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ISP says DNC was ‘largest security detail in its history’

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* Press release…

From the time Air Force Two landed at O’Hare airport on Sunday, August 18, 2024 to the time of “wheels up” on Friday, August 23, 2024, the Illinois State Police (ISP) successfully protected the safety and security of the democratic process with the largest deployment of ISP personnel to a single event in the agency’s 100 year history.

ISP worked with federal, state, and local agencies for more than a year and a half to coordinate security measures and responses for the United Center, McCormick Place, and other locations during this National Special Security Event (NSSE). The endless hours of planning and preparation allowed ISP to successfully protect those participating in and supporting the Democratic National Convention.

“The right of the people to peacefully choose their leaders is still one of the strongest guarantors of the freedom we enjoy as Americans, but freedom doesn’t work if it’s undermined by violence and lawlessness,” said ISP Director Brendan F. Kelly. “Along with our partners at the U.S. Secret Service and the Chicago Police Department, I am incredibly proud of all the hard work the dedicated men and women of ISP put in to make this a safe event.”

ISP had multiple mission-specific roles to protect the safety of elected officials, dignitaries, Chicago residents, convention attendees, protestors, and critical infrastructure.

Numerous government leaders from across the country attended the DNC. To ensure their safety, ISP provided:

In addition to executive protection details, ISP was charged with aiding in the safety of all participants during the NSSE. ISP helped protect the right to protest under the First Amendment, and the rights of delegates to meet and caucus, while ensuring the safety of the community. ISP assigned a SWAT Quick Response Force to McCormick Place where many DNC-related activities occurred, in addition to a Special Operations Unit stationed on the roof. More than two dozen ISP weapons of mass destruction team members and Secretary of State Police officers were assigned to respond to potentially hazardous substances, primarily at McCormick Place, the United Center, and Navy Pier, but ultimately responded to several other calls at various hotels and high profile venues in Chicago.

Three ISP Crowd Control Teams consisting of approximately 60 members each were staged throughout Chicago during the NSSE. One team was deployed to a demonstration at an event on August 20, all three teams were deployed to ensure no one unlawfully entered interstates or state facilities during a demonstration at the Israeli Consulate on August 20, and three teams deployed to ensure the integrity of the perimeter around the United Center on the last day of the convention.

Additionally, ISP was proud to support the Chicago Police Department by providing a uniformed presence in the Fulton Market area to ensure the security and safety of area residents and businesses. ISP officers conducted both vehicle and foot patrols in the area due to its close proximity to the United Center and other convention venues.

Protecting critical infrastructure is essential during NSSEs. ISP maintained safety and security responsibilities for all Chicago area expressways, as well as State buildings and offices, including 555 W. Monroe St., the Michael A. Bilandic Building, and the Chicago Central Secretary of State Office at 160 N. LaSalle Dr.

Crucial to ensuring the public’s safety during an NSSE is the ability to quickly identify and investigate potential threats. During the DNC, the ISP Statewide Terrorism Intelligence Center, working with federal and local officials – U.S. Secret Service, FBI, Department of Homeland Security, Chicago Police Department, and numerous other agencies – shared the latest intelligence and awareness of all types of threats. Using this intelligence process, two individuals who made threatening statements were identified and affirmed Clear and Present Danger reports allowed law enforcement to ensure removal of firearms from their possession.


posted by Rich Miller
Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 11:41 am


  1. Wow, it didn’t occur to me too much when I was watching the convention, just how much security was necessary so Hilary, Barack, Michelle and Bill could speak. I knew that Harris and Biden had a lot of security. I forgot about the others.

    Comment by cermak_rd Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 11:47 am

  2. It wouldn’t surprise me if every politician gets threats. Every one. Sad.

    Comment by a drop in Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 11:56 am

  3. I applaud the hard work of all law enforcement officers including the men and women of the ISP, and CPD!! I believe it is evident with the amount of law enforcement personnel deployed that the Governor’s office had a much bigger role behind the scenes than we will ever know.

    Comment by So Let Me Get This Straight Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 12:06 pm

  4. Congrats and thanks to all the law enforcement and security details involved. What a tremendous responsibility, and successful job.

    Comment by Joe Bloe Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 12:22 pm

  5. Integrity, Service, and Pride.

    Comment by The Magnificent Purple Walnut Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 12:52 pm

  6. It feels like old news now, but a presidential candidate was almost assassinated just a few weeks ago. No real surprise that a convention, especially one rumored (or wished) to face a massive counterprotest would elicit an overwhelmingly massive security presence.

    Comment by TJ Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 1:11 pm

  7. I have great respect for the ISP - they did a fine job under very stressful conditions - Little known fact the ISP were instrumental in creating the 9MM +P+ 115 grain round. It is known as “Illinois State police load

    Comment by Donnie Elgin Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 1:30 pm

  8. They did a great job. There were no major incidences and the protests were not a factor. Pleasantly surprised.

    Comment by Former Farmer Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 1:31 pm

  9. Amazing show off force..

    Comment by Jilted Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 1:56 pm

  10. “Amazing show off force.”

    I concur with this typo.

    – MrJM

    Comment by @misterjayem Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 3:26 pm

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