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Question of the day

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* The setup…

Chicago White Sox fans, I feel your pain. As a fan of those other Sox, I tried to switch my loyalty to Cleveland during one particularly awful season (Butch Hobson, I’m talking about you). I couldn’t do it.
Things will get better. They CAN’T get worse.

— Stephen King (@StephenKing) September 23, 2024

* The Question: Can things get worse?

posted by Rich Miller
Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 1:39 pm


  1. Oh, that record could be worse. Steven don’t challenge the white sox like that.

    Comment by Kyle Hillman Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 1:41 pm

  2. No, in terms of the number of losses. Statistically it’s not likely to happen.

    In terms of lousy management, of course it can get worse. They have an unlimited supply of bad judgment and poor decision making.

    Comment by Friendly Bob Adams Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 1:44 pm

  3. Yup.

    It’s Chicago.
    It’s the White Sox.
    Ownership hasn’t changed.

    Comment by sal-says Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 1:45 pm

  4. It is unlikely that things actually get worse. But a mind like that of Stephen King could surely imagine the possibilities. Things will get better. Maybe the team will have a player with an OPS that is league average or better. And maybe 50 wins next year? But the problem with ‘better’ is that ‘better’ is still going to be atrocious. I am looking at this dumpster fire and thinking maybe… maybe a winning season in 2028. Playoffs in 2030. And that’s if everything goes right. When does that happen with the White Sox?

    Comment by Ducky LaMoore Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 1:47 pm

  5. Yes–it could get worse if it never gets better. One embarassing season is bad. A decade of futility will drive me from baseball fandom forever.

    Comment by Benjamin Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 1:52 pm

  6. I said that about Rod Blagojevich. Then Bruce Rauner came along.

    Things can always get worse.

    Comment by Demoralized Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 1:59 pm

  7. 100% a better record in 2025. W 63 L 99

    Comment by NotRich Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 2:05 pm

  8. As a long-time (70+ years) White Sox fan, things can always get worse. On the bright? side, in seven years, the ‘62 Mets were the “Miracle Mets” and world champions…

    Charlie Wheeler

    Comment by Charlie Wheeler Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 2:06 pm

  9. The Sox could lose the draft lottery and get stuck with the first non-lottery pick

    Comment by Unionman Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 2:07 pm

  10. Yes it can get worse. The Sox have already stated they’re cutting payroll next season and not going to play heavy in the FA market. They believe players just have to play better.
    With their suspect analytics, bad training leading to injuries and low rent player accommodations.
    The beatings will continue until morale improves.

    Comment by Frida’s boss Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 2:14 pm

  11. Sometimes dead is better

    Comment by Donnie Elgin Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 2:15 pm

  12. Sorry Unionman, the Sox cannot get the 1st pick in the draft. The rule, apparently, is that large market teams cannot pick in the lottery for two consecutive years. I think I read somewhere that the best they can do is 10th. Maybe someone here knows for sure.

    Comment by ThePAMan Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 2:16 pm

  13. As a Cubs fan whose father didn’t see a world championship after childhood and I to my 60th year with that distinction, I have to say yes things can get worse.

    Comment by Norseman Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 2:17 pm

  14. Yes. They can. And I wouldn’t expect a Red Sox fan to understand.

    They haven’t lost 100 games since 1965. Their worst season was in 1932, when they lost 111 games.

    Comment by Juice Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 2:18 pm

  15. ==The Sox could lose the draft lottery and get stuck with the first non-lottery pick==

    They can pick no higher than 10th this year. In addition, they have already announced they are cutting payroll.

    Comment by Anon324 Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 2:21 pm

  16. Get worse? No. Will it get much better any time soon since the Chairman is calling for reduced payroll? No. I am full anticipating that 2025 will have the sox losing 100+ games for the third straight year.

