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Today’s assignment

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* These are all long, involved and vitriolic posts that, I fully admit, I cannot make myself read in their entirety. So, I’m outsourcing the task to you. What the heck is this about?…

posted by Rich Miller
Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 9:24 am


  1. No, thanks.

    Comment by Three Dimensional Checkers Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 9:28 am

  2. There’s still an IL GOP? Who knew?

    Comment by I-72 Blues Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 9:36 am

  3. Seems like the usual - a bunch of politicos complaining about being bullied on social media, while trying to bully people on social media.

    –In a court of law, the accused are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty. However, [we] have not been afforded this right. We have been accused, tried and convicted by a lynch mob on social media–

    There’s a certain type of personality, who if you hold a mirror up to them and their behavior will get angry at the mirror and/or the person holding it. Basically, there are a lot of children in adult bodies walking around in this world.

    That’s all this is.

    Comment by TheInvisibleMan Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 9:45 am

  4. The Illinois GOP honestly has to be in the running for the most incompetent statewide major party in the United States. Not most hopeless, mind you. Clearly the Oklahoma and Wyoming Democrats have no chance of winning, but these bozos really take the cake for just flubbing everything as often as possible.

    Comment by TJ Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 9:46 am

  5. My summary: The Illinois GOP is a circular firing squad with no effective ammunition.

    Comment by Pot calling kettle Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 9:50 am

  6. This is the new Tom DeVore fight. Oh other that getting the egg roll recipe right

    Comment by Club J Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 9:53 am

  7. My summary: republican breaks rules for political gain. Denies it happened and displaces blame onto others.

    Comment by Steve Rogers Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 9:58 am

  8. They’re all nuts.

    Comment by JoanP Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 10:04 am

  9. RINO = not adequately supporting trump.

    Comment by Huh? Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 10:08 am

  10. The GOP must reap what it has sown. How can Shaw be rebuked when the head of the party behaves the same way?

    Election results either matter or they don’t.
    Rules either matter or they don’t.
    Leadership either matters or it doesn’t.

    The continued acceptance of nihilism among its top ranks has seeped down to its lowest corners. The ‘ends justify the means’ always leads to this decay. This rot. The question of asking “do I feel good” versus “did I do the right thing” is where this party has gone wrong. And what inner party leaders are starting to experience is that this does not end with Democrats feeling the ire…

    It’s all of us. Until the GOP rejects this ‘emergence of the masses,’ this will only get worse…for all of us.

    Comment by Montessori's Mantle Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 10:11 am

  11. Charles Percy, Judy Baar Topinka, James Thompson. Three former GOP leaders who I’m not sure would survive a primary today. Sad.

    Comment by Fayette County Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 10:19 am

  12. It’s like ILGOP ad-libs. Unfair practices, a claim of a petition with over 80,000 signatures (sure), MMA references thrown in to show true manliness or something, and none of it matters.

    Comment by ArchPundit Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 10:24 am

  13. I forgot random capitalization & bolding as well to really make it a true ILGOP mad libs

    Comment by ArchPundit Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 10:27 am

  14. Short version: unhinged people attacking unhinged people for being unhinged.

    I stuck my big toe into one of those posts and decided one big toe was enough.

    Comment by New Day Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 10:45 am

  15. Synopsis: Shaw has come unhinged. But as a Trump lackey he believes rules and laws are irrelevant to his white maleness. He goes nuts on his colleagues for not voting for him, becomes even more childish and belligerent. Tracy, the formerly competent and thinking person, decides to let the fire burn and hopefully burn itself out at some point. Everyone is getting tired of Tracy.

    If you want a good summary, your third link explains it well.

    Comment by Lurker Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 10:52 am

  16. In 2014, The GOP had a Governor-elect, the Comptroller, a federal Senator, and a message about Madigan corruption.
    In 2024, they have a convicted felon at the top of ticket.
    In my mind, they deserve it. They traded principle for power and now they have neither.
    It’s people fighting to captain of a ship that’s sinking.

    Comment by ste_with a v_en Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 10:52 am

  17. It’s really shocking this political party is in the super-minority in the house, senate and holds zero statewide offices.

