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Open thread

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* What’s going on in your part of Illinois?…

posted by Isabel Miller
Thursday, Sep 26, 24 @ 7:47 am


  1. Bugs. Took a walk last night and so many bugs and such a variety. And then I sat on my front porch and a grashopper walking upside down on the cable line running from the pole to my house. And, a flock of wild turkeys. It wasn’t even a long walk.

    Comment by Apple Thursday, Sep 26, 24 @ 8:10 am

  2. A little nip in the air this morning. Can’t fly south yet due to the hurricane. Ugh.

    Comment by Mister Ed Thursday, Sep 26, 24 @ 8:12 am

  3. Happy first day of early voting!

    Sharon Chung has finally started airing TV commercials in the district. The commercial is kind of a mishmsash of Chung narrating info on her background with a tame hit on Desi Anderson for taking money from people who don’t want pro-consumer health insurance reforms.

    Desi Anderson previously had the airwaves to herself with an ad about how she was born in a foreign country, adopted, and now is thankful to be in America. Maybe her mail pieces, which I don’t get, have some info on her policy positions?

    Interestingly, I am not sure either of their TV commercials say whether they are a Republican or Democrat. I know the Desi Anderson one didn’t.

    Comment by hisgirlfriday Thursday, Sep 26, 24 @ 9:05 am

  4. Still a few Hummingbirds at our feeders but the morning song birds and Monarchs are long gone from the yard/garden. Old timer in our area says there are signs of a dry winter.

    Comment by Give Me A Break Thursday, Sep 26, 24 @ 9:21 am

  5. If you are at all interested in thoughts of White Sox fans, there are a couple of great articles in the Athletic over the last few days. these fans are particularly those who sit in one section of the park, section 108. It’s more than typical grumbling.

    Comment by Amalia Thursday, Sep 26, 24 @ 10:01 am

  6. Amalia- the Section 108 folks (including Beefloaf featured in the Athletic article) are all over Twitter-X and are an entertaining bunch.

    Comment by Friendly Bob Adams Thursday, Sep 26, 24 @ 10:45 am

  7. they tell me wild turkeys are getting closer and closer to the Cook County Forest Preserves and I can’t wait, I love seeing wild turkeys

    Comment by Suburban Mom Thursday, Sep 26, 24 @ 10:57 am

  8. ===I love seeing wild turkey===

    You misspelled “drinking.”

    Comment by 47th Ward Thursday, Sep 26, 24 @ 11:49 am

  9. Good vibes

    Comment by Anon Thursday, Sep 26, 24 @ 11:51 am

  10. @Friendly Bob Adams, good mention and hilarious. Wonderful stuff. They sell merch (banned punctuation) re the section and more. I’m particularly captivated by Wave Sux cause they apparently hate the wave (love that) and Baseball Beer and Bulls**t (or something like that) their History shirt seems to be set on how many losses happen so production coming. gotta find your tribe to live as a fan. I’ve done that for other sports and it’s great.

    Comment by Amalia Thursday, Sep 26, 24 @ 12:12 pm

  11. Waiting on the remnants of Helene. All the scare-casters are predicting lots of wind and rain through Saturday.

    Comment by SI Reader Thursday, Sep 26, 24 @ 12:18 pm

  12. @47th Ward…that was a timed release laugh…made an old drunk nearly spit the coffee.

    Comment by Dotnonymous x Thursday, Sep 26, 24 @ 2:56 pm

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