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* What’s going on in your part of Illinois?

posted by Isabel Miller
Friday, Jul 26, 24 @ 7:43 am


  1. I arrived at my office this morning to find that some homeless individuals have camped behind my building (yes it is mine- I bought it in 1999) and left me a mess. Not only does it look bad, but it’s gonna take a bio hazmat team to clean it up. When does this start to improve? It’s only gotten worse. My property taxes went up 10% last year and are going up again this year.
    My building is going up for sale and the next piece of property I buy will not be in Illinois.
    That’s what is going on in my part of Illinois.

    Comment by Tequila Mockingbird Friday, Jul 26, 24 @ 8:00 am

  2. Just came across this picture of Kamala Harris at Barack Obama’s presidential announcement in Springfield in 2007. Neat.

    Comment by hisgirlfriday Friday, Jul 26, 24 @ 8:05 am

  3. Good luck moving to a state without homelessness. Hope you find it.

    Comment by SWIL_Voter Friday, Jul 26, 24 @ 8:36 am

  4. How long were they there for?

    Comment by Alton Sinkhole Friday, Jul 26, 24 @ 8:41 am

  5. Tequila Mockingbird - which states do not have homeless people?

    Comment by Grimlock Friday, Jul 26, 24 @ 9:16 am

  6. Also just saw the picture of VP Harris in Springfield at Obama’s presidential announcement in 2007. Awesome pic. The Obamas jointly endorsed her (Barack and Michelle).

    Comment by Grandson of Man Friday, Jul 26, 24 @ 9:25 am

  7. Instead of lamenting the fact that a building owner is leaving, this group basically says ‘good riddance” There are lots of cities that do not have homeless problems to the extent to which he speaks of. The Gov would call him an Illinois Grifter.

    Comment by old man poodle owner Friday, Jul 26, 24 @ 9:31 am

  8. Next time, buy an island. s/ Did make me think of John Dunne.

    Comment by very old soil Friday, Jul 26, 24 @ 9:40 am

  9. The Democratic National Convention will come to Chicago next month and it appears Vice President Kamala Harris will be the nominee. In recent days Amazon has dropped a book published four years ago from it’s platform. The title is Kamala Harris and America; An Essay in Three Parts by Caleb Maupin. It is available on Interesting how Amazon sells a book for four years, then claims there is a problem with the jacket cover. So Caleb replaced the jacket cover to a generic one with just the title and author, no photographs and it is not available; this page not found. For your information.

    Comment by Tom Gasman Friday, Jul 26, 24 @ 10:10 am

  10. “Instead of lamenting the fact that a building owner is leaving, this group basically says ‘good riddance””


    Comment by Downstate Friday, Jul 26, 24 @ 10:21 am

  11. According to recent news reports, California is about to not have a homeless problem. Gov Newsom has called in the bulldozers. Of course they still have some of the highest taxes in the country. Something to consider if you’re going to buy a property there.

    Comment by Behind the Scenes Friday, Jul 26, 24 @ 10:22 am

  12. - Instead of lamenting the fact that a building owner is leaving, -

    My goodness, what will we do when all the “building owners” are gone?

    The idolatry of the wealthy is quite something.

    Maybe try dealing with problems that come up with your property and go on with your day without looking for sympathy. I’m not sure what you want the rest of us to do about it.

    Comment by Excitable Boy Friday, Jul 26, 24 @ 10:26 am

  13. Please send me your new non-Illinois address and I’ll be sure to send a Christmas card.

    Comment by Friendly Bob Adams Friday, Jul 26, 24 @ 10:29 am

  14. Why do people that want to move out of Illinois always feel the need to pre-announce their departures? Are they airlines?

    Comment by TJ Friday, Jul 26, 24 @ 10:48 am

  15. @Tequila 8:00am:
    You could move out of that neighborhood, out to the collar counties.

    Comment by Dupage Friday, Jul 26, 24 @ 11:03 am

  16. @TJ, great post

    Comment by Lurker Friday, Jul 26, 24 @ 11:25 am

  17. I know, right? It’s not unlike the great departure announcements to Canada of 2016. So annoying.

    Comment by Boom Shaka Friday, Jul 26, 24 @ 11:32 am

  18. “Kamala Harris and America; An Essay in Three Parts by Caleb Maupin”

    Wow, this guy’s a super-weirdo. In summation, he calls himself a socialist, but he means North Korean socialism, and all of his “books” and “essays” are about how capitalism and imperialism are deeply evil and we need MORE growth and also more North Korea and also to be friends with Russia and also to give Russia back Ukraine. (Side note: does not appear to know Russia is no longer communist?) He also wrote an intro to Marxism but it appears to be a super-insane form of Marxism and not, like, stuff Marx wrote.

    I’m guessing whatever he published about Kamala was equally unhinged and his primary complaint is that she’s a fake leftist because she doesn’t see North Korea and Russia as model societies for us to mimic. (Also that she’s a minority, since he objects to “identity politics.”)

    I legitimately can’t tell if this guy is nuts or if he’s a troll.

    Comment by Suburban Mom Friday, Jul 26, 24 @ 12:15 pm

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