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Welch to convene House at noon tomorrow

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* Speaker Welch…

“We appreciate the Senate and the Governor’s commitment to working collaboratively to pass an agreed budget that’s best for Illinois. The House will reconvene on Tuesday, May 28 at noon to finish our work for this session.”

* Click here to see the “cheat sheet,” click here to scroll through Sunday’s live coverage. Some budget-related news stories…

* A couple of non-budget stories…

* OK, on to a couple of reactions that I found in my inbox earlier today. Illinois Municipal League…

“I want to personally thank the leaders and members of the General Assembly for their partnership to support local authority as part of this state budget. With the elimination of the statewide tax on groceries, the authority has now been given to local officials in our cities, villages and towns to determine if and how that revenue should be replaced,” said IML Chief Executive Officer Brad Cole.

“Granting both home rule and non-home rule municipalities the authority to generate local revenues – whether regarding groceries or general merchandise sales – provides much needed parity and flexibility for all communities.”

“We are grateful for the efforts of all mayors and municipal officials who contacted their legislators about these important issues, and we encourage local officials to use these tools wisely and carefully,” said Cole.

* Economic Security Illinois…

Late last night, the Illinois Senate released a proposed budget which includes a robust Child Tax Credit (CTC) that would benefit hundreds of thousands of families, offering them an average of $300 to $600 credit for each family with children under the age of twelve. This CTC represents a significant investment in Illinois families, offering $150 million over the next two years, and then an annual $100 million permanently. This budget is anticipated to pass the House and be signed into law later this week.

Erion Malasi, Director of Policy and Advocacy at Economic Security Illinois responded with the following statement on behalf of the Illinois Cost-of-Living Refund Coalition:

“We commend Senate leadership for advancing a comprehensive state Child Tax Credit that will significantly benefit working families throughout Illinois. By working together with the Governor and legislative champions in the House, the proposed budget addresses families’ growing needs across our state in the face of the rising cost of living. This CTC is a major and meaningful investment that will benefit hundreds of thousands of Illinois families, empowering parents to buy essentials like groceries, diapers, or school supplies.”

posted by Rich Miller
Monday, May 27, 24 @ 2:07 pm


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