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Poll: Half of city respondents don’t trust the mayor to look out for best interest of CPS students, three-quarters trust teachers, 84 percent say city politicos ‘too focused on petty political battles’

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* Good poll coverage by Sarah Karp at WBEZ

Despite years of trying to convince Chicagoans that public school students here are making remarkable academic progress, most residents give the schools a grade of C and say students are not learning enough.

That’s according to a poll released Tuesday by Public Agenda, a nonpartisan research organization. WBEZ and the Sun-Times collaborated with Public Agenda and the Joyce Foundation, which funded the project.

“People are not giving city schools high marks,” said David Schleifer, vice president and director of research at Public Agenda, which focuses on researching challenges facing democracy and uncovering solutions. “Also, there’s definitely this awareness that white students in the city have access to better public schools than students of color.”

Schleifer notes that parents and others don’t blame teachers but rather see the lack of learning as an effect of poverty and other challenges affecting students. Some 71% of Chicago Public Schools students come from low-income families. Still, poll respondents say leaders are more caught up in petty political battles than on what is best for children. They are not confident money is being spent effectively.

Go read the whole thing.

* It’s a long poll (toplines are here), and one question that didn’t make it into her story was this

Those CTU numbers for parents ain’t exactly great, either. But at least they’re above water.

* And then there’s this

Well, yeah.

posted by Rich Miller
Tuesday, May 14, 24 @ 11:54 am


  1. Interesting results - it should be noted that this was not limited to “voters”, “likely voters” or “registered voters”, rather this was simply a poll of Chicago residents …

    Pursuing Excellence: Chicagoans’ Views on their Public Schools A survey of Chicago residents (ages 18+) Interview dates: December 28, 2023 – January 16, 2024 Number of interviews: N=2,127 Margin of error: +/- 3.5 percentage points at the 95% confidence level among all adults Number of interviews: parents or guardians of a child or children who is or who are currently enrolled in Kindergarten through 12th grade in a school in Chicago N= 312 Margin of error: +/- 5.68 percentage points at the 95% confidence level Number of interviews: not parents or guardians of a child or children who is or who are currently enrolled in Kindergarten through 12th grade in a school in Chicago N= 1,815 Margin of error: +/- 3.99 percentage point at the 95% confidence level notes “

    Comment by Donnie Elgin Tuesday, May 14, 24 @ 12:13 pm

  2. I’m kind of surprised the numbers aren’t worse for the mayor, CPS Board and Central Office.

    Comment by 47th Ward Tuesday, May 14, 24 @ 12:14 pm

  3. I am fascinated by how well principals did. Also interesting that teachers do almost 20 percentage points better than CTU, which is also “the teachers”.

    Comment by JS Mill Tuesday, May 14, 24 @ 12:27 pm

  4. ==Those CTU numbers for parents ain’t exactly great, either==

    Especially since CTU’s entire brand is built around “looking out for students’ best interests.”

    Comment by City Zen Tuesday, May 14, 24 @ 12:34 pm

  5. Who are the 3% who don’t think politicians and educational leaders are too focus on petty political battles? Did they mishear the question?

    Comment by Montrose Tuesday, May 14, 24 @ 12:36 pm

  6. === Also interesting that teachers do almost 20 percentage points better than CTU, which is also “the teachers”. ===

    Perhaps a referendum on leadership? I generally support the CTU but have been consistently unimpressed by SDG.

    Comment by Mark D Tuesday, May 14, 24 @ 12:55 pm

  7. More not great news for ctu, which is not great news for the mayor given their inextricable connection.

    Comment by Shytown Tuesday, May 14, 24 @ 12:55 pm

  8. ==Also interesting that teachers do almost 20 percentage points better than CTU, which is also “the teachers”.==

    Along similar lines, I appreciate and respect cops, but I cannot stand the FOP. While the public hating your union is not good for gaining public support, situations where the public associates your demands with an entity rather than the people who make up membership is a good thing for those members. Just ask NFL owners about the punching bag that is Roger Goodell

    Comment by ElTacoBandito Tuesday, May 14, 24 @ 1:01 pm

  9. ==Perhaps a referendum on leadership? I generally support the CTU but have been consistently unimpressed by SDG.==

    I agree with you but she ain’t going anywhere with the support she has within the union. It is far from unanimous, but its pretty widespread among rank and file who care.

    Comment by ElTacoBandito Tuesday, May 14, 24 @ 1:06 pm

  10. These responses are bowling-shoe ugly — but I wonder how these polling results would compare with answer to the same questions under previous administrations.

    I can’t remember a time when most Chicagoans thought the mayor was doing a good job with their schools or when city politicos weren’t “too focused on petty political battles.”

    But of course, none of those mayors were the CTU’s preferred candidate, so this poll does land differently.

    – MrJM

    Comment by @misterjayem Tuesday, May 14, 24 @ 1:29 pm

  11. ===bowling-shoe ugly===

    Ouch. I love bowling shoes. And bowling shirts.

    Comment by 47th Ward Tuesday, May 14, 24 @ 1:45 pm

  12. The mayor has made it clear he does not care about polls or what the larger public thinks. However, his staff should wake up and see change is desperately needed. The mayor should not be polling like it’s year 4 of a bad tenure when he’s only a year in.

    Comment by One Time Tuesday, May 14, 24 @ 2:11 pm

  13. 75% trust teachers but only 53% trust CTU.

    Great work, Vallas, Durbin, White et al.

    Comment by SWSider Tuesday, May 14, 24 @ 2:37 pm

  14. Hey Bandito-LOL- exactly what about the CTU is it that you support- maybe it’s their newest 50 Billion dollar contract proposals. OMG

    Comment by Sue Tuesday, May 14, 24 @ 2:39 pm

  15. ==Great work, Vallas, Durbin, White et al.==

    If I had to guess, (and I fully acknowledge this is speculation based on anecdotal evidence) the issue with CTU has less to do with union-bashing and more to do with their attempts to stop/further delay a return to in-person instruction and (at least for those who are aware) their about-face on the elected school board issue.

    Again, I realize that’s speculation based on anecdotes, but as the great Lionel Hutz would say, those are *kinds* of evidence.

    Comment by Anon324 Tuesday, May 14, 24 @ 3:17 pm

  16. I remember my old man’s bowling buddies in their bowling shirts and shoes…hair slicked back with Vitalis…forearms like steel cables…they were cool, man…have no doubt.

    Comment by Dotnonymous x Tuesday, May 14, 24 @ 6:51 pm

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