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Budget signing react

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* Gov. Pritzker

Today, Governor JB Pritzker and Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton joined Senate President Don Harmon, House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch and budget leaders from each chamber to sign the FY25 state budget package. The $53.1 billion budget builds on the Pritzker administration’s initiatives to invest in early childhood, accelerate business development, and support working families.

“The FY25 budget is another demonstration of the fiscal responsibility that has guided me from Day One of my administration,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “This budget is balanced, pro-family, cuts taxes on workers, and opens up doors of opportunity for employers and employees alike. I’m proud to sign it today and look forward to working together to bring these investments to life in a healthier, more prosperous Illinois.” […]

Some highlights of the FY25 budget include:

Click here and scroll to the bottom for links to the walkdown and the highlights.

* SGOPs…

Illinois Senate Republican Leader John Curran: Pritzker’s budget grossly unfair to Illinois taxpayers

Illinois Senate Republican Leader John Curran (R-Downers Grove) released the following statement on Gov. Pritzker’s signing of the FY 25 Budget:

“In six short years, Gov. Pritzker has raised the cost of state government by over 30 percent and expanded non-citizen spending from a few million dollars per-year to nearly a billion dollars per-year today. The immense cost of Gov. Pritzker’s taxpayer-funded spending spree coupled with President Biden’s refusal to secure our nation’s border, is playing out in the budget signed today. It is grossly unfair for Gov. Pritzker to raise taxes on Illinois families and businesses to pay for the migrant crisis he created.”

* US Rep. Mary Miller had a similar take…

Today, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signed the State Budget into law that forces Illinois families to pay more in taxes to foot the bill for the cost of living for illegal aliens. Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-IL) released the following statement:

“Governor Pritzker just signed a budget that raises taxes in order to give illegal immigrants $400 million of ‘free’ healthcare and $182 million in handouts, all paid for by hardworking Illinois families.

“Governor Pritzker is forcing you to pay the welfare, education, and healthcare costs of foreign nationals who are not American citizens.

“Joe Biden and JB Pritzker put the American people last in their desperate attempt to appease the radical left by opening our borders to mass illegal immigration, which will bankrupt our state and our nation.”

* Sen. Sims…

Sims: FY 25 budget invests in our communities

CHICAGO – Majority Caucus Appropriations Leader Senator Elgie R. Sims, Jr. (D-Chicago) released the following statement after the governor signed the Fiscal Year 2025 budget into law:

“The budget signed today builds upon our strong, smart spending decisions of recent years that have led Illinois to not just one credit upgrade – but nine.

“I am proud of the steps we took to continue Illinois on the right path. We didn’t just look at fiscal outcomes, but prioritized our most vulnerable populations – educating our young people, keeping our communities safe, creating good jobs, and growing our economy.

“Continuing our principled and disciplined approach will keep our fiscal house in order. I am committed to doing the work necessary to ensure that Illinois continues to enact responsible budgets and remains on the path toward fiscal stability, investing in and uplifting marginalized people, all while prioritizing our communities and people who need the most assistance.”

* Arne Duncan at CRED…

Thanks to lawmakers in Springfield, Chicago and Illinois are in a position to lead the nation in addressing gun violence as a public health issue. With their support we are preventing shootings, engaging with people at risk, and guiding them into the legal economy. We are deeply grateful to Governor Pritzker, President Harmon, Speaker Welch and the legislature for their courage and vision in reimagining public safety.

More budget statements have already been posted on our press release live feed, and I’ll post new releases there as they come in.

posted by Rich Miller
Wednesday, Jun 5, 24 @ 12:29 pm


  1. Someone best check on Mary Miller’s team. Illegal immigrants are not from outer space. They won’t arrive in a flying saucer and they won’t fly their bicycles across the sky.

    Comment by Politix Wednesday, Jun 5, 24 @ 12:46 pm

  2. I find it interesting that the same folks that call our country a “Christian” nation object so strongly to caring for those in need. (cite Mt 25: 31-46)

    Comment by Pot calling kettle Wednesday, Jun 5, 24 @ 12:52 pm

  3. Looks like a very decent budget that prioritizes those who need help, and has fiscal benefits (adding to rainy day fund) along with helping an industry (quantum computing).

    Comment by Grandson of Man Wednesday, Jun 5, 24 @ 12:59 pm

  4. Leader Curran J B did not create our migrant crisis we have the republican governor from Texas to thank for that

    Comment by southern Illinois Wednesday, Jun 5, 24 @ 2:41 pm

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