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Roundup: McClain’s defense wraps up closing arguments

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* Sun-Times

The long relationship between Michael J. Madigan and Michael McClain played a central role in multiple corruption trials over the last few years in Chicago, and a jury will soon begin to consider a sweeping racketeering conspiracy case against both men.

But first, McClain’s attorney sought Tuesday to define the relationship between Madigan and McClain for the jurors. Defense attorney Patrick Cotter told them that McClain was a lobbyist to Madigan, as well as an adviser. But, Cotter said, “he was also his good friend.”

“We know, now, he’s not,” Cotter told the jury. “And that’s — I guess that’s a casualty of this case. But it was real.”

Soon after Cotter made that comment, McClain reached for a tissue from his seat on the other side of the courtroom, and he pressed it against his eyes.

* Tribune

McClain was a diligent — if sometimes “blunt” and “earthy” — lobbyist who never agreed to or knew about any bribery scheme, his attorney Patrick Cotter told jurors in closing arguments Tuesday. He only ever acted out of a commitment to his clients and a true respect for Madigan, Cotter said.

“Did this very real, very unique and — I would submit based on the overall evidence in this case — very decent human being actually have the intent to engage in a conspiracy to bribe the person he thought of as his closest friend?” Cotter asked. […]

He brought up McClain’s retirement letter to Madigan, which was shown by prosecutors earlier in the trial and included a personal message to the speaker about their close bond.

“This was a very private letter,” Cotter said, adding that McClain “never in a million years” would have thought one day it would be held up in court as evidence in his own corruption trial.

* Capitol News Illinois

Cotter on Tuesday also went after the government’s other star witness, former ComEd executive Fidel Marquez, who began cooperating with the FBI after agents approached him in January 2019 and secretly recorded meetings with McClain and their other colleagues.

Cotter reminded the jury of Marquez’s “long history of lying,” including to a judge during his divorce proceedings a decade ago and last spring when he attempted to buy a gun in Arizona and did not check the box that said he was convicted of a felony.

When questioned on cross-examination in November about McClain bringing job recommendations to ComEd from Madigan, Marquez acknowledged that it was part of McClain’s job as the utility’s chief external lobbyist – and that not all of the recommendations were hired.

Cotter also pointed out that Marquez kept his contention vague when testifying about the purpose of the alleged bribery conspiracy, repeatedly saying giving jobs and contracts to Madigan allies was to keep Madigan “positively disposed” toward ComEd’s legislative agenda.

* Cotter also went after FBI mole Danny Solis’ credibility. Jon Seidel

Cotter: "Danny Solis shouldn't be trusted for anything. Anything. But he certainly shouldn't be trusted for something as important as a major federal crime charged against Mike McClain."

— Jon Seidel (@SeidelContent) January 28, 2025


Another scheme outlined by prosecutors involved Madigan and McClain’s alleged efforts to illegally steer business to the speaker’s private property tax law firm amid efforts to develop a state-owned parcel of land in Chinatown into a commercial development.

Cotter denied that McClain was involved in any bribery in any of those alleged schemes and said that if there had been any recording or email that laid out the breadth of those allegations, the government would have found it and used it at trial.

“It’s not there,” Cotter said, “because the story isn’t true.”

After Madigan and McClain’s respective defense teams finish their closing remarks, the government will next present rebuttal arguments Wednesday before jury deliberations begin.

posted by Isabel Miller
Wednesday, Jan 29, 25 @ 9:24 am


  1. Is anyone else shocked that Madigan dropped his “good friend” when it became convenient to do so?

    Also, I always thought it weird that McClain spoke to Madigan almost every day, yet wrote him a long and detailed retirement letter. What a pair these guys are.

    Comment by Just Me 2 Wednesday, Jan 29, 25 @ 10:07 am

  2. The more and more I hear all the charges against McClain, the more and more that I think that somewhere in Spoon River country I am thinking the family and friends of late Representative Gale Schisler are wondering, “You mean our Dad, grandpa, and friend lost to this guy in ‘80?”

    Comment by NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham Wednesday, Jan 29, 25 @ 10:22 am

  3. McClain was leading the charge of heavy-handed threats, fear mongering, and over the top Machine style pressure when Madigan was in the process of being ousted as Speaker.

    He is a thug. Just a bad guy that has been part of an organized crime syndicate for years.

    The notion that he is or was some kind of good public servant in the best or traditional sense is laughable.

    Comment by Deliberate Wednesday, Jan 29, 25 @ 10:35 am

  4. ==McClain was leading the charge of heavy-handed threats, fear mongering, and over the top Machine style pressure when
    Madigan was in the process of being ousted as Speaker.==

    OK, I’ll accept everything you have said. Now tell me what part of that is illegal?

    ==He is a thug==

    Interesting description considering who is in the Oval Office today.

    Comment by low level Wednesday, Jan 29, 25 @ 11:17 am

  5. ===“It’s not there,” Cotter said, “because the story isn’t true.”===

    Cotter is talking about evidence that wasn’t introduced instead of the evidence that was. And we all no that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

    The e-mails, recordings and testimony show McClain very aggressively and persistently nagging ComEd to comply with what McClain insisted were Madigan’s directives. We’ll just have to wait and see how the jury sorts through all of this.

    Comment by 47th Ward Wednesday, Jan 29, 25 @ 11:21 am

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