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The Internet is forever, Rodney

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* From October 8, 2016. Just 31 days before the election

U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis has withdrawn his support for Donald Trump and hopes running mate Mike Pence will move to the top of the ticket.

Davis, a Taylorville Republican who represents the 13th Congressional District, released a statement Saturday in which he said he also has asked to be removed from Trump’s agriculture advisory committee.

“As parents of a teenage daughter and teen twin boys, my wife and I teach them to respect women and that they will be judged by their words and actions,” Davis said in the emailed statement. “The abhorrent comments made by Donald Trump are inexcusable and go directly against what I’ve been doing in Washington to combat assaults on college campuses.

“Because of this, I am rescinding my support for Donald Trump and asking to have my name removed from his agriculture advisory committee. With the terrible options America has right now, I cannot cast my vote for any of the candidates, so I hope Donald Trump withdraws from the race so the American people can elect Mike Pence as our next president.”

* Yesterday…

WTF is Project 2025 that every Dem is talking about today? A think tank paper? The world is actually witnessing Democrat’s Project 2024 in real time with Biden being shivved by fellow Dems in epitome of political backroom deal. Et tu Brute…

— Hon. Rodney Davis (@RodneyDavis) July 22, 2024

* Rodney also praised Harris’ choice as a running mate four years ago

U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Taylorville, called Biden’s choice of Harris a “good pick.” […]

“I think it’s a good pick by Vice President Biden,” Davis said. “Clearly, he and his campaign (are) very concerned about the message that the far left is sending that they don’t value law enforcement. And I think the pick was a very safe pick … one that helps to send a message in support of law enforcement, moreso than some of the other candidates.”

posted by Rich Miller
Monday, Jul 22, 24 @ 11:01 am


  1. Sold his soul to the MAGAs and it didn’t matter. But he’s making bank now.

    Comment by Former Downstater Monday, Jul 22, 24 @ 11:13 am

  2. The ‘my stars and garters Harris usurped Biden’ response from this crowd is laughable. Their hearts aren’t in it.

    Comment by P. Monday, Jul 22, 24 @ 11:16 am

  3. There is palpable fear by the GOP that Project 2025 will become a major campaign issue. They know it’s toxic which is why Trump has been running away from it. But it’s not just some think tank. Dozens of Trump’s former staff wrote the darn thing. It was on full display at the RNC and it’s described as a “presidential transition project.” Oh, and one last thing. Trump has a version of Project 2025 as part of his own campaign.

    Comment by New Day Monday, Jul 22, 24 @ 11:23 am

  4. How much you wanna bet he never even read Julius Caesar?

    Comment by Big Dipper Monday, Jul 22, 24 @ 11:29 am

  5. It sounds like Rodney and I are two Republicans planning to vote for Kamala.

    Comment by Lurker Monday, Jul 22, 24 @ 11:33 am

  6. “Every Dem is talking about,” no it’s something voters are talking about and not in a good way. It’s disturbing and radical which something the old Rodney would understand.

    Comment by Scoot Monday, Jul 22, 24 @ 11:36 am

  7. Republicans think they are going to be able to gaslight their way out of Project 2025. So tired of the lying liars who lie too much.

    Comment by Politix Monday, Jul 22, 24 @ 11:54 am

  8. Not only is it a comprehensive list of policy proposals Trump wants but also they are collecting resumes of people ready to carry out their plans.

    It is a massive patronage project that would make any old school Chicago ward boss blush.

    Comment by low level Monday, Jul 22, 24 @ 12:41 pm

  9. It appears that Rodney broke the chains.
    (roaring applause from crowd)

    Comment by FreeSpeech Monday, Jul 22, 24 @ 1:19 pm

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