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* What’s up?…

posted by Isabel Miller
Thursday, Jun 13, 24 @ 7:40 am


  1. 96th Illinois State FFA Convention wraps up today at the BOS Center and new officers will be elected. Just over 6,000 members and guests at yesterday afternoons session where more than 600 members received their State Degree.

    Comment by Route 50 Corridor Thursday, Jun 13, 24 @ 7:50 am

  2. FFA Alumni and Ag Teachers often make good and interesting Township and County Board members. They
    know Roberts Rules and how to conduct meetings.

    Comment by Red Ketcher Thursday, Jun 13, 24 @ 8:23 am

  3. I’ve been seeing FAA around town at lunch and dinner places. Good mannered peoples and I enjoy when they visit.

    Comment by Lurker Thursday, Jun 13, 24 @ 10:38 am

  4. In my Springfield days I recall the FFA kids walking around town in their (denim? corduroy?) jackets that identified their local chapter, even when the temp shot up to 90.

    Comment by Friendly Bob Adams Thursday, Jun 13, 24 @ 12:27 pm

  5. PSA - Ladder safety

    Take a minute to look at the OSHA ladder safety card.

    Depending on where you look on the internet, “Each year, there are more than 164,000 emergency room-treated injuries and 300 deaths in the U.S. that are caused by falls from ladders.”

    I’ve been up and down ladders for more than 55 years, never a problem.

    I fell off a ladder Tuesday night because I was complacent about climbing a 5′ ladder, in a hurry, tired, and careless. I got lucky, coming away with a broken rib and a sore hip.

    So please remember to set up a ladder correctly, use 3 points of contact to climb. Slow is smooth. Smooth is safe.

    Comment by Huh? Thursday, Jun 13, 24 @ 2:25 pm

  6. Mine was Blue brushed corduroy.

    Comment by Dotnonymous x Thursday, Jun 13, 24 @ 4:43 pm

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