    Comment by Benniefly2 Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 2:25 pm

  17. Yes. Watch the children come spring. They will begin sporting White Sox caps that one parent will assume the other bought them. Neither did. Fake baseball diamonds will start cropping up around town, with strangely shaped pitcher’s mounds. The kids all talk about some kind of ‘league’ they’ve joined, but it’s almost like their words are blurred to their parents’ ears. And they will beg their parents to take them to Disco Night 2025, where rumors say something is going to happen.

    Comment by Apple Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 2:33 pm

  18. Don’t think it will get worse, but it could take a long time to get much better. As the excellent report in The Athletic last week illustrated, this a broken franchise and will likely remain that way as long as Reinsdorf is in charge.

    Here’s yet another story on their systemic dysfunction:

    Comment by Sam E. Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 2:35 pm

  19. They don’t deserve my support any more. And sadly, it does not seem ownership cares if the fans support the team or not. They are his toy.

    Comment by James the Intolerant Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 2:49 pm

  20. Things can always get worse. Just ask the NC Lt. Gov.

    Comment by Michelle Flaherty Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 2:52 pm

  21. The Major Leagues should start relegation. And then, the Sox can spend some time in AAA and, well, hope to stay out of AA.

    Comment by Formerly Unemployed Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 2:56 pm

  22. “Sometimes dead is better.”


    – MrJM

    Comment by @misterjayem Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 3:00 pm

  23. I have 2 answers, with ease and why would they not. Crochet and Robert will be gone next season. The only good thing is that per, they have the 11th best farm system in the league, but it’s not like they will be ready to play next year. I actually have a 3 answer, I expect them to be worse.

    Comment by levivotedforjudy Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 3:02 pm

  24. “Can things get worse?”

    This seems like it would be a great opening line for the next Stephen King book.

    Comment by TheInvisibleMan Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 3:05 pm

  25. The Sox…The Horror.

    Comment by Dotnonymous x Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 3:46 pm

  26. Things can ALWAYS get worse. Don’t ever believe it can’t.

    Comment by JS Mill Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 4:05 pm

  27. Wait, Stephen King’s a Sox fan?

    … a White Sox fan, I mean?

    How’d a Mainer pick up the ChiSox?

    The most hilarious thing though is that the Sox could actively tear down and intentionally tank next year, and odds are their record would improve.

    Comment by TJ Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 4:41 pm

  28. oh, nope, he’s a Red Sox fan. Misread. Makes sense.

    But yes, the Reinsdorf Sox can get worse.

    Comment by TJ Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 4:43 pm

  29. It’s doubtful they will set a MLB record for losses two years in a row? But hey thats why they play the games. Dysfunctional at best if they don’t make some major changes in personal at all levels

    Comment by NorthsideNoMore Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 5:10 pm

  30. It can get worse.

    Comment by There are 162 games in a season. Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 6:06 pm

  31. The Sox plan to get rid of Crochet and Robert after the season so it will probably get worse before it gets better.

    Comment by Mr Ed Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 6:16 pm

  32. As a lifelong Sox fan I’m kind of hoping they break the record for losses this year, they get it out of their system and there’s no way but up next year. Maybe I’m just a hopeless dreamer. But, in any event, in the last lines to the song “Southside Irish”: “And when it comes to baseball/ We have two favorite clubs/ The Go-go White Sox/ And whoever plays the Cubs.”

    Comment by West Side the Best Side Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 6:43 pm

  33. Can things get worse?

    Yes. In fact that seems to be the plan, to the extent the Sox have one. Every few years they seem to blame their fan base for not showing up to watch lousy baseball. Whether it’s the infamous white flag trade or countless other bad seasons the message from ownership is if you don’t support the team we’re going to field a bad product. And Reinsdorf et al have promised to do just that next year by slashing payroll. It’s the Sox way.

    Comment by Pundent Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 7:52 pm

  34. These comments pretty funny. Kind of amazing that Big R is still pitching for a new stadium. Seriously?

    Comment by SLM Monday, Sep 23, 24 @ 7:57 pm

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