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* What’s going on?…

posted by Isabel Miller
Thursday, Jun 6, 24 @ 7:35 am


  1. Professional conference I’ve attended in Chicago, for the last 20 years, is pulling up stakes and moving it to Nashville due to safety concerns for the attendees. Very disappointing.

    Comment by Downstate Thursday, Jun 6, 24 @ 8:06 am

  2. The Google machine tells me Nashville has a higher crime rate than Chicago.

    Comment by Facts matter Thursday, Jun 6, 24 @ 8:26 am

  3. does there really have to be another White Sox game tonight? just forfeit. the only thing that changes about a game is the weather.

    Comment by Amalia Thursday, Jun 6, 24 @ 8:31 am

  4. Can confirm (as someone who now lives in Nashville and previously lived in Chicago) the violent crime rate here is higher.

    Comment by Mark Thursday, Jun 6, 24 @ 8:37 am

  5. well, don’t move to Canada because Toronto seems to be the car theft capitol Advice is to get a Faraday bag to keep keys or leave them so your house is not broken into for them or park your car away from your house

    Comment by Amalia Thursday, Jun 6, 24 @ 8:47 am

  6. Put the flag out to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day. In the face of Nazi tyranny, the Allied forces put together the greatest fleet and invasion forces ever seen on earth to liberate Europe. I also re-read General Eisenhower’s written remarks to the troops - so inspiring

    Comment by Donnie Elgin Thursday, Jun 6, 24 @ 9:13 am

  7. What crime statistics don’t address is the effect of the randomness of crime, specifically unmotivated attacks recently in the news.

    Lots of crimes are committed against family members or neighbors, which are awful in their own regard but not as impactful on the public imagination as a crime against a person minding their own business.

    Comment by Friendly Bob Adams Thursday, Jun 6, 24 @ 9:26 am

  8. This may get me banned as a commenter but I can’t help myself as I have the Crosstown Classic on my mind…

    What would have to happen with the White Sox for Rich to forsake them for the Cubs?

    Comment by Hisgirlfriday Thursday, Jun 6, 24 @ 9:30 am

  9. I was at Wrigley last night, and had a few positive interactions with Sox die-hards. They truly deserve better. I’m just happy my beloved Cardinals are coming home with a win.

    Comment by I-55 Fanatic Thursday, Jun 6, 24 @ 9:47 am

  10. After reading CapFax this morning, it’s absolutely wild to see Anthony DeLuca continue as a Democratic state representative. He is a Republican, put in place by Madigan as a favor to the then-struggling Bloom Township Democrats many years ago. It’s well past time for an actual Democrat to represent the 80th District.

    Comment by Graybeard Thursday, Jun 6, 24 @ 9:53 am

  11. Certainly the Sox are terrible. don’t know about this year but in years past Cubs fans I know have been leaving the team because of the male Ricketts family members, the owners. dad, of the suspect ethnic commentary including about Obama, who provided the $ to buy the team even as he is not a named owner, the US Senator now out of ownership but who yesterday voted against contraception in the Senate, and of course the brother who was the two time leader of the Trump Victory Fund. Laura’s progressive politics cannot outweigh the male Ricketts and their extreme right wing politics. who wants to line their pockets with any dollar exchange to them?

    Comment by Amalia Thursday, Jun 6, 24 @ 9:53 am

  12. =What would have to happen with the White Sox for Rich to forsake them for the Cubs?=

    I cannot speak for Rich (obviously) but for me it would be end-of-times kind of stuff or some sort of nuclear armageddon.

    I am just quitting baseball instead. The Sox are not watchable.

    The silver lining…if I want to catch a ballgame I will have the pace to myself and be able to get a $10 ticket and sit in the front row and enjoy the best ballpark food in the country.

    Comment by JS Mill Thursday, Jun 6, 24 @ 9:55 am

  13. I’m loving all the Chicago Aldermen who are working so hard to fix our nation’s broken immigration system. Apparently finding peace in the Middle East was too easy so now they have time for other geopolitical issues to spend time on while their own city burns.

    Comment by Just Me 2 Thursday, Jun 6, 24 @ 9:59 am

  14. God the White Sox are so bad.

    Please sell the team Jerry!

    Comment by T Thursday, Jun 6, 24 @ 10:01 am

  15. ===It’s well past time for an actual Democrat to represent the 80th District.===

    Good luck with your quest to replace Rep. DeLuca. While most think Madigan needed to be replaced, he had a solid track record of picking candidates that fit a particular district. Deluca was one of them. I suspect your beard will be much grayer before Rep. Deluca is forced from office.

    Comment by Nagidam Thursday, Jun 6, 24 @ 10:04 am

  16. Instead of ~$2 billion in stadium subsidies, I’d be in favor of $2 billion of our tax dollars to buy the White Sox from Jerry and have the city run the team. Surely it would be better than what Jerry is doing now.

    Comment by Charles Edward Cheese Thursday, Jun 6, 24 @ 10:55 am

  17. Charles, Trying to imagine team manager Brandon s/

    Comment by very old soil Thursday, Jun 6, 24 @ 11:00 am

  18. @anonymous re attendance I KNOW fans who left the team because of ownership. Here’s quote from Tom Ricketts about when he was trying to convince dad to give him the money to buy the Cubs “They sell 3 million tickets a year, win or lose.”

    Comment by Amalia Thursday, Jun 6, 24 @ 1:45 pm

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