is short. The stakes are high.

They didn’t tell “everyone else” to stay out. They were concerned that certain types could try to step in and influence the outcome of an election that belongs to their own party. Even House Republican Leader Jim Durkin has refused to intervene in that way.

* And no editorial mention of Rep. Chesney

posted by Rich Miller
Monday, Dec 21, 20 @ 9:24 am


  1. Not sure what is sillier commenting on Katrina and the EditBoreds or an idea from Wirls exit interview

    Comment by Annoin' Monday, Dec 21, 20 @ 9:53 am

  2. ==weak-kneed lawmakers==

    As opposed to the bold, some might say courageous, decisions by members of the Trib board.

    Comment by Jocko Monday, Dec 21, 20 @ 10:31 am

  3. == claim that the speakership is theirs to decide. ==

    Well yeah, that’s because it pretty much is. The head of a legislative body is not an executive branch position decided by a statewide vote. It is decided by the vote of legislators. That’s how republics work. The Tribsters must have really struggled with that 8th Grade constitution test.

    Comment by Roman Monday, Dec 21, 20 @ 11:42 am

  4. Trib edit board makeup = 7 white, 1 Black and 1 Latino. Not the demographics of the state, city or region.

    Further, doesn’t matter what it writes, any edit board helmed by a person who wished Katrina-level destruction on its own city and counts as a member a columnist who regularly traffics in kooky right-wing conspiracies can’t be taken seriously.

    And, the suits that run the place don’t care. Content is content. The cheaper the better.

    Comment by Moe Berg Monday, Dec 21, 20 @ 11:55 am

  5. It’s as though the Trib Edit Board would like to make the Raunerites relevant, and by doing so, suggests a move away from “partisanship” but advocates partisanship consistently, propping up the 45 who are mathematically irrelevant.

    At 73, any caucus at that level must find their own 60.

    Not doing so is malpractice to what a collective caucus should be able to do as a core function; find their common ground.

    Comment by Oswego Willy Monday, Dec 21, 20 @ 2:54 pm

  6. The only time that the Chicago Tribune Editorial page actually matters is when Cap Fax covers it.

    Comment by CitizensArrest Monday, Dec 21, 20 @ 2:54 pm

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