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Pritzker hasn’t received VP vetting materials from Harris, but doesn’t shut down speculations that he’s interested

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* Wall Street Journal Reporter Ken Thomas

Harris' campaign has requested vetting materials from potential VPs, including Cooper (NC), Kelly (AZ), Shapiro (PA), Whitmer (MI), Walz (MN) + Pritzker (IL), according to a person familiar. Beshear told CNN he hasn't been asked to submit info at this point.

— Ken Thomas (@KThomasDC) July 23, 2024

* The governor’s team refuted this last night. Pritzker did the same on Morning Joe

"I love being the governor of the State of Illinois, and I've been out on the campaign trail fighting hard for Democrats to win… I'm very interested in making sure that Kamala Harris becomes the next president of the United States."

@GovPritzker on Harris's VP speculation

— Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) July 23, 2024

The transcript…

Governor Pritzker you, of course, endorsed Vice-President Harris yesterday. Have you received any vetting materials from her campaign about possibly being her running mate?

Governor JB Pritzker: No

And if you do, would you be interested in the job?

Pritzker: Look, I love being the governor of the state of Illinois and l’ve been out on the campaign trail of fighting hard for Democrats to win i was in Indiana and Ohio last week. I’m going to be in Tennessee and Arizona. As you know, started an organization called Think Big America that’s fighting for reproductive rights. We did it in Ohio. We’re doing it in Arizona, in Nevada. You know, it’s important to me that we win across the board and all across the United States. So I’m going to continue to do that. And I’m very interested in making sure that Kamala Harris becomes the next president of the United of the United States.

Click here to watch the full interview.

And if you’re interested, Nomadic Warriors for Pritzker Et al. were interviewed by Jezebel about a potential VP Pritzker.

posted by Isabel Miller
Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 10:26 am


  1. Looks like it’s not gonna happen, JB.
    Fine by me. I’d rather he stay right where he is.

    Comment by Proud Papa Bear Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 10:32 am

  2. Considering how strong Illinois goes for the Democratic Party here , it would make more sense to pick someone from a state that is in play. Whitmer would be a good candidate, but probably not on a two woman ticket (still a lot of knuckle draggers who would might vote for a woman, but probably not a two woman ticket), so I’m expecting a man for VP. Mark Kelly would be a perfect choice IMO (Astronaut, husband of Gabbie Giffords and an effective US Senator), but I’m not a beltway pundit so my opinion is just that- my opinion.

    Comment by Roadiepig Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 10:41 am

  3. veepstakes is less about winning and more so about making sure you’re name is in the mix. nice to have our gov’s in the mix

    Comment by blues Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 10:42 am

  4. While I think he would be a strong addition to the ticket (he’s articulate and could take it to Trump and Vance very well) I just don’t see what he adds. Illinois is a lock for the Democrats. Yes, he’s a midwesterner but I don’t think that Pritzker translates into votes in Wisconsin or Michigan. Would I support choosing Pritzker as the VP candidate? Absolutely. I just don’t think he’s the best choice.

    Comment by Demoralized Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 10:42 am

  5. =but I’m not a beltway pundit so my opinion is just that- my opinion=

    I would argue that because you are not a beltway pundit, your opinion has more weight.

    Comment by Colin O'Scopy Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 10:45 am

  6. he would be great and then the Lt. Gov could move up when they win and she’s wonderful. but speculation is down to Kelly and Shapiro.

    Comment by Amalia Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 11:00 am

  7. Agree with blues - It’s great that our state finally has elected leaders on the national political stage. I think the last time we had a governor considered for higher office was Big Jim Thompson.

    Comment by NIU Grad Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 11:01 am

  8. I like Pritzker, and think he’d make a darn good running mate or candidate in his own right, but the simple fact is that Gov Cooper in NC, Gov Shapiro in PA, Sen Kelly in PA, and Gov Whitmer in MI all bring more to the table as a running mate for Harris by hopefully making a swing state more likely to win for her. She doesn’t need any help in Illinois after all, and I’m not entirely sure that an IL Gov necessarily plays super well in other midwestern states more so than a PA or MI gov.

    Pritzker’s shot at the presidency or vice presidency probably is limited to 2028 if Harris loses this year, or 2032 (when he’ll be 67, which honestly isn’t too old in this day and age). Either that, or if Harris wins Pritzker could be a pretty reasonably attractive cabinet secretary for commerce

    Comment by TJ Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 11:06 am

  9. Nomads for Pritzker is my favorite thing in the entire political universe.

    Comment by Suburban Mom Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 11:06 am

  10. Just my two cents as a layperson of politics.

    Pritzker would he exceedingly bored “presiding over the Senate.” Pritzker is a substantive and significant executive. Becoming a VP to get in line and show loyalty is not a requisite for an accomplished leader of Pritzker’s caliber.