    Comment by So_Ill Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 11:00 am

  18. Assignment not accepted.

    Comment by P. Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 11:07 am

  19. Trumpism at its finest. Everyone acts like consequences for their own behavior is somehow unfair.

    Comment by Just Me 2 Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 11:08 am

  20. ==The petty and epic 10-page meltdown sounded more like a childish rant – and not something you’d expect from a senior member of the Illinois Republican Party.==

    ummmmm…. do you have to look at the national party to find adults? /s

    Comment by Vote Quimby Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 11:11 am

  21. If my translation skills are correct, and I haven’t spoken toddler in many years, I think the gist of these articles boils down to:

    Did too.
    Did not.
    You’re a booger.
    Mom, he called me a booger.
    Did not.
    Did too.

    Comment by 47th Ward Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 11:20 am

  22. ===The petty and epic 10-page meltdown sounded more like a childish rant – and not something you’d expect from a senior member of the Illinois Republican Party.==

    It’s exactly what most of us expect from a senior member of the ILGOP. It’s how they got to be a senior member in a party that operates on exactly this kind of silliness.

    Comment by ArchPundit Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 11:29 am

  23. Assignment will be turned in as incomplete. Kept getting phishing alert messages from Google.

    Comment by Huh? Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 11:40 am

  24. Well he’s right about the Damage Del Mar and Morrison have done to the Cook County GOP and State Republican Party. You have 2 guys with High School educations running the show that’s how far the Illinois GOP has fallen

    Comment by Long Time Independent Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 11:55 am

  25. This is the same bunch who elected Mary Miller (R- no relation to Rich) as spokesperson for the Illinois Delegation at the upcoming Republican Coronation Convention. The inmates are running the asylum.

    Comment by Nitemayor Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 12:03 pm

  26. The Republican Party of Illinois will not be happy until all the heretics are tossed out and one pure Republican is standing.

    Comment by DuPage Saint Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 12:35 pm

  27. ==The Republican Party of Illinois will not be happy until all the heretics are tossed out and one pure Republican is standing. ==

    At which point, the one pure Republican will disagree with himself (it will be a white guy over 60) and implode.

    Comment by Pot calling kettle Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 12:55 pm

  28. Tom Devore sends two weeks complaining about Mark Shaw and Don Tracy on social media and then posts this gem.

    “If you all spent just a small part of that time and energy you waste complaining on social media actually working to get voters organized to turn out to vote, Illinois would be red!”

    Comment by Highland, IL Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 1:06 pm

  29. Is this the result of Proft & Griffin moving to FL? Trump at the top of the ticket? Normal GOPies ( there used to be such a thing) have dove for cover that the whack jobs can only chew on each other.
    CommandoJeanie’s weekend hate speech rant basically described Cheri Bustos as a ChiComme Spy. Remember she was going to be Beetle Education Czarina

    Comment by Annonin' Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 3:14 pm

  30. There are no Republicans…just Trumpublicans and thisis what they do.

    Comment by old guy Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 3:15 pm

  31. Respectfully God Bless you Rich for this assignment, a look into people who usually reserve this level of nit picking for Hunter’s laptop.

    Comment by Amalia Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 4:37 pm

  32. This is a paradox. If these Republicans could even tell you what the heck is going on, they wouldn’t be these Republicans.

    The answer is the same thing that made them these Republicans: Politics no matter what the cost.

    Comment by Dirty Red Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 8:37 pm

  33. It looks like a mixup. Shaw was on the list and given a badge by someone authorized to do so, even though he wasn’t a delegate. So Brin should look into how the mixup happened first instead of attacking Shaw.

    === The Republican Party of Illinois will not be happy until all the heretics are tossed out and one pure Republican is standing.=== Seems to be true. Illinois Review is attacking Shaw because he dared to host a gala with Greg Hart, a never Trumper, in February, when maybe the nominee would have been Haley.

    Also writers at Illinois Review seem unaware that censure and censor are two completely different words.

    Comment by Da big bad wolf Tuesday, Jun 18, 24 @ 7:21 am

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