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Rate the new NRCC ad (Updated)

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* Here it comes

* Script

Announcer: The scandal of the century. Our president lacks the mental fitness for office, and Eric Sorensen covered it up. Sorensen met privately with Joe Biden. He witnessed Biden’s mental failures up close, but allowed crises to rage under Biden’s frail leadership.

Now, Eric Sorenson ignores our concerns.

Interviewer: You’re confident in his ability to serve another term as president?

Sorensen: I just don’t think that my opinion matters.

Announcer: Tell Eric Sorensen to stop defending Biden when he knows the truth.

They’re running the same basic ad in several congressional districts.

…Adding… Sorensen has finally weighed in…

NEW: Another Illinois Congressman urges President Biden to step aside.

— Rob Elgas (@RobElgasABC7) July 12, 2024

And the NRCC mocks him for it…

.@ERICSORENSEN is a fraud who is only demanding Biden drop out to save his political career.

Does Sorensen think Biden is fit to serve RIGHT NOW? #IL17

— NRCC (@NRCC) July 12, 2024

posted by Rich Miller
Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 10:43 am


  1. Kind of bad. That’s too much of a stretch for even the lowest-information voters.

    Comment by The Truth Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 10:56 am

  2. I’m sure it’s effective and polls extremely well, and it’s pretty evident Biden isn’t all there. Dems made their bed on this and now it’s time to lay in it.

    As much as I personally dislike the NRCC and GOP this is what our old pal Oswego Wily would call “restaurant quality”. Gotta give it an A

    Comment by Alton Sinkhole Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 10:57 am

  3. If the various candidates follow this up with the below, I think it is very effective.

    ” Hi, I’m Fav. I promise you that I will not act like my opponent. I’ll support Pres Trump in his efforts to bring back US jobs, etc etc.

    When Pres Trump is wrong, I’ll say so. You can depend on me to be YOUR voice, and always give you the straight truth.

    I’m Fav, and I approve this message.

    Comment by Fav Human Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 11:05 am

  4. It looks amateurish, but I think the visuals aim to make the top of the ticket look unappealing enough to keep someone who would have voted for democrats down-ballot from bothering to get to the polls. I think it’s ineffective if the goal was to make Sorensen look bad. But you don’t really need to do that if you’ve achieved the first outcome.
    I’m wondering what the response regarding the lack of appeal at the top of the other ticket will look like.

    Comment by Who else Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 11:07 am

  5. Rate it a B+ a little cringy, but how can you avoid the low-hanging fruit? Targets undecided voters with both Biden’s problems and Sorenson’s ambivalence.

    Comment by Donnie Elgin Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 11:13 am

  6. - That’s too much of a stretch for even the lowest-information voters. -

    I hope you’re not driving today.

    As much as I despise the GOP, this is an A+ ad. This is an easy concept for undecided voters to latch onto, and another reason Biden needs to step aside.

    Comment by Excitable Boy Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 11:15 am

  7. This ad preaches directly and solely to the GOP cult, I mean choir.

    No one actually believes a freshman from the Quad Cities is actively covering-up anything. And the fact that it’s a cookie-cutter ad shows that it’s not truly attached to Sorensen at all. There might be other members of Congress with more access to Biden and statements about his cognitive functions for whom such an ad could be more effective.

    But not Sorenson. This is lazy.

    Comment by The Truth Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 11:23 am

  8. A bit over the top. C It makes Biden look bad, but it’s not much of a hit on Sorensen.

    It could be off set by the Dems putting up a similar add with Trump’s craziness.

    Comment by Pot calling kettle Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 11:27 am

  9. “a cookie-cutter ad ”

    99% of viewers will not be aware the ad is being used for other races

    Comment by Donnie Elgin Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 11:37 am

  10. The self own is astonishing.

    Comment by Huh? Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 11:47 am

  11. I’d give it a C- Right focus, poor execution. Looks amateurish and seems to be made to appeal to MAGA types who are already voting against Sorenson. If this is how House GOP is trying to capitalize on Biden’s struggles they are blowing a golden opportunity — making lemons out of lemonade.

