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* We’re back! What have y’all been up to?…

posted by Isabel Miller
Monday, Jul 8, 24 @ 7:44 am


  1. A week ago I attended a service for an old classmate. Other classmates were there and started complaining about Illinois. For the last 25 years, at every reunion, it’s been the same thing: first chance they get, they’re moving somewhere else.
    Yet they’re still here.

    Comment by Proud Papa Bear Monday, Jul 8, 24 @ 8:17 am

  2. PSA - Dehydration

    Went down over the weekend with a case of severe dehydration. The weather wasn’t very hot, so I wasn’t thinking drinking water. Didn’t think I was thirsty. By the end of the day, I was extremely fatigued, wasn’t sweating, and a bit confused. I have no idea how I got home from my cabin in the woods. Spent all day yesterday sleeping on the couch. Still feel beat up.

    Dehydration creeps up on you and gets you when you least expect. Alcohol can exacerbate the problem.

    Comment by Huh? Monday, Jul 8, 24 @ 8:34 am

  3. Golf, and more golf. 3 rounds last 5 days.. I played worse and worse each round. In fact I played so terrible I threw my clubs into the basement last night and banned myself from playing for the rest of July

    Comment by Anthony Monday, Jul 8, 24 @ 8:38 am

  4. Took friends from out-of-town around Chicago. They loved the architecture boat tour, the Bean, the Art Institute, Steppenwolf, etc.

    On beautiful summer days, it’s a spectacular city.

    Comment by Keyrock Monday, Jul 8, 24 @ 8:51 am

  5. Spent time deep in Trump country, was actually surprised by the lack of hats and signs and such other than a few. Almost no one talking about the pres. election other than complaining about the choices.

    Comment by Give Me A Break Monday, Jul 8, 24 @ 9:04 am

  6. The regular yearly cicadas came out this weekend. And I gotta say, while the 17yr emergence a month ago was certainly impressive, there’s just something more soothing about the more sporadic regular summer ones every year.

    Comment by TheInvisibleMan Monday, Jul 8, 24 @ 9:13 am

  7. Grand Teton National Park blew me away. Had no idea. Adjoins Jackson, Wyoming too which is a neat town as well. If you haven’t ever been, you should go.

    3 more of the 50 State capitols visited too, which is a highly arbitrary travel quest I don’t recommend.

    Comment by ChicagoBars Monday, Jul 8, 24 @ 9:55 am

  8. The July-August issue of Smithsonian Magazine has a nice article on Illinois Congressman Peter F. Mack’s goodwill solo flight around the world in 1952. He visited 45 cities in 30 countries. Here is a link to the article:

    Comment by G'Kar Monday, Jul 8, 24 @ 10:04 am

  9. Came back on the 4th from an Alaska cruise, returning to Chicago on Amtrak’s Empire Builder. Fabulous trip, gorgeous scenery, and I cannot say enough about how helpful Amtrak staff were.

    I watched bits of the NASCAR race from a building overlooking the track. The best part was the positive energy and vibe on the street. People were having a good time and enjoying the city (at least until the rain came).

    Comment by JoanP Monday, Jul 8, 24 @ 10:44 am

  10. Came back from Texas last night. Illinois weather feels like a cold front compared to how hot it is down there.

    Comment by LincolnCoNative Monday, Jul 8, 24 @ 10:56 am

  11. July weather has been pretty great so far. Trying to get through Monday after a very fun weekend.

    Comment by Friendly Bob Adams Monday, Jul 8, 24 @ 11:16 am

  12. Got to enjoy Towanda fireworks on the 3rd and Normal fireworks on the 4th. Our son enjoyed both greatly. Normal’s started oddly early, though.

    Darn summer cold going through our family like crazy, though.

    Comment by TJ Monday, Jul 8, 24 @ 11:59 am

  13. Yardwork. Weeds growing like weeds. Was hoping the heat would have killed them but no. toil toil. Comparing notes with neighbors, seeing some weeds not seen before in the neighborhood…pokeweed. Veggies doing so so.

    Comment by Amalia Monday, Jul 8, 24 @ 12:02 pm

  14. Wife and I did the Sunday Rolling Stones concert. It was fantastic. Had a great day in the city, lunch on Navy Pier, architectural boat tour. It was one of those perfect summer days when the down town absolutely sparkled.

    Comment by Occasionally Moderated Monday, Jul 8, 24 @ 12:11 pm

  15. I was mildly surprised when I stopped at a downstate fireworks stand. I came in for sparklers for kids. I’m pretty sure everything one could want was there. Mortars, rockets, etc. Pretty much a missouru stand with higher prices. Judging from the light show I had over my neighborhood last few days business was very good.

    Surprised me enough I was checking to see if IL had changed the law.

    Comment by Mason born Monday, Jul 8, 24 @ 2:17 pm

  16. We sat on our front porch and watched a tremendous show…from the NSE and W…I needed a swivel for my head…best fireworks display we’ve seen in years.

    Comment by Dotnonymous x Monday, Jul 8, 24 @ 3:11 pm

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