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2024 end of session cheat sheet

Posted in:

* Watch live session coverage by clicking here. I’ll be adding to this list, but wanted to get a post up…


* FY25 Approp bill - SB251, SA1

* Bonding Authority - SB 3422 (House Third Reading)

* BIMP - Waiting to be filed (Maybe keep an eye on this one)

Cleared first committee

* Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) - SB1289 - HA3 adopted (Awaiting action on HA4 and HA5)

* Hemp Consumer Products Act - HB4293

* Cannabis omnibus - HB2911 (Senate floor amendments filed)

* Medical Debt Relief Act - HB5290 (Senate Third Reading)

Waiting on House concurrence

* Healthcare Protection Act - HB5395

* Birth equity - HB5142

* Election omnibus - HB4488

* Short Term Insurance Ban - HB2499

Waiting on Senate concurrence

* Worker Freedom of Speech Act - SB3649

In second chamber

* Tax incentives, credits - HB817 (Senate First Reading)

* Repeals sub-minimum wage for persons with disabilities - HB793

* Prisoner Review Board reform - HB681 (Senate amendments filed)

* Prevents hospital patient abuse - HB587 (Senate First Reading)

* Family Amusement Wagering Prohibition Act - SB327, House Amendment 1

posted by Rich Miller
Friday, May 24, 24 @ 6:32 pm


  1. HB 793 isnt on concurrence, it is on 1st reading in the Senate

    Comment by CornAl DoGooder Friday, May 24, 24 @ 6:41 pm

  2. CornAl, thanks. I pasted it into the wrong slot.

    Comment by Rich Miller Friday, May 24, 24 @ 7:09 pm

  3. I should know this….but what is considered the the actually “full” budget? The bimp or something else?

    Comment by James Friday, May 24, 24 @ 7:19 pm

  4. Likely BIMP vehicle short description: ST AGENCY WEBSITE COOKIES

    Comment by Rich Miller Friday, May 24, 24 @ 7:29 pm

  5. I’m hearing amendment 2 is coming for sb 251

    Comment by Austinman Friday, May 24, 24 @ 7:39 pm

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