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posted by Isabel Miller
Friday, Sep 13, 24 @ 7:08 am


  1. Both the links take us to a page that wants us to log in to our Twitter account. Since our recently acquired Melo Cream Frequent Flyer Card maxed our limit on accounts we humbly asked you do something for the underrepresented, marginalized, middle class fans of Capt Fax

    Comment by Annonin' Friday, Sep 13, 24 @ 11:53 am

  2. Annonin’, it’s a dumb app, but it’s a free dumb app.

    Comment by Rich Miller Friday, Sep 13, 24 @ 12:27 pm

  3. Capt. FAX the Melo Cream app was free too

    Comment by Annonin' Friday, Sep 13, 24 @ 1:03 pm

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