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Open thread

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* What’s going on in your part of Illinois?…

posted by Isabel Miller
Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 7:43 am


  1. What’s going on? Too many people driving in the left lane not passing a car and too many people not using their turn signal. /rant over

    Comment by Demoralized Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 8:30 am

  2. Still flabbergasted at the whitewashing Claypool did of RMD’s tenure as mayor in the Tribune, conveniently leaving out many failings and the pain of his last term. Seemed to come out of nowhere. Trying to figure out what prompted that. Is there an effort to resurrect his image? Very strange.

    Comment by Original Rambler Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 8:31 am

  3. “Too many people driving in the left lane not passing a car … .”

    No. Unless the right hand lane has recently been repaved (and lot of that under JB), the only passenger vehicles permitted in the right hand lane are those with: (1) excellent vehicle warrant coverage to fix/replace the destroyed front-ends; (2) excellent no deductible dental insurance to pay for the replacement of shaken loose fillings, crowns, bridges, etc.; and (3) access to NASA quality adult diapers to deal with … .

    Comment by Anyone Remember Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 10:01 am

  4. I love this forum(bp) A good rant to answer a good rant(bp)

    Comment by Lurker Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 11:35 am

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