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It’s just a bill

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* Mahomet Daily

Senator Chapin Rose introduced Senate Bill 0211, a measure to expand financial disclosure requirements for public officials on Jan. 22, 2025.

The proposed legislation seeks to broaden the scope of information that must be included in the statement of economic interests filed by public officials. The key addition to the disclosure requirements is as follows:

This new provision would apply to all individuals required to file a statement of economic interests under the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act. The bill aims to shed light on potential conflicts of interest and familial connections within local government structures.

Other notable aspects of the proposed amendment include:

* HB1776 filed by Rep. Barbara Hernandez

Amends the Illinois Municipal Code and the Fire Protection District Act. Provides that an individual who is legally authorized to work in the United States under federal law is authorized to apply for the position of firefighter, subject to all requirements and limitations, other than citizenship, to which other applicants are subject. Effective January 1, 2026.


84th District State Representative Stephanie Kifowit says she has remained busy during the break between the end of the lame duck session and the start of the spring session, mostly working on re-filing legislation that didn’t pass in the last General Assembly. Legislators had until Friday to submit re-filed legislation for review.

Kifowit spoke about some of the bills she is re-filing, including a bill that would assist reservists and National Guard members serving in elected positions in participating in meetings remotely when they are called into service.

“This could cause them to miss a meeting or a board meeting, whatever position that they are in. So I filed it last year, didn’t get called in the house, filing it again this year. It would amend the Open Meetings Act to allow reservists and National Guardmen to be able to participate remotely and vote remotely if they are serving their country on duty. So I think that’s the right thing to do. It allows the folks that elected them to be properly represented, and it allows that individual to do their job as an elected official.”

* Rep. Rita Mayfield filed HB1771 yesterday

Amends the Housing Authorities Act. Requires a Housing Authority that administers a housing voucher program to reimburse a rental property owner for any damage to its rental unit that is caused by a tenant who participates in the housing voucher program. Provides that reimbursement shall be for property damage not covered under a policy of property insurance that is beyond normal wear and tear and that is the result of the tenant’s negligence and abuse. Provides that any reimbursement amount paid to a rental property owner shall be repayable by the tenant to the Housing Authority. Permits the Housing Authority to offer and enter into an affordable repayment plan with the tenant. Provides that nothing in the amendatory Act shall be construed to permit a Housing Authority to deny a tenant housing assistance or terminate a tenant’s housing voucher based on the tenant having payment obligations under a repayment plan or on a tenant’s demonstrated inability to make payments under such a repayment plan.


State Representative Charlie Meier of Okawville has announced he’s collecting petition signatures for residents who oppose a recent legislative proposal that seeks to legalize prostitution in Illinois.

Democratic lawmakers have introduced a bill to decriminalize the exchange of money for sex among consenting adults. Those who support the bill say it will allow sex workers to operate safely with legal protections. The bill does not remove criminal penalties for sex traffickers or those who abuse sex workers.

Meier fears the threat to women and young girls will skyrocket if penalties for prostitution are eliminated. He also forsees an increase of sexual assault and human trafficking stemming from the proposal.

Meier has started a petition on his website for residents to express their opposition to legalized prostitution. He hopes to be able to present the 109th District’s opposition to this “dangerous legislation” to the legislators who support this movement, so they can “see that their agenda has no business in Southern Illinois.”

posted by Isabel Miller
Tuesday, Jan 28, 25 @ 9:49 am


  1. Gotta laugh whenever a MAGA GOP pol talks about ethics, disclosure and corruption as their party wink winks at the oozing corruption perpetrated by dear leader. Want a First Felon bytecoin?

    Comment by Norseman Tuesday, Jan 28, 25 @ 10:17 am

  2. Always love when more ethics legislation passes that creates more requirements for state employees, but doesn’t actually prohibit or have consequences for electeds or lobbyists.

    Comment by Homebody Tuesday, Jan 28, 25 @ 10:30 am

  3. Let’s just allow all elected officials to attend/vote remotely. It is more of a historic carryover at this point. There are ways to put rules on it to allow for transparency and accountability. The list of exceptions to the Open Meetings Act grows. More and more of the public is engaging with the elected officials remotely. I support Kifowit’s bill. There are current exception for illnesses, disability, employment, emergencies and unexpected childcare. Heck, deployment falls under employment. I will support the future bills that provide for more exceptions.

    Comment by Two Left Feet Tuesday, Jan 28, 25 @ 10:36 am

  4. As a local, non-paid government official I find the reporting requirements to be a pain. But I understand why they are there.

    Comment by Center Drift Tuesday, Jan 28, 25 @ 11:11 am

  5. As a former State employee, I found both the ethics and the disclosure statements to be somewhat duplicative and just a general pain … especially since I had basically zero influence over any legislation or state action. Heck, I’ve probably had more influence as a retiree commenting here.

    Comment by RNUG Tuesday, Jan 28, 25 @ 11:25 am

  6. I hope that Mr. Rose includes clients of legislators that are attorneys in the disclosure so that said attorney’s from Mahomet and elsewhere are tracking when they call IDOC and other agencies to help said clients.

    Comment by Neef Jr. Tuesday, Jan 28, 25 @ 11:50 am

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