    Comment by Roman Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 11:49 am

  12. In its entirety the ad is reading the room. But Sorensen being filmed saying “i just don’t think my opinion matters” is a self own that goes beyond the Biden situation. Grade A.

    Comment by Responsa Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 11:54 am

  13. ==When Pres Trump is wrong, I’ll say so. You can depend on me to be YOUR voice, and always give you the straight truth.==

    LOL For a Republican, that would be a kiss of death from Trump and his cult. Remember what happened to Liz Cheney and Adam Kinginger.

    Comment by Pot calling kettle Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 12:10 pm

  14. “As much as I personally dislike the NRCC and GOP this is what our old pal Oswego Wily would call “restaurant quality”. Gotta give it an A”

    I mean, McDonalds and Subway are technically restaurants. This ad seems about that level of quality: mass-produced and available in lots of locations, with limited nutritional benefits beyond sating hunger for a little bit.

    Comment by Leap Day William Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 12:20 pm

  15. A. Obviously Sorensen is trying to distance himself from the top of the ticket.

    Comment by Just a Citizen Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 12:26 pm

  16. It’s a hit that the entire Dem party is going to have to deal with until Election Day.
    Voters know what they saw. The press is poundning everyday asking should he stay in? There are more and more Dem voices daily saying he shouldn’t stay in the race. It’s a snowball that the NRCC is more than happy to help roll down the hill and gther steam.

    Wait until the bi-partisan Voter ID law, to stop illegals from voting in the Federal election, commercials come out and they hit Sorenson for voting no and allowing illegals to vote.
    It’ll say- There was a bipartisan bill to stop noncitizens from voting for President of the United States. Rep Sorenson could have stood with American people and fellow Democrats to make sure only American citizens vote in our elections. Instead he stood with Squad members to allow non-Americans to vote in American elections….What is he thinking does he even care about America?

    Comment by Frida's boss Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 12:33 pm

  17. A+. Hope to see many more like this. Achieves two goals with a short, powerful message. Shows Biden to be not competent to be President and exposes the down ballot candidate as an untrustworthy hypocrite. Restaurant quality indeed.

    Comment by Captain Obvious Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 12:43 pm

  18. The MAGA crowd should be more careful. If Biden drops out, whoever becomes the Dem nominee is going to have all of the oxygen and none of the baggage.

    I’d vote for a moldy ham sandwich before I’d vote for Trump. Biden is Trump’s best opponent because he’s a known quantity. And he’s showing his age in all the wrong ways. I’ll still vote for him, but if he decides to pack it in, I think we’re in a whole new ballgame that Republicans haven’t planned for.

    Also, cookie cutter ads like this are weak.

    Comment by 47th Ward Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 1:28 pm

  19. “I’ll still vote for him”


    Comment by Huh? Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 3:16 pm

  20. Rate it an F. But everything the Republicans do these days in their devotion to their Orange God is a F’ed up.

    Comment by West Side the Best Side Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 7:51 pm

  21. I wish commenters were better about separating their personal viewpoints from how they view the impact of an ad.

    I, a proud Dem, hate this ad. It’s undoubtedly effective and Biden’s glaring weakness is plainly addressed. I’ll vote for Biden no matter how brain dead he is but come on guys let’s at least be honest about what will work on undecided voters

    Comment by Alton Sinkhole Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 9:49 pm

  22. Sorensen defying the tens of thousands of his own voters, who proudly voted, in this last primary for and rallied for Joe Biden, listens to George Clooney and coastal elites rather than his own local working class constituents on calling for the President to step aside. If he’s just a puppet for the DNC why is he even there? He doesn’t represent us.

    Can’t win either way when you waffle and don’t make decisions quickly or hem and haw until you poll the question.

    Comment by Frida’s boss Friday, Jul 12, 24 @ 6:55 am

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