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Court preserves provision of the Illinois Reproductive Health Act

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* Click here for some background. Attorney General Kwame Raoul

Attorney General Kwame Raoul today issued a statement highlighting a Sangamon County Circuit Court decision in Illinois Baptist State Association v. Illinois Department of Insurance. The court granted Attorney General Raoul’s motion for summary judgment, preserving a provision of the Illinois Reproductive Health Act that requires Illinois health insurance products regulated by the Illinois Department of Insurance that cover pregnancy care to also cover abortion care.

“This decision is a win in a years-long fight that is by no means over. My office is continuing to fight for reproductive care on all fronts because abortion care is health care. Full stop. We are committed to protecting access to comprehensive reproductive health care that includes abortion. However, coverage for reproductive health care is just as critical as access to reproductive health care. We will continue to fight to ensure that all women are able to access the reproductive and abortion care they need and deserve without having to worry about the cost.”

The suit sought to have the Illinois Reproductive Health Act, which requires health insurance plans in Illinois which provide pregnancy-related benefits must also provide coverage for abortion ruled unconstitutional.

posted by Isabel Miller
Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 2:15 pm


  1. Plaintiffs argued freedom for me, but not for thee; Court says not so fast.

    Comment by Socially DIstant Watcher Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 2:33 pm

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