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ILGOP releases national convention delegate list

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Today, the Illinois Republican Party is releasing the final list of delegates for the Republican National Convention taking place next week in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Each Congressional District in Illinois will be represented by 3 elected delegates in addition to 13 statewide delegates for a total of 64 delegates.

Click here for the list. Darren Bailey and US Rep. Mike Bost are both delegates in the same district. Bost beat Bailey in the Republican primary this year.

* Speaking of the Illinois Republican Party, a member of the Freedom Caucus is calling on Don Tracy to delay his resignation as state party chair…

State Representative Dan Caulkins (R-Decatur) says the future of the Republican Party in Illinois requires thoughtful consideration and should not be done on the fly which is why he is calling on current Illinois GOP Chairman Don Tracy to delay his resignation.

“There is no question we have some issues to resolve in our party. Some require immediate attention and others can be addressed after November. My concern is that the selection process is rushed and ill timed. We are setting up whoever takes over the chairmanship for failure.

The duties of the Republican Party are to support our county organizations, provide legal assistance for ballot challenges as well as support other legal matters and to promote Republican ideas and candidates.

Don Tracy has performed these duties well, and he can continue to provide the stability we need to get through the next several months. The announced candidates to replace Tracy have not been properly vetted and have not provided a vision for the party for the future. The reality is the truncated timetable prohibits them from making a strong case for their candidacy. We gain nothing by rushing this important decision and we risk losing traction in a state that we can ill afford to cede anymore ground to the Democrats. The solution is for Don Tracy to remain as State Party Chairman. For the good of the Party, I call on Don Tracy to delay his resignation and continue to serve at least through the end of the year.”

Kinda surprising, considering the source.

I’ve asked a party spokesperson for comment.

* Meanwhile, Rep. John Cabello (R-Machesney Park) told me today he is interested in serving as interim party chair through the November election. Sen. Jason Plummer and Aaron Del Mar also have their hats in the ring.

posted by Rich Miller
Wednesday, Jul 10, 24 @ 1:17 pm


  1. I am late to the news. Why did Tracy decide to step down as Chair?

    Comment by Anthony Wednesday, Jul 10, 24 @ 1:45 pm

  2. Cabello being named interim chair would certainly be a very tangible manifestation of the shift that’s already occured within the state GOP. If memory serves, he was the first Illinois Republican elected official to endorse Trump, and none of the establishment folks would get on board until there was basically no other option. These days even John Curran goes around lavishly praising Trump. How times have changed . . .

    Comment by charles in charge Wednesday, Jul 10, 24 @ 2:15 pm

  3. “Why did Tracy decide to step down as Chair?”

    The State Convention in Collinsville, Illinois turned into fracas. Tracy resigned shortly afterwards.

    Comment by Gravitas Wednesday, Jul 10, 24 @ 2:27 pm

  4. Don Tracy isnt nuts. Thats why he stepped down. Really its as simple as that.

    Comment by low level Wednesday, Jul 10, 24 @ 3:54 pm

  5. ==State Representative Dan Caulkins (R-Decatur) says the future of the Republican Party in Illinois requires thoughtful consideration and should not be done on the fly==

    Seriously? This is pretty much the opposite of how he and the rest of the “freedom caucus” operate. That said, thanks for the afternoon laugh.

    Comment by Pot calling kettle Wednesday, Jul 10, 24 @ 4:24 pm

  6. There is still an Illinois Republican Party?

    Comment by DougChicago Wednesday, Jul 10, 24 @ 4:48 pm

  7. Whenever Dan Caulkins speaks?…I yawn.

    Comment by Dotnonymous x Wednesday, Jul 10, 24 @ 10:08 pm

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