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Figure it out

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* Mike Miletich

State lawmakers left Springfield last week without getting a plan to ban Delta-8 products across the finish line. A bipartisan group of lawmakers and Gov. JB Pritzker are concerned about the potential of more children and adults getting sick from the unregulated synthetic THC products over the summer.

Illinois legalized recreational cannabis in 2019 to light up the economy with the multi-billion dollar industry and invest in communities wronged by the War on Drugs. However, hemp products are still unregulated and many people sell synthetic THC products in gas stations, smoke shops and retail stores disguised as dispensaries.

“There’s no restriction on who gets it, how much they get, etc,” Pritzker said. “So, I really believe that we need to step back and ask what is in the best interest of the health of kids and adults across the state. I think regulating it is proper.”

House Bill 4293 could create a regulatory framework for hemp products and establish standards for licensing, testing and labeling. Sponsors and advocates believe that change could prevent people from getting access to Delta-8 products that could be confused with candy, chips, cookies and other common goods.

* Press release…

The following statement should be attributed to Tiffany Chappell Ingram, Executive Director of the Cannabis Business Association of Illinois, regarding the cannabis omnibus legislation (HB2911) and the Hemp Consumer Products Act (HB4293):

“We are disappointed the House failed to pass needed reforms to our state’s cannabis laws and will continue to allow synthetic hemp products that are sickening children and adults to be sold with no oversight. Despite overwhelming bipartisan support for these measures in the Senate, there is clearly more work to do to educate legislators about these important matters. We appreciate the efforts of Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford and House Assistant Majority Leader Kam Buckner and look forward to continuing conversations in the coming months.”

* The same group sent out this release after the bill was approved in the Senate…

“The Hemp Consumer Products Act will license and regulate hemp consumer products such as CBD while banning the sale of dangerous synthetic hemp-derived intoxicants like Delta-8 that are sickening children and adults,” said Tiffany Chappell Ingram, Executive Director of the Cannabis Business Association of Illinois.

Some legit business owners were worried the legislation could put them out of business. It apparently needed more time to percolate.

* But while the legislation is percolating, things are advancing on the ground. “That’s a barrel of smokable hemp being sold at a trade show in Rosemont,” said a friend who sent me this pic yesterday…

People could buy it by the pound…

* Fox32

The owner of an unlicensed cannabis dispensary in northwest suburban Des Plaines is facing aggravated assault charges after he allegedly racked a weapon inside the business while customers were present.

Daniel J. Nardo, 33, of Des Plaines, was charged with two counts of aggravated assault and one count of disorderly conduct in connection with the incident on Thursday, according to a statement from police.

About 1:41 p.m., officers were sent to UP Cannabis Dispensary, located at 1173 South Elmhurst Road, after a 22-year-old woman reported that Nardo, the owner and sole employee, was inside the business ingesting helium and racked what appeared to be a shotgun, the statement said.


posted by Rich Miller
Wednesday, Jun 5, 24 @ 11:20 am


  1. Yeah, but they saved democracy by making sure those dastardly unethical Republicans couldn’t slate candidates.


    Priorities, people. Keep it together

    Comment by JB13 Wednesday, Jun 5, 24 @ 11:34 am

  2. That crap is being sold to teenagers. One person in the House of Representatives is playing Russian roulette with the lives of these kids.

    Comment by NotRich Wednesday, Jun 5, 24 @ 11:43 am

  3. I know there’s some grey area here, but I’m not sure I have a ton of sympathy for “legit” businesses who are selling the products. Seems to me they knowingly rolled the dice. If a neighborhood coffee shop started selling a “special juice” that was a product of them fermenting some oranges with sugar and yeast (essentially moonshine,) they would be fined and possibly shut down, unless they had a liquor license. No one would be sympathetic about the owners “losing their business.” I’m not sure how selling intoxicating hemp products is any different.

    Comment by TNR Wednesday, Jun 5, 24 @ 11:46 am

  4. =“That’s a barrel of smokable hemp being sold at a trade show in Rosemont,”=

    What the holy hades?? That seems awfully bold. And unsafe.

    Comment by JS Mill Wednesday, Jun 5, 24 @ 11:57 am

  5. There needs to be a crackdown on consumable hemp. The sellers are trying to rely on federal law that allows it below a certain percentage and it’s being used across the country to avoid the state and federal regulations. I’m not sure it even needs new laws, but if we need to clarify the law, do so and go after them. If it’s consumable, there should be penalties for selling it outside state regulatory schemes and appropriate enforcement.

    Comment by ArchPundit Wednesday, Jun 5, 24 @ 12:19 pm

  6. The cannabis business association is part of IRMA. They should have just asked their buddy JB to slip it in the budget like everything else they wanted.

    Comment by Wilson Wednesday, Jun 5, 24 @ 12:34 pm

  7. So… is anyone gonna close the unlicensed dispensary? The state and Des Plaines are now both aware of it. They had plenty of time to figure out it’s not licensed, since apparently there was a multi-hour standoff. You’d think the Des Plaines police would’ve at least announced the start of that process when they arrested the owner.

    Comment by vern Wednesday, Jun 5, 24 @ 1:09 pm

  8. - The sellers are trying to rely on federal law that allows it below a certain percentage and it’s being used across the country to avoid the state and federal regulations. -

    Relying on the law as written…is the purpose of every law.

    Comment by Dotnonymous x Wednesday, Jun 5, 24 @ 2:42 pm

  9. All weed is THC-A…THC-A is the chemical precursor that converts (with heat and time) into THC…hence the need for curing.

    Certain genetic strains are naturally slow converters grown in colder than normal conditions and tested one month before harvest…the last month heat and light are artificially increased to enhance conversion.

    “THCA weed” sold at the gas station is the same product sold at dispensaries.

    It’s not sprayed… it’s not synthetic… it’s not man made…it’s pot.

    Comment by Dotnonymous x Wednesday, Jun 5, 24 @ 4:07 pm

  10. The cannabis lobby circle made the conversation so messy, they couldn’t even get their own bill over the finish line in the House. Suggestion would be to focus on your industry before doing battle with another.

    Comment by ThinkItThrough Wednesday, Jun 5, 24 @ 4:52 pm

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