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Pritzker responds to CTU president’s claim that he’s denying funding for ‘Black, brown, working class and immigrant kids’ in Chicago

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* NBC 5’s Mary Ann Ahern at today’s Pritzker presser

Governor, can I ask you about the CPS bailout? Have you noticed the CTU President’s remarks claiming that you are denying funding for Black/Brown or working-class immigrant children? And she’s somewhat- well she’s outright lobbying against you as a possible VP candidate.

* The tweet…

🤔 is this hi-5 from the Trib’s ed board a benefit for a potential VP? Praising #JBP for… *continuing* the tradition of *denying* funding for Black, brown, working class and immigrant kids in IL’s largest school district?That’s what dems want in a VP?

— ⭐️ SDG ⭐️AKA Muse of Chicago Trib Editorial Board (@stacydavisgates) July 26, 2024

SDG’s page is full of praise for Minnesota Tim Walz, who is considered one of the few very real possibilities for VP.

* Pritzker’s response

Look, I think that they’re in the middle of a negotiation, and so I think they’re going to say things that they think are going to, you know, will advance their cause. I think I’ve been clear, I want to fully fund education, public education, in the state of Illinois. I have worked hard during my term in office to do that. Billions of dollars more have gone into education, public education, for our state. I want to do even more.

We’re taking every resource that’s available to us for education and putting it there. So I know that there are people who would like more, I’m one of them, and so let’s go do that. But that is not something that can happen immediately during their negotiation.

It is something that I think we should be working on every single year, and I’ve done that. Again, almost half a billion dollars more has gone into public education every single year since I took office. And again, I will do everything I can to meet the needs of our students and make sure that we’re paying our teachers properly. But you know, criticism at this moment isn’t helpful. I think, you know, they came to Springfield, they talked to the legislature. We, in fact, did provide a significant amount more money for public schools, and we’ll continue to do it every year I’m in office.

posted by Rich Miller
Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 12:17 pm


  1. His ability to maintain a thick skin publicly is always impressive (even while his team is probably bringing out the long knives behind the scenes). CTU is just short of calling him a racist and he doesn’t seem to be breaking a sweat.

    Comment by NIU Grad Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 12:21 pm

  2. CTU Stacey is also mad at J B for not funding the private school she sends her kid to.

    Comment by NotRich Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 12:22 pm

  3. If it’s Stacey v. Brandon at the head of the table in contract negotiations, I can’t rule out the possibility that they accidentally turn the entirety of CPS into for-profit charters, and then blame, oh, let’s say Toni Preckwinkle for it.

    Comment by Roadrager Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 12:28 pm

  4. I find it curious that the CPS question always comes down to how much the state needs to provide CPS. Rarely do CTU/CPS leaders acknowledge that local property taxes are another source of funding. SDG ought to know that the parents of black, brown, working class kids can vote to increase property taxes if it someone can get it on the ballot. Is that too tough a lift for the vaunted CTU political operation to handle?

    I mean, I’d vote against it. But that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t pass regardless. It’s almost as if SDG has seen polling on it and knows it’s a dead end.

    Comment by 47th Ward Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 12:32 pm

  5. Still can’t understand the strategy they are pursuing to get more funding from the state. Making comments like they are “owed” money and that the state is being racist, anti-working class and anti-immigrant with their school funding isn’t the way to get more money. The CTU can’t bully the state into more funding. So once again the Governor has rightfully told them to go pound sand.

    Comment by Demoralized Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 12:36 pm

  6. Really admire how unflappable Pritzker is. He refuses to take Gates’ bait. Must be so frustrating.

    The DNC concludes August 22 and CPS first day is scheduled for August 26.

    Sure looks like the strategy is to try and use the DNC and raining on JB’s showcase as leverage in these negotiations.

    The calculation being that the mayor will write a big check to CTU and expect the governor and GA to cash it. Nothing to suggest the Pritzker responds favorably to threats, so Chicago property taxpayers should get their checkbooks ready.

    Comment by Moe Berg Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 12:48 pm

  7. CTU is swinging wild and essentially biting the hand that feeds. It’s reminiscent of the GOPs far right circular firing squad where when the extreme are not extreme enough, the group will turn on them in an instant. To what end though? JB is a historically successful and popular governor (by Illinois standards at least) and by invoking the VP intrigue CTU is trying to smear him as racist to the national party. They own the mayor and thus they think they run the world.

    Comment by Charles Edward Cheese Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 12:48 pm

  8. For the City Hall press corps, SDG’s Twitter account is the gift that just keeps giving.

    Comment by TNR Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 12:48 pm

  9. The man is a pro, because her comments made my blood boil.

    Our district, rural high poverty, received less than $3000 in ebf money last year. Our tax rate is more than double the CPS tax rate the last time I looked. Chicago has, and I say this while suppressing a belly laugh, substantially more resources to draw from than we do. But like anyone with little accountability it is easy for gates to call names and demand others “fix” the problems she perceives.

    I have tremendous respect and appreciation for the work CPS teachers do having taught in a similar environment. I have none for CTU or the mayor.

    Comment by JS Mill Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 12:49 pm

  10. Chicago is free to pass all the education referenda they want. They can also raise their property taxes and pay same rate as collar counties

    Comment by DuPage Saint Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 12:55 pm

  11. They are torpedoing a person they will need numerous favors from? Do they wish Bruce Rauner was back in office?

    Comment by levivotedforjudy Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 12:56 pm

  12. Shaming and blame shifting ISN’T governing, Brandon. What else you got?

    Comment by Poltix Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 1:15 pm

  13. Well, CTU has to have a boogeyman, and it can’t be their old organizer in the mayor’s office, so JB is it.

    Comment by PublicServant Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 1:24 pm

  14. Stacy and CTU are blaming CPS CEO Pedro Martinez, the governor and the board. But there is no blame or accountability for the mayor, why? The mayor went down to Springfield to fight for the Bears instead of fighting for funding for the money CTU claims they now need.

    Comment by Contrarian Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 1:26 pm

  15. I appreciate JBP because he is an adult that doesn’t take things personally. MAA’s question seems designed to start a media kerfuffle ton get clicks, not actually get useful information out to the public. JB responded perfectly.

    Comment by Homebody Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 1:30 pm

  16. The CTU is going to CTU, man; everything would be all rainbows and happiness if there was just more money. As others have pointed out, if their rate was the same as the collar counties, their issues would be solved. Heck, if their rates were the same as some south suburban districts, every kid would be able to take Uber to school every day.

    Comment by OneMan Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 1:58 pm

  17. Does she think this kind of nonsense will get any more out of the state? Figure out a better message.
    The governor proves himself a class act once again.

    Comment by Walker Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 2:43 pm

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