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Migrant shelter population down more than a third since end of January

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* Chicago hasn’t updated its migrant dashboard since Tuesday, when it reported 9,137 people in shelters. That’s 34 percent lower than the 13,900 who were in shelters at the end of January.

* The governor debunked what may have been a rumor at his Decatur press conference today

Q: I wanted to ask you for comments… about a recent situation with some migrants being sent from Taxes now on private planes coming into Chicago. [Garbled]

Pritzker: I don’t think we’ve seen any of those for many, many weeks now. And we worked hard when they we saw that happening. You know, there were a few aircraft that arrived at O’Hare Airport, Midway, Rockford airport. But since, as we worked hard to make sure that that was very difficult for the state of Texas to do.

As a result, I have not heard of any, unless something’s happened the last 24 hours that I’m unaware of. But they don’t seem to be coming by aircraft. You can always buy a ticket on a commercial aircraft but that’s a more expensive endeavor than what the state of Texas was doing before which is chartering a plane, filling it with people, landing it sometimes in the middle of the night.

Q: Is this something you’re watching carefully?

Pritzker: Well, yeah, because the state of Texas is trying to create chaos. Not just in Illinois, they’re trying to do it in a number of states, by shipping people on buses, on aircraft in any way that they can, with no notice.

And remember, the state of Texas is receiving a lot of federal money to care for the people who are coming across the border. The state of Illinois is not. And so they’re shipping people and expecting us to care for these folks. And we will because we’re a state that believes in acting a humanitarian fashion. So we’re gonna do what we need to do.

And as I’ve reminded many people my family arrived here many years ago with nothing. Refugees, threatened with their lives. And in one generation went from not speaking English and having absolutely nothing, in that same generation my great grandfather becoming an attorney, raising a family and our family becoming successful right here in Illinois. It’s good for the economy of the state of Illinois for immigration. But we need to have controlled immigration. We need to make sure we have comprehensive immigration reform. And I favor that.

* More from Isabel…

posted by Rich Miller
Thursday, Apr 18, 24 @ 1:29 pm


  1. “ The actions taken to house, clothe and feed undocumented and illegal immigrants fails to address the problems we are facing in a meaningful way.”
    Says the man who attended a Christian school.
    Is he proposing any meaningful solutions or just complaining about the current ones?

    Comment by Proud Papa Bear Thursday, Apr 18, 24 @ 7:08 pm

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