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* From ILGOP Chair Kathy Salvi…

I just went on Fox News to expose JB Pritzker’s grandstanding and demand real leadership for Illinois. Pritzker is once again playing politics instead of leading—this time, trying to shift the blame for his failures onto President Trump’s administration and demand a bailout for Illinois’ financial disaster.

Illinois doesn’t need Pritzker’s political theater—we need leadership that puts taxpayers first.

Watch my appearance on Fox News to see for yourself:

Watch it and rate it

posted by Rich Miller
Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:04 pm


  1. Her opposition to grandstanding is undermined by her grandstanding.

    – MrJM

    Comment by @misterjayem Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:21 pm

  2. Makes the points she wants to make quite well. However, her delivery is poor.

    Comment by Mason County Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:25 pm

  3. Is she alright? That was really weird. It was just her riffing on red meat questions she asked herself, and she struggled with just getting the words out of her mouth. And she wants people to see this?

    Comment by Henry Francis Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:27 pm

  4. F.. they couldn’t find someone that could speak a little better to spread the misinformation?

    Comment by Theq Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:29 pm

  5. Nah, nah, nah.

    This is really bad. In the first segment, Salvi’s hesitancy suggested she was reading a script and was not familiar with the script. It was very awkward.

    Her answers to the questions were naive (perhaps assuming her audience is naive). For example, Salvi trashes the schools in Illinois, which in fact are doing very well relative to the other states. Her focus on a projected deficit is (a) theoretical, and (b) ignores all of the bond-rating upgrades, growing rainy day fund, etc.

    Overall, it is just a really bad performance (in the context of performance). Too much fumbling over words, at times interjecting criticism of Chicago’s mayor when discussing Pritzker, etc.

    Just awful.

    Comment by H-W Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:34 pm

  6. D. She’s very hesitant in her delivery, and makes mistakes (”bottom” instead of “top”), lots of “ums” and “ers”.

    And that music is just odd.

    Comment by JoanP Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:36 pm

  7. Prerecorded, edited and sliced with a GOP propaganda platform and she still couldn’t nail the delivery.

    I rate it a 10 for the MAGA crowd, because it mimics the meandering, semi-coherent ramblings of their supreme leader.

    Tempted to deduct a point, though, because she does not have an American flag in the background and is not wearing a flag pin, so it leaves the viewer wondering if she loves our country.

    I also rate it a 10 for the Dem and Ind audiences because it’s a reminder that in Illinois the GOP is not a viable alternative.

    Also love that she’s defending DOGE and says we need it for our state. That should age well.

    Comment by Moe Berg Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:38 pm

  8. Content: C+ - Delivery: D-

    Really bad.

    As an attorney, one would think that Salvi would be a better public speaker. The video and audio quality were poor too. Salvi stuttered, mispronounced names, and used improper grammar.

    Comment by Quite Contrary Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:41 pm

  9. Poor delivery, standard rhetoric, little to nothing new and interesting.


    Comment by VK Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:43 pm

  10. =Also love that she’s defending DOGE and says we need it for our state.=

    The ILGOP were budget slashing pioneers. And they’ve been on the outside looking in ever since.

    Comment by Pundent Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:45 pm

  11. As others have pointed out, her delivery was awful. For much of the presentation she looked liked a deer in the headlights.

    She seems to repeat the same spiel over and over regardless of the question. She also did not address the second question at all, instead went back to her spiel that Pritzker is bad.


    Comment by G'Kar Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:49 pm

  12. Heard Salvi is boycotting a Springfield radio station because the host was “too mean” to her for asking about GOP election losses. So, they’ve found greener pastures.

    Comment by Bob Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:50 pm

  13. “Political theater” and as a Republican I certainly know political theater, much easier than actual government.

    Comment by West Side the Best Side Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:51 pm

  14. The Muzak chosen for the video was simply awful.

    Imagine being trapped in an elevator or being left on hold while telephoning for customer service and being forced to listen to this noise.

    Comment by Quite Contrary Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:52 pm

  15. F. This is the ILGOP chairwoman???


    Comment by JS Mill Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 2:08 pm

  16. The delivery she gives is not great that gets a C. However, she speaks the truth and explains what is happening in Illinois. People are leaving and it seems the ones staying around are buying the agenda. For explaining the situation and the other side she gets an A. I like it.

    Comment by clec dcn Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 2:14 pm

  17. Lol. Like it mattered what she said.

    Comment by Capcitynewt Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 2:23 pm

  18. Ive had a speech disfluency in one form or another since I was 12 and Salvi’s hesitating was difficult for even me to watch. Oy. Good job, ILGOP. LOL.

    Comment by low level Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 2:28 pm

  19. B
    Her highlighting the poor outcomes we see happening to our poor children is long overdue.

    Comment by Back to the Future Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 2:28 pm

  20. ==People are leaving ==

    False. We’ve been over this many times. Try to keep up.

    Comment by low level Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 2:55 pm

  21. I get being partisan and wanting to take political shots. That’s her literal job. But why would Republicans want a Governor of any party who is cool with the federal government withholding money from the state? Why do they think they are dunking on him with this? This video is a weird self-own and it’s out of touch in both the strangeness of the delivery and the message. So, D?

    Comment by Who else Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 2:59 pm

  22. Ugh. D. Poor delivery. Poor attitude. Tone deaf.

    ==Her highlighting the poor outcomes we see happening to our poor children is long overdue.==

    If only there were a way for GOP lawmakers to ensure better outcomes for poor kids….

    Comment by Politix Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 3:01 pm

  23. Someone should tell her it’s OK to do multiple takes and not necessarily try to do it all in one take. Ya know, practice. Maybe a C-.

    Comment by Irma Gerd Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 3:14 pm

  24. That was painful to watch. More unpolished, uninspiring would be hard to imagine.

    Comment by King Louis XVI Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 3:58 pm

  25. People, if you don’t pick a username, you’ll be deleted regardless of the merit of your comment. Take a freaking moment to type in a username.

    Comment by Rich Miller Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 4:00 pm

  26. I could only make it through about a minute and all I could think about was this clip.

    Comment by Excitable Boy Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 4:05 pm

  27. Perhaps Kathy and DuPage Republican Chair Kevin Coyne could enroll together in a public speaking course.

    Comment by #Saywhat Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 4:57 pm

  28. I just don’t like the delivery. I can’t concentrate on the message. The GOP needs someone else.

    Comment by Steve Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 5:07 pm

  29. Fire the person who recorded this and told her it’s fine, no re-takes needed. It’s so stiff it could have been a Celozzi-Ettleson car commercial.

    Comment by Give Us Barrabbas Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 11:47 pm

  30. ===Celozzi-Ettleson===

    Where you always save more money

    Comment by Rich Miller Friday, Mar 7, 25 @ 12:38 am

  31. Smoking crater with no survivors.

    Comment by Huh? Friday, Mar 7, 25 @ 6:57 am

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