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Senate Exec Committee zooms CTU-opposed selective enrollment schools bill to the floor (Updated x2)

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* The Senate Executive Committee put House Bill 303 on the agreed bill list this afternoon and passed it unanimously without debate. That’s the bill sponsored by Rep. Margaret Croke (D-Chicago) which protects selective enrollment schools in Chicago from closure, admissions changes or disproportionate budget cuts.

They did this while Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is in the Statehouse. Johnson and the Chicago Teachers Union opposed the bill.


…Adding… I had been told earlier this afternoon that Senate Exec likely wouldn’t be taking the bill up today out of deference to the mayor’s presence in the building. That obviously changed.

…Adding… Mayor Johnson was asked for his reaction to the Senate Executive Committee’s action by reporters this afternoon…

Well, look, it’s ongoing the conversations and, Springfield is quite the place to be for those conversations.

Johnson also seemed to indicate he’ll do an availability at around 5 o’clock today.

posted by Rich Miller
Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 2:57 pm


  1. Mayor Johnson: “It’s an up day”

    Comment by Nagidam Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 3:06 pm

  2. His Stacy Davis Gates hotline phone is probably going off while he’s in meetings down there.

    I think the CTU had more influence with Springfield when they were out of the Mayor’s office…

    Comment by NIU Grad Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 3:07 pm

  3. One year in and the mayor has no juice. Where does he go from here? And at what points do all the sharks that are circling begin to step in and attack?

    Comment by One Time Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 3:11 pm

  4. That’s how the Senate President speaks to the Mayor. Loud and clear.

    Comment by 47th Ward Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 3:15 pm

  5. welcome to Springfield Mr Mayor. Anything else we could help you with?

    Comment by DuPage Saint Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 3:21 pm

  6. Let me try to keep score here:

    $800 million state revenue gap
    $735 million transit deficit
    $390 million CPS shortfall
    $1 billion state money “owed” to CPS
    (Not sure if that’s before or after 9% annual teacher pay hikes)
    $900 million in state authorized bonds for a Bears stadium
    Plus another $2 billion in Bears stadium complex infrastructure.

    By my math, that’s only about $6 billion in requests. Aim high, I guess.


    Comment by Phineas Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 3:22 pm

  7. Racial Impact: Keeping selective admission enrollment has no racial impact?

    Comment by Two Left Feet Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 3:25 pm

  8. Well that’s one giant middle finger to the Mayor.

    Comment by Demoralized Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 3:33 pm

  9. ==Keeping selective admission enrollment has no racial impact?==

    I’m saddened that an agreed bill is going to get dragged through the mud in this way.

    Comment by Kirsten Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 3:33 pm

  10. ===has no racial impact===

    Racial Impact Note (Illinois State Board of Education)
    Pursuant to 25 ILCS 83/110-10 the State Board of Education does not believe HB 303 as amended would pose a racial impact as it would not change the existing procedures or operations of any attendance center within the district.

    Comment by Rich Miller Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 3:36 pm

  11. Ouch. Hope that MBJ enjoys the workings of government up close
    and personal. Welcome to Springfield and the Illinois legislature.

    Comment by Rudy’s teeth Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 3:41 pm

  12. Let’s do a sing along. “How do you solve a problem like Maria?” I mean “the Mayor?”

    Comment by Responsa Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 3:42 pm

  13. “Springfield is quite the place to be for those conversations”

    If I owned a lobbying firm, that would be the tagline.

    Quite insightful, Mr. Mayor.

    Comment by NIU Grad Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 3:43 pm

  14. Don’t let the door hit ya…

    Comment by How you like me now? Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 3:49 pm

  15. ==Johnson also seemed to indicate he’ll do an availability at around 5 o’clock today.==

    I was going to suggest that he might change his mind and flee to Wally’s, but I’m honestly not sure that he and his ‘team’ understand that there is subtext to what Senate Exec just did. That there is a difference between voting for a bill he (CTU) strongly opposes and voting for it while he is actually there. Basically, I don’t think he understands politics enough to understand that he just got slapped.

    Comment by Leslie K Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 3:59 pm

  16. I am guessing they already have this mindset and are planning for it, but JB and team are going to have to step up and make sure Chicago isn’t a national laughing stock during the DNC.

    Does Brandon even realize how incompetent he is looking?

    Comment by Henry Francis Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 4:06 pm

  17. Tips hat to Nagidam. Well played, sir.

    Might be time to up your game, Mr. Mayor.

    Comment by Former ILSIP Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 4:06 pm

  18. ===Basically, I don’t think he understands politics enough to understand that he just got slapped.===

    They understand. They want the fight and think they will win in the long run.

    Comment by Three Dimensional Checkers Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 4:14 pm

  19. The racial impact of not passing HB303 would be taking away an excellent education for thousands of black and brown students who make up the far majority of selective enrollment school students.

