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Question of the day

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* The setup…

Statement from Sox chairman Jerry Reinsdorf on the team’s season:

— Vinnie Duber (@VinnieDuber) September 11, 2024

* The Question: Should Jerry Reinsdorf sell the White Sox? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.

online polls

posted by Rich Miller
Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 1:45 pm


  1. This will be the most lopsided survey you’ve ever done. Who’s gonna say no? Jerry Reinsdorf?

    Comment by New Day Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 1:46 pm

  2. The “yes” votes do not require explanation.

    The “no” votes require heighted explanation.

    Comment by DuPage Dad Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 1:51 pm

  3. No, at this point it should be seized from him.

    Comment by Excitable Boy Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 1:52 pm

  4. ===Who’s gonna say no?===

    Cleveland fans?

    Comment by Rich Miller Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 1:53 pm

  5. My “Change the Game” t-shirt now reads “Change the Owner”.

    Comment by Bogey Golfer Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 2:02 pm

  6. Yes. He’s no longer able to do so competently.

    Comment by Anyone Remember Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 2:08 pm

  7. Yes.

    I’m a Cubs fan and I want this team to be so much better than they are.

    Shameful how bad they are and I simply see no way they are 15-20 wins better next year.

    Comment by Cool Papa Bell Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 2:08 pm

  8. I voted no.

    The Sox went 0-4 against the Cubs this year.

    Somebody has to be the MLB punching bag. This guy’ll do.

    Comment by TheInvisibleMan Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 2:10 pm

  9. No explanation necessary. Please sell?

    Comment by Mr Ed Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 2:20 pm

  10. As for the quote… um, “the end of the season” came weeks ago

    Comment by sim1 Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 2:23 pm

  11. The team is playing rent free in its stadium, and I am not willing to let Jerry Reinsdorf live rent free in my head. Sell, don’t sell, his choice, I don’t care. But not a penny from me for another stadium.

    Comment by 47th Ward Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 2:25 pm

  12. Vote No-I’m a Cub fan, I like it this way

    Comment by Wild Hare Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 2:28 pm

  13. Yes. And not for the obvious reasons, of which there are many. The business side of the game has changed on him. He has few owners left with whom he shares much in common. He idealizes a team built around hustle and heart and a “scout’s intuition” whereas the modern team is analytics, homeruns and pitch counts. He is fiercely loyal, which is admirable, but hurts the cause when he can’t let go of longtime employees, or worse, brings them back out of a sense of guilt.

    The 2005 team is all his. He brought the South Side a World Series ring. He did the thing. There really is nothing left to prove.

    Comment by Zed's Dead, Baby. Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 2:39 pm

  14. I voted “no”, only because I enjoy the way CapFax commenters troll him.

    Comment by JoanP Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 2:48 pm

  15. I voted no. It is his team and if other stakeholders are happy he is chairman. He is in it for the money he is making money so I guess he is doing a good job. He does not care if his teams win championships or not as long as they make a good return. And now he is in the middle of an historic season and let his name always be linked with loser.

    Comment by DuPage Saint Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 2:48 pm

  16. No. I like visible reminders that sports teams are fundamentally just profit generating machines for the mega rich, and they don’t ultimately care about you. They rely on you forming parasocial relationships with strangers as a means of sucking dollars out of you and out of public funds and into their pockets.

    I love a few specific sports, but it is always helpful to get reminded that these aren’t charities and they don’t “belong” to fans.

    Comment by Homebody Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 2:48 pm

  17. Yes. The city is missing out on millions in amusement tax because Jerry can’t field a team that will put butts in the seats.

    Comment by harp5339 Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 3:05 pm

  18. He seems caught in a time warp. Big Jim, Pate, Lee and Madigan are not in the capitol anymore so his old playback won’t work. Also, the hypocrisy of asking for a huge amount of public money for a baseball stadium when at the same time he is working with private investors for a $7 billion development around the United Center is just amazing.

    Comment by levivotedforjudy Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 3:14 pm

  19. I voted yes. If only to relieve Jerry of this unhappiness in his life.

    Comment by Henry Francis Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 3:21 pm

  20. Cleveland fan here.
    Please don’t sell the team Jerry.

    Keep up the “good” work there.

    Comment by btowntruth from forgottonia Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 3:42 pm

  21. Yes, he should sell. Unless he has a real plan to rebuild, for which there is obviously no evidence from recent history. Sell to investors who want to rebuild the team with a new ownership regime and image, and build a gorgeous new ballpark in the 78 with the Chicago skyline behind the outfield (wishful thinking).

    Comment by Grandson of Man Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 3:46 pm

  22. Voted YES. Classic “mistakes were made” type statement with zero accountability. “We didn’t arrive here overnight.” How did we all arrived here Mr. Reinsdorf - by slow-moving spaceship? In the trunk of the Guardians’ Buick?

    (banned words - many of them)

    Comment by Lefty Lefty Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 4:11 pm

  23. I’ll be a contrarian. Why sell a business where you’re going to make a ton of money every year regardless of how you perform. And bonus points if your ego is fed by getting lots of attention and having power over people. Free money, attention, power. It’s a pity we can’t adjust the rewards built into the system to incentivize good performance.

    Comment by Apple Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 4:36 pm

  24. I’m a Cubs fan and a bit of a Sox hater that’s gotten a lot of schadenfreude over the past year amidst an up and down season on the north side, but even I have to say absolutely yes.

    Sell the Bulls, too, dude.

    Comment by TJ Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 4:54 pm

  25. Seems like the only option if team — not owner — have any hope of stadium help and the City wants to keep the team.

    Comment by Annonin' Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 5:00 pm

  26. For many years, I believed that Jerry Reinsdorf was being unfairly criticized. However, the last two years have changed my mind. I’ll never forget 2005 (my entire family were in the stands for that unforgettable Game 2 of the World Series) but it’s time for a complete overhaul including ownership. Sell the team, please!

    Comment by Retired SURS Employee Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 5:41 pm

  27. Yes. Why? 1) Marketing heavy organization; 2) the ableist discharge of Jason Benetti; 3) The team is embarrassingly bad.

    I am a lifelong Sox fan who grew up on the north side. I haven’t been able to stop being a fan. But this team is really sad. Give someone else a chance to make them successful again.

    Comment by Stateandlake Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 5:53 pm

  28. Only Cub fans voted NO

    Comment by 10th Ward Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 6:45 pm

  29. Sell it to the fans, like the Packers.

    Comment by West Side the Best Side Thursday, Sep 12, 24 @ 8:40 pm

  30. What’s worse that losing the most games ever? Losing your team to Orlando or Memphis.

    Comment by James of Little Italy Friday, Sep 13, 24 @ 3:10 pm

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