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Bailey predicts “dark day” if Johnson is elected mayor

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* For whatever reason, this video is no longer on Darren Bailey’s Facebook page. The Brandon Johnson campaign downloaded it before it disappeared, however

Please pardon all transcription errors…

The mayoral race in Chicago is going to really be interesting, I believe, for the future of Illinois. I’ve said it before, Brandon Johnson has the capability to be as bad if not worse than Lori Lightfoot. And interestingly enough, just yesterday, Pritzker kind of took a swing at Paul Vallas, the other gentleman. Basically, Paul Vallas is being supported by the police unions and Brandon Johnson is being supported by the teachers unions. And the teachers unions have spent, I think, upwards of $2 million supporting him. I want you to think about that, Chicago Teachers Union and the Illinois Education Association is doing the same thing supporting the same caliber of candidates across the state. So think about that. […]

So anyway, those are the things that I kind of wanted to mention be watching for the election coming up for the Chicago mayor’s race because that will be a tale that we will be able to tell if Chicago is remotely ready for change. If they elect Brandon Johnson, it’s going to be a dark day for not only Chicago, but Illinois I believe.

* Bailey didn’t actually “endorse” Vallas, but it was close enough for the Johnson campaign…

Republican gubernatorial nominee Darren Bailey today endorsed Paul Vallas following Vallas’ refusal to retract attacks made against Governor JB Pritzker on right-wing talk radio. Elected Democrats from across Chicago spoke out against Vallas’ embrace of extreme Trump republicans. 

“I am proud to support a campaign that is opposed by Republican Darren Bailey. I was proud to support Governor Pritzker when Darren Bailey attacked our governor. And I am proud to support Brandon Johnson when Darren Bailey attacks our next mayor,” said Attorney General Kwame Raoul. “The choice is clear Chicago. Vote for the real Democrat, Brandon Johnson.” 

“Paul Vallas followed up insulting Governor Pritzker with an endorsement from Trump Republican Darren Bailey. It is yet another example of why Paul Vallas is wrong for Chicago,” said State Sen. Omar Aquino. “Both Darren Bailey and Paul Vallas have said they think Chicago is a ‘hellhole.’ Enough. Paul Vallas must disavow all extremist right-wing support or admit he is unfit to represent Chicago’s diverse communities.” 

“Darren Bailey compared abortion to the Holocaust and Paul Vallas said he is fundamentally opposed to abortion,” said State Rep. Kelly Cassidy. “Paul Vallas and Darren Bailey are two peas in a pod. This is just more proof that Paul Vallas is wrong for Chicago.”

“Both Paul Vallas and Darren Bailey have called our city a ‘hellhole’ and we all know that’s a dog whistle attack on our Black and Brown communities,” said Ald. Pat Dowell, Chair of City Council Budget Committee. “If you don’t love the people of Chicago, then you shouldn’t run for mayor or governor.”

Bailey’s endorsement was made this morning in a Facebook live post, where Bailey also commented that the Chicago mayoral race would be “interesting for the future of Illinois” before directly and repeatedly attacking Brandon Johnson. Bailey said if Brandon Johnson is elected “it’s going to be a dark day for not only Chicago but Illinois” while lifting up Paul Vallas and his backers.

This is the same Darren Bailey who compared abortion to the Holocaust, earned glowing praise from Donald Trump, and dodged questions about the January 6 insurrection. But of course Vallas and Bailey have much in common, from the criticism of Gov. Pritzker to their shared belief that Chicago is a “hellhole”. They even attended events together during the 2022 gubernatorial campaign.

* Bailey is still out there on the campaign circuit, fueling longstanding rumors that he’s gearing up to run in the primary against US Rep. Mike Bost…

The Southern Illinois Chapter of ISRA understands what shall not infringe means!
It was great to see a full house!