    Comment by H-W Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 11:08 am

  11. Maybe JB should check his spam folder.

    Seriously, agree with Blues and NIU. JB deserves national attention for being a good gov, but I think IL is a better fit.

    Comment by Norseman Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 11:09 am

  12. wish I still was an OP researcher … those guys are gonna be busy the next week or so $$$$$

    Comment by Neef Jr. Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 11:12 am

  13. Harris might want to pick a Rust Belt/red state type Democrat who can help her where she needs to win. Pritzker is doing a great job and should remain in Illinois, which has much room for improvement.

    Comment by Grandson of Man Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 11:17 am

  14. Everyone should keep it in mind that the kinds of folks trusted with this process that value future employment and future trust don’t leak. The initial stages of Vice Presidential vetting also usually begin with a white shoe law firm. I’m not even completely sure if a well run campaign would itself ever be asking for any materials instead of relying on the different white shoe law firms that they might hire to completely handle the process.

    White shoe law firms also don’t leak.

    A “source familiar” isn’t confidence building and if is a somehow authorized leak it is to see how it plays in the media, see how the potential folks handle the attention, and importantly, make it a wee bit easier to poll someone like Cooper who has been an excellent governor while battling an insurgent GOP legislature who hasn’t been seeking the national spot light as much as some other folks who would be on my list.

    Comment by Candy Dogood Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 11:22 am

  15. I think she should pick a governor unless there is a great blue state senator otherwise you could really lose senate. That said I think Sherrod Briwn from Ohio would be good would make Ohio interesting and counter act Vance
    I like our governor and wish he stays here but if Democrats win and he got a real important cabinet post I could see him leave

    Comment by DuPage Saint Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 11:32 am

  16. JB doesn’t enhance the ticket in the way that Kelly, Shapiro or Cooper do.

    Comment by Downstate Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 11:34 am

  17. ===Nomads for Pritzker is my favorite thing in the entire political universe.


    Comment by ArchPundit Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 11:34 am

  18. He does not want to play second fiddle and he is first fiddle by far in Illinois. He and she cannot beat Trump and I don’t think he wants in any way to get beat.

    Comment by clec dcn Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 11:41 am

  19. =Pritzker is a substantive and significant executive. Becoming a VP to get in line and show loyalty is not a requisite for an accomplished leader of Pritzker’s caliber.=

    This. 100%.

    Comment by Politix Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 11:44 am

  20. ===not a requisite for an accomplished leader of Pritzker’s caliber.===

    In a practical sense going from Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to Vice President is also demotion, but President Joe Biden still took the job when he was asked.

    Comment by Candy Dogood Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 11:56 am

  21. ===I just don’t see what he adds===

    Pritzker has been a successful governor. Unlike the “turnaround agenda” guy, he actually has turned Illinois around. He eliminated the $17 million bill backlog he inherited, he got us, what, 8 credit upgrades? He signed bills protecting women’s reproductive health care, legalizing pot, banning assault weapons, and reforming the corrupting cash bail system. He signed a bill making Juneteenth a holiday even before President Biden did. Most remarkable, with bipartisan support, he got a massive and long overdue infrastructure bill passed.

    Oh, and he’s got piles of cash to spend on an election campaign.

    “I don’t see waht he adds”? He adds a ton.

    Comment by Nick Name Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 12:12 pm

  22. The best thing JB can do is “lend out” Anne Caprara to the Harris campaign. There is no one better in the business to bring home a win.

    Comment by Tom Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 12:13 pm

  23. In my humble opinion, I hope JB stays and seeks a third term before running for POTUS in 2028 or 2032. Illinois is in a great spot now after … let’s call it “a string of ineffective governors” to be polite … and I hope to see that continue before he runs for higher office.

    Comment by Vote Quimby Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 12:16 pm

  24. What does Pritzker bring that Shapiro or Kelly doesn’t (besides money, which Kamala is not hurting for + JB will likely still give plenty).

    Sorry JB, I love ya - but it’s a bad idea to make you VIP right now. That’s the way it goes sometimes

    Comment by Alton Sinkhole Tuesday, Jul 23, 24 @ 12:24 pm

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