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*** All clear *** Capitol Building evacuation order issued (Updated)

Posted in:

* From an email…

IL Capitol Police: This is an evacuation alert for the Capitol Building. Please evacuate the building in a calm manner.

Stay tuned. This is the third incident in recent weeks.

…Adding… A bit more info…

⚠️ The State Capitol building has been evacuated after a threatening 911 call triggered our alert system at 12:55 p.m. We will provide more information as it becomes available.

— Secretary Alexi Giannoulias (@ILSecOfState) April 22, 2024

…Adding… All clear…

ILSOS Capitol Police: IL Capitol Police: An all clear has been given for the Capitol Building. Resume normal operations.

posted by Rich Miller
Monday, Apr 22, 24 @ 12:56 pm


  1. Be safe out there.

    Comment by ArchPundit Monday, Apr 22, 24 @ 1:00 pm

  2. Anyone else feel unnerved every time they see the SWAT teams making rounds at the Capitol? I’m sure it makes us safer, but has caused me to just turn around and go back out. In these times, I guess I need reassurance they’re not just guys playing military dress up. Really feel for those in the building that have lost a child to gun violence, were present at mass shootings. Really must freak them out.

    I really don’t appreciate having I hate it here thoughts in a place I love. But I guess everyone in schools has been experiencing the same for a long time now.

    Comment by Ugh Monday, Apr 22, 24 @ 1:26 pm

  3. I used to enjoy the excitement around the Capitol Complex during session. Diverse groups of people taking advantage of their rights to congregate and advocate are exciting and inspiring even if I don’t agree with their position. Now I frequently feel like a have a target on my back.

    Comment by Sangamo Girl Monday, Apr 22, 24 @ 1:31 pm

  4. We seem to be losing our sense of the commons. We are the commons. But it seems the more access we have to social media now that everyone has a computer in their pocket, the less time we seem to spend developing the commons.

    Of late, we seem be reaching the point where more and more of us have no sense of the public, the commons, the commonwealth. When one would threaten to kill those with whom they disagree, they clearly have lost their way. I pity these people.

    At the same time, the commons are greater than any of these folks, indeed all of them put together. We cannot yield to those who seek to destroy our commonwealth and our public commons. We must call them out to their faces when they express ideas that somehow, some of us are not worthy.

    Comment by H-W Monday, Apr 22, 24 @ 1:39 pm

  5. H-W I don’t disagree–though one thing I’m curious about is how frequent were such calls in the 1970s? The reason I ask is that when my sister was in high school they had frequent bomb threats. Most of that ended because we were able to track the threats. Is part of it that we need to keep up with the new technology more than a cultural problem. I don’t know the answer.

    Comment by ArchPundit Monday, Apr 22, 24 @ 1:42 pm

  6. ===Anyone else feel unnerved every time they see the SWAT teams making rounds at the Capitol?===

    I was told they’ve been around for a while, but they’re only now regularly visible. Just FYI

    Comment by Rich Miller Monday, Apr 22, 24 @ 1:48 pm

  7. The SWAT folks have been around for long time usually before Capt. Fax begins his shift. Should have seen all the visible and unseen when O stopped by

    Comment by Annonin' Monday, Apr 22, 24 @ 2:42 pm

  8. For many years in state service we had a sheet next to our state phones with instructions on how to handle threat calls like bomb threats. It isn’t new. How we react to it is.

    Comment by Give Us Barabbas Monday, Apr 22, 24 @ 4:33 pm

  9. Threats of political violence are on the rise, after so many have been empowered by dangerous rhetoric in recent years. This is an awful new reality, and One of the trends that it feels hard to know how to reverse.

    Comment by CornAl DoGooder Monday, Apr 22, 24 @ 4:41 pm

  10. Did they ever provide more information?

    Comment by Jeremy Rosen Monday, Apr 22, 24 @ 10:15 pm

  11. ===after so many have been empowered by dangerous rhetoric in recent years.===

    The same inflammatory bs that Timothy McVeigh and his ilk threw around in the lead up to the Murrah bombing sounded nutzo back then.

    It sounds almost main stream to some now.

    It still makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck when I see it.

    Comment by Occasionally Moderated Tuesday, Apr 23, 24 @ 12:12 pm

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