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Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell announces his retirement (Updated x3)

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* SJ-R Reporter Patrick Keck

BREAKING: Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell is announcing his retirement effective no later than Aug. 31. It comes after pressure mounted from @GovPritzker and Sangamon County Democrats for him to resign after the Sonya Massey fatal shooting.

— Patrick M. Keck (@pkeckreporter) August 9, 2024

* Sheriff Campbell’s full statement…

I was first elected Sheriff in 2018. I embraced that role, to lead SCSO, but I always saw myself as a cop, not a politician. And for over thirty years, my career has been dedicated to improving and protecting our community. As Sheriff, I have committed my life to advancing our capabilities and effectiveness, implementing new policies and practices to ensure we serve the community with the highest standards of integrity and professionalism. All this was done with the idea of creating a safer Sangamon County.

The tragic death of Sonya Massey has been a heartbreaking event for our community. My deepest condolences go out to her family and friends. Since the incident, I have been proactive and transparent, working tirelessly to present all of the facts to the public. I have committed to making changes to our standards and collaborating with other units of government on ways to prevent incidents like this in the future. The one person truly responsible for this act is in jail, and I believe justice will be served through the legal process.

Despite these efforts, some in our community want me to pay the price for that person’s actions, even threatening that I pay that price with my life, my family’s lives, or the lives of my Deputies. We will only persevere together as a community if we turn down the temperature and resolve to do better. We must honor the life of Sonya Massey by ensuring that no one else falls victim to such tragic and senseless action. That has been my sincere mission since that fateful day. But it has become clear that the current political climate has made it nearly impossible for me to continue effectively in my role. Some individuals would rather see our community divided and in turmoil, than allow me to continue serving as Sheriff. The health of me and my family, the Sheriff’s Office, and our community has to be my priority.

As elected leaders, we must always put the overall good of the community above ourselves; and I will not risk the community that I swore to protect. For this reason, I am announcing my retirement as Sheriff of Sangamon County, effective no later than August 31st.

While it is painful to say goodbye, I do so knowing I have fulfilled my duties and served to the best of my ability. I want to express my deepest gratitude to the citizens who have supported me throughout the years. I am forever grateful for the opportunity I had, for the people I met and for this Office that I love.

…Adding… WAND reporter Caryn Eisert

A Sangamon Co. Judge has again denied Sean Grayson’s release.

He will remain in the Menard Co. Jail.

His next appearance will be on Aug. 26. @wandtvnews

— Caryn Eisert (@CarynEisert) August 9, 2024

…Adding… Governor’s office…

The Governor hopes a fresh start with new leadership will usher in a new era of reform and rebuild the trust lost between the Sangamon County community and the Sheriff’s Office.


Famed civil rights attorney Ben Crump, who is representing Sonya Massey’s family, has issued a statement on Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell’s resignation.

“The retirement of Sheriff Jack Campbell marks a turning point in the ongoing pursuit of justice for Sonya Massey,” Crump said. “Although the pain of her loss is still fresh, Sonya’s family is willing to work with the outgoing sheriff for the remainder of his tenure to help heal the community and achieve full justice for Sonya. The Massey family also hopes to work with Sangamon County’s next sheriff to examine how this tragedy happened and to ensure that a tragedy like this never happens again in this community.”

posted by Isabel Miller
Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 3:25 pm


  1. Appropriate action by the sheriff. Next up is for the new sheriff to make necessary changes for better vetting of employees.

    Comment by Norseman Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 3:31 pm

  2. The decision is the right one, and is warranted. The attempt to show himself a victim is misplaced… though I’m sure that’s how it feels.

    Comment by Lincoln Lad Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 3:39 pm

  3. Godspeed, Sheriff. You served your community and constituents nobly. It is unfortunate that the political rhetoric has inflamed the community and put you in this position. You have been entirely transparent throughout this entire matter. Some of those calling for your resignation should look in their own closets. I am proud to call you a friend.

    Comment by Deputy Sheriff Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 3:41 pm

  4. you personally hired that maniac. you knew his gf’s father, that’s why you hired him. take some responsibility and stop crying for yourself.

    Comment by coreyinbayern Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 3:45 pm

  5. Truly despicable how his statement all-but makes himself out to be the victim in this outrageous killing that he ultimately holds at least some responsibility for.

    Comment by Emanuel Collective Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 3:48 pm

  6. Glad he didn’t drag it out any longer. A more appropriate tone would be, I really screwed up and somebody died. I’m sorry and I’m leaving to help the community and the department move forward. But no.

    Comment by Excessively Rabid Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 3:52 pm

  7. In your final act, you issued a statement blaming everyone but yourself.

    Own your actions and walk away gracefully.

    Comment by Former Downstater Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 3:56 pm

  8. Whole lot of complaining…

    Comment by NewToSpringfield Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 3:57 pm

  9. Did he ultimately make the right choice stepping down? Yes. Did he leave in a way that acknowledged any responsibility for the action of his subordinate? No. The anger was not about rhetoric, this was about a murder…then the Sheriff could have responded by acknowledging mistakes, apologizing, and working to change his office. He never accepted any responsibility and without that would never regain the trust of the community.

    Comment by Ned Nederlander Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 3:58 pm

  10. You are not the victim, Jack. Sonya Massey and all of Sangamon County has been victimized by your lack of judgment and accountability. This isn’t over. Change is still needed.

    Comment by FIREDup! Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 4:00 pm

  11. Paragraph 3 was totally unnecessary in this posting. The statement “political climate” is a weasel word. Campbell’s decision to hire an unqualified candidate as a favor to a friend resulted in this tragedy.

    Comment by Rudy’s teeth Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 4:02 pm

  12. “I have fulfilled my duties and served to the best of my ability.”

    If that’s true, then you lacked the abilities necessary to do your job.

    – MrJM

    Comment by @misterjayem Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 4:10 pm

  13. - Despite these efforts, some in our community want me to pay the price for that person’s actions… - Former Sheriff Campbell

    Sheriff Campbell took that responsibility on when he took the job of Sheriff…He made his own bed when he hired a wandering, unstable, defiant applicant on his prospective Father-in-law’s recommendation…now Campbell has to lay in the bed only he made.

    Comment by Dotnonymous x Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 4:11 pm

  14. =I was first elected Sheriff in 2018=

    The tragic death of Sonya Massey, precipitated by the horrible hiring mistakes demanded this action. However, if he is like most sheriffs there have been thousands of honorable, positive, and life-saving outcomes related to his work and the work of his deputies since 2018.

    Comment by Donnie Elgin Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 4:11 pm

  15. - I am announcing my retirement as Sheriff of Sangamon County, effective no later than August 31st. - Former Sheriff Campbell

    That’s all he really had to say.

    Comment by Dotnonymous x Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 4:17 pm

  16. I’m surprised the nepotism angle has not yet hit the national radar. Based on the letter, it’s clear he hasn’t yet accepted personal responsibility for his role in this disaster. Maybe eventually.

    Comment by Hawkeye Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 4:30 pm

  17. When Grayson appears in court, how much you wanna bet his long sleeves cover those skull tats?

    Comment by Socially DIstant Watcher Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 4:30 pm

  18. Now hopefully all that signed up to speak (and those thinking about it) at Tuesday’s County Board meeting still show up in force and demand that the County Board bring in an interim Sheriff from outside of the department and empower him or her to start cleaning house.

    Comment by Concerned Dem Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 4:42 pm

  19. Great news, and kudos to the Sangamon County community for applying the necessary pressure to make this happen.

    Comment by charles in charge Friday, Aug 9, 24 @ 5:17 pm

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