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* What’s going on? Keep it Illinois-centric please…

posted by Isabel Miller
Tuesday, Sep 10, 24 @ 7:50 am


  1. So there were skids of materials in the great hall at Union Station this morning. Upon further examination, they were skids of sugar and oats. It had to be tons of each. Might have been other stuff as well.

    Wondering if they are going to be making cookies.

    Comment by OneMan Tuesday, Sep 10, 24 @ 8:05 am

  2. Rep. Elik’s nephew made the Times…

    Comment by Joe Bidenopolous Tuesday, Sep 10, 24 @ 8:34 am

  3. I watched John Oliver’s show yesterday. The main topic was school lunch. One of the Walz’s claims to fame (and rightly so) is universal free lunch.

    I do not understand why the ILGA passed a free lunch bill here in Illinois but have yet to fund it. This is an absolute no brainer for almost every legislator r or d. It fits perfectly with our alleged progressive legislators and would be far more impactful than most of the education legislation passed in the last 4 years. I think our governor is doing a good job but also really don’t understand why he has not made this a priority.

    Comment by JS Mill Tuesday, Sep 10, 24 @ 9:04 am

  4. what is going on in Chicago city government? the Cultural Affairs dept. with resignations and lack of activity that can hurt arts organizations. The intergovernmental operation that has a resignation and firings? What are they doing there? It affects more than just the city of chicago.

    Comment by Amalia Tuesday, Sep 10, 24 @ 9:22 am

  5. @JSMill, I think you are totally correct and I have been asking the same question. Especially in an election year and families of school-aged kids hurting financially.

    Comment by Lurker Tuesday, Sep 10, 24 @ 9:28 am

  6. I logged into my SURS account today and was pleasantly surprised by news of a legislative change to how part-time employment is factored into service credit. I was very surprised there was nothing in the news (that I saw anyway) about such a “sweetener.”

    Comment by Grimlock Tuesday, Sep 10, 24 @ 9:45 am

  7. The Marcel Brown verdict is a budget catastrophe. Chicago has to change how these cases are being handled. This can’t continue.

    Comment by DS Tuesday, Sep 10, 24 @ 9:55 am

  8. Last day before OOO for rest of week. Annual trip with the guys and this year it’s Chicagoland.

    Unknown to many but Chicagoland has some of the best public tracks

    Comment by Anthony Tuesday, Sep 10, 24 @ 10:48 am

  9. ^ golf tracks, that is..

    Comment by Anthony Tuesday, Sep 10, 24 @ 10:49 am

  10. Wildfire smoke is hazing up a clear sky, which now happens one or more times a year. The new normal of an overheated planet.

    Comment by Grandson of Man Tuesday, Sep 10, 24 @ 11:54 am

  11. Re: Grimlock’s comment on SURS change:
    I went on the SURS public website, looked at news and legislation, didn’t see anything that talked about the change either. Maybe it was buried in legislation not showing up in the summaries posted on the website.

    Comment by thisjustinagain Tuesday, Sep 10, 24 @ 3:05 pm

  12. Re: My comment on Grimlock’s comment: An internet search popped up a SURS page regarding a new law in effect 9-1-2024 affect part-time adjunct faculty pensions:

    Comment by thisjustinagain Tuesday, Sep 10, 24 @ 3:08 pm

  13. DS,

    The obvious answer to preventing these huge payouts is to not do the actions that wound up with the settlement. The next best is to settle, but then people complain about settlement costs. So here we are with a jury award.

    The city did steal 10 years of the man’s life. There’s a price to pay for that.

    Comment by cermak_rd Tuesday, Sep 10, 24 @ 3:47 pm

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