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* Politico reporter…

SCOOP: IL Gov. JB Pritzker, a potential VP pick, has strongly criticized e-cigarettes in recent years. But his own cousin Nicholas Pritzker is the 2nd largest shareholder of e-cigarette company Juul, from which he and his family have made at least $1.8B.

— Daniel Lippman (@dlippman) July 26, 2024

Pritzker’s campaign responded…

In case you missed it, a new “scoop” from POLITICO reveals how Gov. JB Pritzker has used his influence as Governor of Illinois to implement new regulations against harmful e-cigarettes and call out the industry, even as his first cousin once removed serves as a board member for Juul. What’s more, Gov. Pritzker didn’t even profit from his first cousin once removed’s actions and frankly thinks first cousin once removed is a pretty distant relative to be involved in this story at all.

These new details highlight what was long suspected: Gov. Pritzker is beholden to the Illinois families he was elected to serve, not anyone else.

“Just when you think you know who someone is,” said JB for Governor communications director Christina Amestoy. “He turns around and proves you exactly right.”


Click here for Schuba’s 2018 story.

* Meanwhile, Pritzker was on “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” yesterday

Look, the electorate is energized. Democrats are ready to go. You’ve seen hundreds of thousands of people signing up to volunteer. Plus, our candidate is the Energizer Bunny. She’s been everywhere all the time over the last several days, and we’re excited about that, to get to see her in the battleground states and all over the country.

And her message is one that I think resonates with people. One of those things, of course, is pointing out the differences between these two candidates.

I mean, on the other side, they’re just weird. I mean, they really are. The things that they stand for — Donald Trump, of course, is afraid of windmills and, you know, he talks about all kinds of crazy stuff. You know, his running mate, as you probably have heard, is, you know, getting known for his obsession with couches, and — and somebody who is hiding his views on a woman’s right to choose. And then just broadly, the attack on people who are childless and saying that we ought to raise taxes on childless people and calling them “cat ladies,” I think, you know, he apologized to cats, but he hasn’t apologized to women.

* This morning, Pritzker was asked about how Democrats were lately calling some top Republicans “weird” and if he embraced the move

I actually talked about it yesterday. The truth is, there are a lot of very weird, strange things coming out of both the Republican nominee and the vice presidential nominee on the Republican side. I mean, there’s this consistent kind of talk about Donald Trump’s fear of sharks. I’m not sure why that’s relevant to becoming president of the United States. There’s the talk about couches and dolphins in the vice presidential candidate’s case, and and it’s just, you know, I don’t understand. We should be talking about the issues that are important to working families across the United States. That’s what Kamala Harris is talking about. That’s what all of us ought to be focused on.

* Pritzker did not mention sharks, couches or dolphins in his afternoon Q and A, but he was asked about some confusion over whether he said he was being vetted or not. It was impossible to hear much of the question, but this is how he responded

I’ll correct your timeline. I think I said no on Tuesday morning that I had not received vetting documents, and then subsequently I was asked the question, just so you can go back and look at your records. And what I’ve said repeatedly since then is that, you know, I’m not going to talk about the conversations that I’ve had with the vice president or with her campaign, other than to say that I have committed myself to Kamala Harris, that I will go out and work my heart out for her to win this election, because we must. Because we cannot have Donald Trump as President of the United States.

Please pardon all transcription errors.

posted by Rich Miller
Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 2:08 pm


  1. If we were judged by what our cousins do, I think most folks would be in trouble.

    Comment by OneMan Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 2:24 pm

  2. =But his own cousin Nicholas Pritzker is the 2nd largest shareholder of e-cigarette company Juul=

    Oh yeah? I hear his cousins neighbor’s best friend is even worser.


    Comment by JS Mill Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 2:30 pm

  3. I think in politics the only time a cousin should matter is if you are married to one.

    Comment by Baloneymous Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 2:33 pm

  4. Cousin? Really? Man if that is all you got you got nothing
    I am sure Blago is waiting in the wings somewhere I can hardly wait for that.

    Comment by DuPage Saint Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 2:35 pm

  5. We all have family. jimmy carter had brother billy, Bill Clinton had brother Roger, Chris Kennedy has brother Bobby Jr, Jb has this vaping cousin,

    Comment by Family Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 2:40 pm

  6. Would the very serious journalists at Politico also hold me responsible for my first-cousin-once-removed’s Lord of the Rings-themed wedding?

    – MrJM

    Comment by @misterjayem Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 2:42 pm

  7. I wonder if or when Trump will realize the shark chasing him is his under-developed conscience?

    Comment by Dotnonymous x Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 3:03 pm

  8. I am a yellow dog Democrat and am adamantly against Trump, but guess because I have two cousins that are hardcore Trumpers than I can’t in good conscious support Harris.


    Comment by TJ Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 3:09 pm

  9. SCOOP from Politico: prolific CapitolFax commenter MrJM has always claimed to utilize reason and facts, but his true colors showed when his first cousin once removed held a Lord of the Rings-themed wedding which characterized the strong and wonderful leader Sauron as an incarnation of pure evil. Politico is currently researching his family tree to see if he bears any responsibility for the recent Olympic Dionysus display which attempted to destroy Christianity worldwide.

    Comment by Apple Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 3:12 pm

  10. You should see what my cousins have done…

    Comment by Ducky LaMoore Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 3:15 pm

  11. I heard it all weekend. Dems using the word “weird” to describe not normal ramblings of the GOP candidates. The weirdness has been going on for years, though.

    Comment by Politix Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 3:37 pm

  12. Keep my cat outta yo d@mn mouth

    Comment by Just Sayin” Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 4:08 pm

  13. Hmm. One of JB’s potential VP rivals leaking oppo? Didn’t think he was much of a threat to be the pick, but someone else might think otherwise.

    The Harris accession to the top of the ticket is a real potential drag for other Democratic presidential wannabes. If she wins, there will be no open shot at the White House until 2032. A whole new batch of “rising stars” will emerge by then. Makes me wonder if JB considers a senate bid should Kamala win and Durbin retire. Less likely to acquire political baggage in the Senate than it is in a third or fourth term as governor.

    Comment by Roman Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 4:09 pm

  14. It’s sort of odd to start talking “odd” when you are defending Rachel Levine at the office.

    Comment by Steve Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 4:12 pm

  15. ===It’s sort of odd to start talking “odd” ===

    Where did he say “odd” in those quotes?

    Comment by Rich Miller Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 4:33 pm

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