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Open thread

Posted in:

* What’s going on? Keep it Illinois-centric please…

posted by Isabel Miller
Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 7:48 am


  1. Heat

    Comment by Just a Citizen Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 8:23 am

  2. “Spanberger and Graves will file a discharge petition to force a vote on the U.S. House floor on their bipartisan Social Security Fairness Act”

    Yes it is a fed matter - but it impacts tons of workers in illinios -

    Comment by Donnie Elgin Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 8:27 am

  3. Hearing that NFL owners are meeting to allow teams to sell up to 10% of their team ownership stakes to private equity firms.

    Sounds like the McCaskeys have another line of credit to build their stadium and so that’s another reason for lawmakers to hold firm against stadium subsidies

    Comment by hisgirlfriday Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 8:31 am

  4. News of Walt’s Foods Grocery store in South Holland closing after 87 years in business.

    Comment by SouthSide Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 8:47 am

  5. Corn Sweat. when did the Chicago area start hearing about that affecting weather nearer the lake? and is there a history of corn sweat as crops increase or decrease in size? also get me a cool drink.

    Comment by Amalia Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 9:02 am

  6. =also get me a cool drink=

    Cooler by the Lake Cocktail
    1/4 oz of peach schnapps
    2 oz of Cranberry Juice
    1/4 oz of sweet and sour mix
    1/4 oz of sugar syrup (or simple syrup)
    3 oz of white wine
    1-2 oz of club soda (or clear soda)

    Build over ice in a highball glass. Stir well before adding club soda last.

    Comment by Donnie Elgin Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 9:09 am

  7. @ Donnie Elgin

    It would be nice if the WEP were eliminated. I do not know the numbers - only anecdote. But I do know that I spent 30 years in the private sector before teaching in the public sector for 20+ years. It would be very helpful to receive the full SS benefits I was projected to receive ($2200/mo.?) when I retire. The same goes for my wife, whose state retirement is going to be very, very minimal (e.g., state retirement will be for 8 years at minimum wage).

    Comment by H-W Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 9:18 am

  8. Spending a good portion of the day moving the sprinkler around the yard & parkway, occasionally sprinkling myself for obvious reasons.

    Comment by Loyal Virus Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 9:40 am

  9. =“Spanberger and Graves will file a discharge petition to force a vote on the U.S. House floor on their bipartisan Social Security Fairness Act=

    OMG (banned punctuation)
    This is huge (banned punctuation)

    Comment by TinyDancer(FKASue) Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 9:46 am

  10. @Southside

    Wow. That is MASSIVE.

    Comment by ChrisB Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 9:53 am

  11. @Donnie Elgin….nice (banned punctuation) thank you. drinking it virtually until I want to go out in the weather

    Comment by Amalia Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 10:26 am

  12. Quite a scorcher today, maybe hotter than anyone’s ever seen (literally, records may be broken today).

    Comment by Grandson of Man Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 10:58 am

  13. Corn Sweat :(

    Comment by Suburban Mom Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 11:55 am

  14. H-W, have you done the projections on the social security website? I was in a similar situation and found the WEP penalty to be minimal. Social security website has many good tools on it.

    Comment by Original Rambler Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 12:12 pm

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