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* What’s going on in your part of Illinois?…

posted by Isabel Miller
Tuesday, Sep 3, 24 @ 7:42 am


  1. Spent some time in Chicago this weekend. On the way there I chuckled at a billboard touting Sheboygan Wisconsin as the “Malibu of the Midwest.” While in Chicago I enjoyed some eavesdropping on some tourists from Louisiana taking a water taxi on the lake. “It’s like Destin!” they exclaimed as they raved about how clear and beautiful the lake water was. Time to put up some “Chicago - Destin of the Midwest” billboards I guess.

    Comment by hisgirlfriday Tuesday, Sep 3, 24 @ 8:23 am

  2. It was a beautiful weekend in Chicago, perfect weather. I spent Friday and Sunday at the Jazz Fest, which is always fun.

    Comment by JoanP Tuesday, Sep 3, 24 @ 9:42 am

  3. @hisgirlfriday I was at the Fulton Market art fair this weekend and heard some young women saying they liked that area because it reminded them so much of Dumbo

    Comment by I-55 Fanatic Tuesday, Sep 3, 24 @ 9:48 am

  4. I’m convinced that the fastest way to convert a Chicago hater is to give them a ride on the lakefront and river water taxi on a nice warm & breezy summer day.

    Comment by TJ Tuesday, Sep 3, 24 @ 10:12 am

  5. TJ - Been there, done that. Still hate Chicago. Too much traffic, too many people, depending on where you are located, can’t see the horizon. Give my corn fields and country roads.

    Comment by Huh? Tuesday, Sep 3, 24 @ 10:43 am

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