Posted by Darren Bailey on Monday, March 20, 2023

* His spouse, Cindy, is also still stumping. This event was in GOP Sen. Jason Plummer’s district, which the Bailey’s live in. Maybe there’s something to the rumors about her state Senate campaign? I dunno, but stay tuned…

Thank you Marion County, for your continued pursuit of Freedom! I am grateful to my wonderful wife Cindy for speaking on my behalf! My granddaughter Claire accompanied her for the first time! God bless!!!

Posted by Darren Bailey on Sunday, March 19, 2023

* And after running away from Trump in the general election, he’s back at it…

I stand for LIFE, LIBERTY, and FREEDOM!
I stand with President Trump!!!

Posted by Darren Bailey on Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Enough with the political circus! The Manhattan DA is shamelessly abusing their power to target Trump on bogus charges….

Posted by Darren Bailey on Sunday, March 19, 2023

posted by Rich Miller
Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:06 pm


  1. “My enemies I can handle, god save me from my friends.” -Paul Vallas, probably.

    Comment by Arsenal Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:09 pm

  2. But my Dad promised me it was my seat…

    Comment by ArchPundit Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:09 pm

  3. Dark days. We still aren’t to Before It’s Too Late, but getting close.

    Comment by ArchPundit Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:11 pm

  4. Darren Bailey’s candidate Paul Vallas?


    Comment by Oswego Willy Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:11 pm

  5. ===But my Dad promised me it was my seat===

    The state senate or congressional?

    “Why not both?”

    Comment by Oswego Willy Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:12 pm

  6. Bailey has a voice like a cheese grater.

    Comment by Dotnonymous Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:12 pm

  7. Gosh the Johnson campaign is pathetic running with this fake news of the Bailey endorsement. Facts are facts and it’s disingenuous to say they matter in the face of Trump’s lies but not matter when you’re the one doing it.
    Also the picture circulating around of Vallas standing next to Mr. Bailey and his wife: that was at a Polish American Police Association in Chicago that Vallas was invited to and Bailey jumped in to join as he was running for Governor. Not defending the picture, but the Johnson campaign very clearly held an event to state that they have Polish support in the city a few days ago. Cops or not, we all know how much politicians in this state barter for the Polish community’s support.

    Comment by Hot Taeks Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:16 pm

  8. The best part is Bailey is giddy over Quinn writing him a letter.

    Wasn’t Quinn a part of the corrupt democrats that were ruining the state and Rauner saved us from? /s

    Comment by twowaystreet Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:17 pm

  9. ==it’s going to be a dark day==

    It’s always a “dark day” or world ending proposition for these people.

    Comment by Demoralized Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:18 pm

  10. Paul Vallas locks down the Downstate vote for mayor.

    Comment by a drop in Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:22 pm

  11. ==it’s going to be a dark day==

    I’m sure that reference had nothing to do with Johnson being black ::eyeroll emoji::

    Comment by Jocko Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:22 pm

  12. If only Darren Bailey could speak standard English, he might not sound like like such a dimwit.

    The last thing Chicago voters need is commentary from Darren Bailey as he excoriated the city with negative remarks during his failed campaign for governor.

    Comment by Rudy’s teeth Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:23 pm

  13. Go away Darren.

    Comment by So_Ill Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:25 pm

  14. I don’t see why the Bailey support is remarkable. Vallas already has the backing of plenty of other millionaire Chicago residents.

    Comment by Roadrager Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:33 pm

  15. On the same day Bobby Rush endorsed Vallas. Talk about strange bedfellows…

    Comment by low level Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:34 pm

  16. If Vallas is good enough for Bailey…he’s good enough for Chicago?

    Comment by Dotnonymous Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:34 pm

  17. I do agree that Brandon Johnson could be as bad, if not worse, than Mayor Lightfoot… That being said, I couldn’t imagine voting for anyone who advocates for charter schools or private education.

    Comment by Matty Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:36 pm

  18. ===Talk about strange bedfellows…===

    Vallas embraces racist thinkers, conspiracy theorists and insurrection apologists.

