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* What’s going on? Keep it Illinois-centric please…

posted by Isabel Miller
Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 7:49 am


  1. I’m hearing the state fair got off to an auspicious start with intermittent power throughout the evening in parts of the facilities.

    Comment by Downstate Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 7:59 am

  2. A friend of mine is performing at the fair today at two in the Illinois Senior building. Check out BB Ross and the Happy Accidents, one of two different ukulele bands at the fair this weekend.

    Comment by Give Us Barabbas Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 8:45 am

  3. CDOT is building the most car-centric North LSD plan they considered. It’s wrong for our city and it’s a shame.

    Comment by DS Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 9:56 am

  4. Thank goodness CDOT is keeping it the most car centric plan.

    Comment by Amalia Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 10:27 am

  5. Metallica will perform at Soldier Field today. Saw them a long time ago, great concert.

    Comment by Grandson of Man Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 11:22 am

  6. We live along the lakefront. My wife asks why I keep muttering “Calling in the air strike.”

    Comment by Terry Salad Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 12:06 pm

  7. “If the sheriff were to call me,” Buscher told CNN, “and ask me what I think he should do, I would say, ‘What do you think is going to heal the community the best?’ because that’s what we’re to do as leaders.”

    First, let me say this about that…that’s some of that ole in-betweener talk…passing the ball back to Sheriff Campbell without taking a position herself…slick.

    Comment by Dotnonymous x Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 3:48 pm

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