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Caption contest!

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* The Boat Drink Caucus band performed at the Dave Caucus party last night at Boone’s. The crowd was huge, the music was actually pretty darned good and the beer was cold. Band guitarist Senate President Don Harmon posed for a pic during a break with House Republican Leader Tony McCombie. The pic was taken by one of the party hosts. Note the “Doom Grifter” shirt that was all the rage shortly after Gov. Pritzker coined the phrase during his 2024 State of the State/Budget address. Heh…

posted by Rich Miller
Wednesday, May 15, 24 @ 10:47 am


  1. “the music was actually pretty darned good and the beer was cold”

    In my experience, every band sounds better when you’re holding a cold beer.

    – MrJM

    Comment by @misterjayem Wednesday, May 15, 24 @ 10:57 am

  2. Wait - did Amdor make a shirt and I missed it?!

    Comment by Scorekeeper Wednesday, May 15, 24 @ 10:57 am

  3. The more you drink the better they sound.

    Comment by Friday Addams Wednesday, May 15, 24 @ 11:12 am

  4. I do not know what I was thinking when I posted this. These sorts of Harmon posts are absolute comment killers.

    Comment by Rich Miller Wednesday, May 15, 24 @ 12:18 pm

  5. “These Groupies have been in love with me even more since I started wearing this shirt”

    Comment by Lurker Wednesday, May 15, 24 @ 12:27 pm

  6. Hair metal bands always get the best groupies.

    Comment by Henry Francis Wednesday, May 15, 24 @ 12:50 pm

  7. McCombie= “what did his short say? Ouch.”

    Comment by JS Mill Wednesday, May 15, 24 @ 1:18 pm

  8. “I do not know what I was thinking when I posted this. These sorts of Harmon posts are absolute comment killers.”

    Are you saying that Don is boring or just uncontroversial? I think he’ll wear either of those is a badge of honor.

    Comment by New Day Wednesday, May 15, 24 @ 1:19 pm

  9. The Boat Drink Caucus was rocking and the large crowd was very engaged.

    The Dave Caucus event was terrific on all fronts.

    Comment by Just Yes Wednesday, May 15, 24 @ 1:24 pm

  10. I’m picking and I’m grinning

    Comment by Rabid Wednesday, May 15, 24 @ 1:37 pm

  11. Helping the blind to see

    Comment by Rabid Wednesday, May 15, 24 @ 1:55 pm

  12. I do not, for one, think that the problem was that the band was down. I think that the problem *may* have been, that there was a Stonehenge monument on the stage that was in danger of being *crushed* by a *dwarf*. Alright? That tended to understate the hugeness of the object.

    Comment by 47th Ward Wednesday, May 15, 24 @ 2:08 pm

  13. “Don, if you agree to play at Poopie’s, I’ll agree to wear a Doom Grifter tee-shirt on stage.”

    And what song could Tony do guest vocals on if that happened? I can’t decide if “Go Your Own Way” has the right or wrong energy.

    Comment by Occasionally Moderated Wednesday, May 15, 24 @ 2:19 pm

  14. Don’t worry Tony, I’ll find a way to strip the abortion coverage out of HB 5142. I know your caucus doesn’t like it either.

    Comment by Cosgrove Wednesday, May 15, 24 @ 3:21 pm

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