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The Republican Party’s problem in the suburbs summed up by one article

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* There are simply too many preposterous claims and ridiculous projections being made in a Daily Herald article about a debate in the 6th Congressional District to sum up on this website. So, go read the whole thing

“Everything I stated has been documented and reported, and I stated no falsehoods,” she said. “His accusing me of doing so just underscores the narrative that he and his party are pushing and the misinformation they are pushing out to the public.”

There’s even more in the video.

posted by Rich Miller
Tuesday, Sep 17, 24 @ 12:27 pm


  1. There is no Republican Party as I used to know it which I guess is fine. They can be the party of stupid and hate and keep digging that hole deeper. I wonder what the lowest number of Republicans in state offices has ever been because they are going to set a record. Sorta like watching the Sox set a record. However I have been reading about Republican running for Kane County Board chairman and he makes this lady look like Einstein

    Comment by DuPage Saint Tuesday, Sep 17, 24 @ 12:37 pm

  2. Congratulations to Rep. Casten on his next term.

    Comment by Roadrager Tuesday, Sep 17, 24 @ 12:44 pm

  3. Sounds like some folks in the 6th Congressional District are serving baloney sandwiches at the debate rather than dogs and cats.

    Comment by Rudy’s teeth Tuesday, Sep 17, 24 @ 12:49 pm

  4. Think I’ll go ahead and make this race the free space on my election bingo card.

    Comment by Proud Papa Bear Tuesday, Sep 17, 24 @ 12:49 pm

  5. I have no idea how anyone can live in this district and think racist anti-immigrant hysteria is a winning platform. Turn the teevee off and go to Costco once in a while.

    Comment by Excitable Boy Tuesday, Sep 17, 24 @ 12:52 pm

  6. The defending of this ridiculous claim sounds nuttier that the actual claim now. Let it go folks.

    Comment by levivotedforjudy Tuesday, Sep 17, 24 @ 12:52 pm

  7. There’s so much about Niki Conforti’s background that would have made her a great GOP candidate several cycles ago. I don’t think she was as prepared for this debate as she could have been, but her ability to respond to positions is incredibly limited by the fact that she wants to support Trump and support the things the Supreme Court has done.

    She really only seems prepared to discuss positions and problems, real or imaginary, that appeal to the most ardent right wing voters.

    She could have been a better candidate and instead I am left trying to decide whether or not she believes the things she is saying (I hope not) or just repeating the talking points that she thinks are a good idea for her to repeat — which is a different kind of moral failing.

    Comment by Candy Dogood Tuesday, Sep 17, 24 @ 12:52 pm

  8. Republicans have allowed their party to be taken over by lunatics, conspiracy peddlers and hatemongers.

    Comment by Demoralized Tuesday, Sep 17, 24 @ 12:56 pm

  9. One of my favorite memes is a clip of Eric Andre repeatedly shooting Hannibal Buress, only to then somberly look to the side and ask, “Who killed Hannibal?”

    Why is the GOP dead in the suburbs? Because the GOP killed themselves.

    Comment by TJ Tuesday, Sep 17, 24 @ 1:00 pm

  10. The Republican strategy for the suburbs seems to be screaming at the top of their lungs for the voters to not believe their lying eyes and ears.

    Comment by VK Tuesday, Sep 17, 24 @ 1:04 pm

  11. ==Sixth District hopeful Niki Conforti of Glen Ellyn also blamed crime in Chicago and elsewhere, as well as the spread of communicable diseases, on immigrants.==

    Right. We never had crime nor communicable diseases before migrants arrived. Unreal. As Mike Quigley likes to quip “we are all now more stupid for having attended”.

    Comment by low level Tuesday, Sep 17, 24 @ 1:20 pm

  12. This is what you get when a formerly legitimate political party is taken over by the collective village idiot. It used to be that people that talked like this were not taken seriously. Now that is the actual party platform.

    Comment by JS Mill Tuesday, Sep 17, 24 @ 1:24 pm

  13. Conforti’s strategy seems to mirror what we see from the GOP at the national level. It’s devoid of any policies and instead relies on wild made up stories, overt racism, and a denial of easily proven facts. It doubles down on appealing to the most extreme members of the base while leaving others scratching their heads. They are essentially willingly following the former President over a cliff.

    Comment by Pundent Tuesday, Sep 17, 24 @ 1:28 pm

  14. Do Republicans even understand that whatever “immunity” Trump has, Biden has?

    Comment by Jerry Tuesday, Sep 17, 24 @ 1:28 pm

  15. Trumpism on net seems to have boosted the GOP’s fortunes in a lot of districts nationwide that previously favored Democrats, but there have been tradeoffs. Unfortunately for IL Republicans a couple of those tradeoff districts are next to Chicago / Cook.

    Comment by ZC Tuesday, Sep 17, 24 @ 1:31 pm

  16. We live in the 6th and we’re seeing lots of Casten signs along with lots of Harris/Walz signs.

    Comment by workingfromhome Tuesday, Sep 17, 24 @ 1:32 pm

  17. Did the debate take place after Vance basically admitted he was selling a line of bullstuff to help his campaign? If it did then Conforti is definitely a member of the Weird Bunch.

    Comment by West Side the Best Side Tuesday, Sep 17, 24 @ 1:47 pm

  18. === Conforti said she’s the daughter and granddaughter of Greek immigrants. The U.S. needs to check the health and criminal backgrounds of would-be immigrants like it did with her family. ===

    News flash, Ms. Conforti. We do this, and could do it better if your segment of the Republican Party would put your money where your mouth is and support the bipartisan plan to invest more money on immigration and customs services, instead of your self-contradictory plan of building a wall first.

    Comment by H-W Tuesday, Sep 17, 24 @ 2:08 pm

  19. Another great product of the University of Chicago Econ department /s

    Comment by Incandenza Tuesday, Sep 17, 24 @ 2:39 pm

  20. She states (of the stories) “They don’t fit the narrative of the left, so they are being buried”. These “stories” don’t fit the narrative of the left because they are inherently untrue.

    Comment by Siualum Tuesday, Sep 17, 24 @ 2:54 pm

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