    The Vallas coalition has one goal, elect Paul Vallas

    They don’t need to agree on anything else.

    Comment by Oswego Willy Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:37 pm

  19. I would have liked to see the look…on Vallas’s face…when he learned Darren Bailey endorsed him.

    Comment by Dotnonymous Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:39 pm

  20. Maybe Bailey is still living in Chicago and is planning on voting in the election.

    Comment by Publius Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 3:01 pm

  21. The more people who come out in favor of Vallas, the more content I am to vote Johnson. Even if I didn’t know anything about either of their policies, Vallas’s supporters are basically a who’s-who of people I want nowhere near the levers of power.

    Comment by Homebody Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 3:01 pm

  22. If Bailey was so great at predictions, why’d he run for governor?

    Comment by Michelle Flaherty Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 3:07 pm

  23. Is Bailey’s support for Vallas anything but another attempt to draw attention to Bailey? As he is desperate to stay in the political arena, Bailey will attach himself to a candidate because it is really about Bailey and no one else.

    Is Bailey another version of Jaymal Green?

    Comment by Rudy’s teeth Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 3:19 pm

  24. Pretty please let DeVore weigh in.

    Comment by Big Dipper Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 3:21 pm

  25. =Is Bailey another version of Jaymal Green?=

    Maybe Vallas promised him a job too. I bet Charles Thomas is waiting for a call.

    Comment by Big Dipper Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 3:24 pm

  26. If all these Vallas apologists keep it up, they’re gonna need to wear helmets. All that backpedaling is bound to lead to a fall.

    Comment by Springfieldish Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 3:33 pm

  27. another important piece of information taken down, so people will not know, another piece of the science denying nut job side that supports Vallas, another reason Chicago don’t vote for him.

    Comment by Amalia Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 3:42 pm

  28. ==If all these Vallas apologists keep it up, they’re gonna need to wear helmets.==

    Jesse White, Rod Sawyer, Emma Mitts, Bobby Rush (etc) are Vallas apologists?

    Comment by low level Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 4:15 pm

  29. - low level -

    I don’t think you know what apologist means.

    There a difference between endorsing, as an example…

    Comment by Oswego Willy Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 4:17 pm

  30. Does Darren Bailey suffer from whiplash? Bailey criticized the city of Chicago at every opportunity during his campaign for governor. Now, Bailey offers an opinion on one of the mayoral candidates.

    Kinda ironic that he ran away from questions during his campaign for governor. Bailey’s 15 minutes were up in November, 2022. Go away.

    Comment by Rudy’s teeth Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 4:45 pm

  31. The Bailey’s need to go back to farming….something they may or may not know a lot about because it sure isn’t government.

    Comment by Anonymous Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 4:58 pm

  32. ==Brandon Johnson has the capability to be as bad if not worse than Lori Lightfoot==

    First accurate thing I’ve heard Bailey say in ages. But then again, it also applies to Vallas.

    Comment by Jibba Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 5:21 pm

  33. Bailey was overwhelmingly rejected by the same people who are going to vote in the Mayoral election. IF I were Vallas, I would renounce Bailey’s endorsement in a hot second.

    Comment by Fivegreenleaves Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 5:33 pm

  34. ===“My enemies I can handle, god save me from my friends.” -Paul Vallas, probably.===

    Well said. (At least some of his friends.)

    Comment by Leslie K Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 6:54 pm

  35. Vallas was bladsted by Blago for having a driver while CPS Chief. Rightly so. Yet, Bailey and the businesss groups and cops want a second string Trumper who criticized the very city he claims to love after moving away then coming back? I actually wanted Vallas to beat Blago but the limo driver ads worked downstate for the 4 counties Rod needed. Now Bailey, a month from planting corn and beans, wants the guy in the back of the limo as the guy who understands working downstaters? As Colonel Jessup said in A Few Good Men, “This is funny, that’s what this is.”

    Comment by Saluki still with a job Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 9:48 pm

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