    Comment by Shytown Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 4:17 pm

  20. == They want the fight and think they will win in the long run.==

    If they use their one dimensional, divisive game plan on anything and everything, they just may also convince more than a few moderate Dem voters that the Supreme Court’s overturn of Roe v. Wade is not the top issue facing our nation this Fall.

    Comment by Kirsten Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 4:38 pm

  21. At least the guy smiles every now and then and sort of seems to like the job. The witch we had before him looked like she had constant constipation and couldn’t get along with anybody. I don’t agree with him on much, but at least it seems he is not a miserable, crabby, arrogant human being.

    The mayor needs to learn, but, in the end, without Chicago Illinois is West Virginia. He won’t get everything he wants but, “signals” from Harmon or not, he will get what he needs.

    Comment by DougChicago Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 4:41 pm

  22. This is the Springfield way of saying that Gates is your big problem Mr Mayor correct that then come back

    Comment by Long time Independent Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 4:46 pm

  23. Clearly a message to the mayor and CTU by proxy. I would guess more than a few democrats were tired of CTU trying to flex beyond clear CTU issues.

    As an educator I think it is odd that the legislature is trying to tell a school district what it can and cannot do with its buildings. I understand what is happening here, but I do not like the precedent it sets.

    Comment by JS Mill Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 5:02 pm

  24. ==but I do not like the precedent it sets==

    this was already a set precedent; there are also all kinds of restrictions on buildings for school districts already, often tied to the definition of what a school is and funding streams but it’s new that Chicago has had limitations placed upon it.

    In many cases, what’s tested and enacted upon Chicago is not exacted elsewhere (please see local school councils and non-elected regional superintendent, levies and more).

    Comment by Chicago Voter Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 5:35 pm

  25. *not new that Chicago has had limitations on it.

    I do think it’s important to note that ILGA sent a message to MBJ while he was in exile from his own city while POTUS is in town.

    Comment by Chicago Voter Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 5:37 pm

  26. ===At least the guy smiles every now and then and sort of seems to like the job. The witch we had before===

    Anyone with actual experience with MLL and MBJ knows that MLL, in her heart, loved being Mayor, and MBJ, in his heart, is basically indifferent to it.

    Comment by Three Dimensional Checkers Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 5:51 pm

  27. DougChivago really spent a whole lot of time typing when he could’ve just said “Lori should smile more.”

    Both are bad mayors no need to resort to thinly veiled misogyny to lift one over the other Dougie boy

    Comment by Model T Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 6:06 pm

  28. Didn’t the mayor get his start serving as Senator Harmon’s chief of staff for five years? Seems like there were probably ways Johnson could have avoided such a jarring snub.

    Comment by AgentOrange Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 6:07 pm

  29. =this was already a set precedent; there are also all kinds of restrictions on buildings for school districts already, often tied to the definition of what a school is and funding streams=

    I am pretty familiar with school code as it pertains to buildings and the requirements for student occupancy (which is more about safety codes) but I have never heard of anything being tied to a funding stream. You may be thinking about the requirements to finance new construction and whether itr requires a referendum, which depends on how the building will be paid for (you don’t need a referendum if you are paying with CSFST funds or HLS funds) otherwise districts are free (including chicago) to close buildings or determine if they are open enrollment or magnet schools or vocational schools etc.

    The reasoning is not about good governance, it is all politics and it is always a bit of fun to see CTU get their wings clipped this is a bad precedent even if the law is applied to districts with a population over 299,999 which is usually how school code is written if it only applies to CPS (I may be low on the population number). The ILGA has proven time and again they have not the slightest clue what is best for public ed or school governance. And give how little state funding we receive from Illinois I want them involved less not more.

    Comment by JS Mill Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 6:46 pm

  30. == The mayor needs to learn, but, in the end, without Chicago Illinois is West Virginia. He won’t get everything he wants but, “signals” from Harmon or not, he will get what he needs.==

    Rich, let’s see how this comment ages in about three weeks.

    Comment by Shytown Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 6:54 pm

  31. Ya’ know, as someone whose career includes being a professional lobbyist, this Mayor should be better at lobbying. What was CTU thinking when they anointed him?

    Comment by Just Me 2 Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 7:42 pm

  32. @JS Mill, erate is tied to funding streams and the definition of a school.

    Likely you and I have different ideas about what is available precedent and how the Illinois school code in specific and federal funding streams interact in many places.

    Comment by Chicago Voter Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 9:57 pm

  33. There was also close to a quorum for a Chicago City Council meeting in Springfield Wednesday. I saw Alders everywhere.

    Comment by Jeremy Rosen Thursday, May 9, 24 @ 12:52 am

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