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* Do I think the governor is seriously mulling a 2028 run for president? Of course. But, unless the Democratic Party changes its rules, New Hampshire’s primary votes don’t count, so this Fox story is a bit over the top…
In a move that is sure to spark 2028 speculation, the New Hampshire Democratic Party on Monday announced that Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker this spring will headline their largest annual fundraiser.
Pritzker, the two-term governor of blue state Illinois, will deliver the keynote address at the New Hampshire Democrats’ McIntyre-Shaheen 100 Club Dinner on April 27 in Manchester, the state’s largest city.
The governor, a member of the Pritzker family that owns the Hyatt hotel chain and who has started several of his own venture capital and investment startups, is seen as a potential contender for the 2028 Democratic Party presidential nomination. And trips to New Hampshire – which for over a century has held the first primary in the race for the White House – are seen as an early indicator of a politician’s interest in running for the presidency in the next election.
Anyway, what are your thoughts on the governor’s plans?
posted by Rich Miller
Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 11:54 am
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===has found out he intends to run for senate===
Considering that his lt. governor has all but announced for Senate, I kinda doubt that.
Comment by Rich Miller Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 12:05 pm
He is definitely running for president. Not sure about reelection as governor. A third term as governor wouldn’t add anything to the presidential race. But if he really likes being governor, why not? Senate? I doubt it. I don’t think he wants to be a legislator.
Comment by Ducky LaMoore Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 12:06 pm
Waltzes to a third term next year. Then goes for it if his wife says okay.
Comment by Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 12:08 pm
I hope he is running. Combination of full throated defense of minority groups, demonstrated life long defender of progressive causes, plus a pragmatic approach to governance. Basically what I want to see out of the national Democratic party.
Comment by Homebody Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 12:10 pm
Pritzker has the political chops and the money to run for President. He has the liberal record to be successful in a Dem primary. He has the business sense to be successful in a general. His only shortcoming is that Pritzker doesn’t have Instagram model looks like Gavin Newson, and his support for Israel might hurt him with a percentage of the far left base.
Comment by CPA Candice B Rittenoff Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 12:11 pm
I think it will be a sign if you start seeing his physical appearance change, like he looks a bit more physically fit. I think he will be running in four years, but he needs to start working on his fitness now.
Yeah, I’m tap dancing around the obvious. I will say modern medication has been helpful in improving my overall health and appearance. I am a few years younger than the governor and was larger than him. No matter how you feel about acceptance, improving in that area positively impacts your health and fitness, it has for me.
Comment by OneMan Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 12:16 pm
=He is definitely running for president=
I agree - Why stick around as Gov when Illinois’ budget situation is cratering? Better to run for president in DC where deficits and debts don’t matter.
Comment by Donnie Elgin Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 12:18 pm
Gov will run for President.
Will he run for reelection as Gov?
If he does who will be his 2026 Lieutenant Governor candidate?
Comment by Frida's Boss Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 12:19 pm
I would expect him to run as the timing is right. And it will be a very crowded field for that reason.
Comment by Pundent Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 12:23 pm
I agree with all of the above except I’m kinda tired of the whole they’ve got to have some sort of business chops.
Gov Pritzker understands you gotta build a coalition to get legislation through the State Congress.
Running government is different than selling steaks on the inter-webs. Just look at the current resident of 1600 for reference.
Comment by Jerry Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 12:24 pm
I’m hoping he runs for governor again; we need him and he’s been good for us. But I think he would make a strong presidential candidate.
He would destroy Trump in a debate. But Barring a constitutional amendment Trump will not be the candidate in four years. Whatever rises out of the slime in the GOP primaries will be the candidate, and though Trump will probably puppeteer that candidate, it won’t be the same, and the internal party infighting will also weaken that candidate.
I would like to see JB on the Supreme Court. Too rich to bribe with free air travel and recreational vehicles, he’d rule on the actual law and precedent.
Comment by Give Us Barabbas Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 12:26 pm
Looks like he wants to run. He should run. He has tremendous accomplishments, great accomplishments, the likes of which nobody has ever seen. But seriously, he has a story to tell about Illinois and helping improve it. Other successful governors should also run, like Whitmer and Walz.
Comment by Grandson of Man Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 12:27 pm
The governor and his team are no dummies. They know this announcement will fuel the “he’s running” talk and give JB a new blast of national coverage about him taking the fight to Trump. Best of all, the DNC primary schedule snub of New Hampshire gives Team JB an opening to play their own version of Captain Renault from Casablanca (“I’m shocked, shocked to find presidential politics is being played here.”)
Comment by Roman Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 12:37 pm
I hear New Hampshire is lovely in late April.
In case no one has noticed, the national Democratic Party is suffering from a bit of a leadership vacuum. I’d hope and expect to see a lot of contenders consider a bid to become the nominee in 2028. Why is anyone surprised that Gov. Pritzker is looking at it too?
It’s going to be a crowded field. We’ll see where it goes. I think Pritzker has some good qualities, so I have no problem with him testing the waters. Frankly, I’m glad to have him in the mix.
Comment by 47th Ward Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 12:41 pm
He’s running. Our coming recession might make him a more interesting candidate. He seems to have done a decent job managing inherited money, unlike some people.
Comment by Three Dimensional Checkers Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 12:43 pm
===Anyway, what are your thoughts on the governor’s plans? ===
Just because a horse race doesn’t pay out the winner doesn’t mean the horse race doesn’t count. Even if the DNC wants to play the “those votes” don’t matter, state laws that protect the first in the nation primary status or the first in the nation caucus will have some kind of impact on what gets discussed in the media.
Headlining fundraisers is a good way to build good will with party leaders and primary voters even if you’re not allowed to campaign in the state during a presidential primary.
The big push behind changing the primary schedule for the Democrats has left office and is perhaps singularly responsible for the loss experienced by the Democratic Party in 2024. Some folks may finally remember that South Carolinians have not elected a Democrat statewide since 2006 while both Iowa and New Hampshire have in the last election cycle where statewide candidates were on the ballot.
Comment by Candy Dogood Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 12:56 pm
Would like to see another President from Good Old Illinois, but just don’t see Pritzker pulling this off.
Comment by Back to the Future Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 1:05 pm
I like Pritzker, he has been a very good governor, and he might be able to win the primary but I do not think he can win the General Election.
Unless something weird happens ar SCOTUS he will not be running against Donald Trump. Pritzker cannot run against Washington DC, Insider Politics, or Billionaires with a straight face.
He will be labeled as a liberal, DC, billionaire fat cat who never worked an honest job his whole life. And unlike Darren Bailey, whoever his GOP is they will have plenty of money to drive that message home.
On the flipside, i do not think anyone thinks that JB is planning on self-funding?
And yes, like Mike Huckabee he needs to lose 110 lbs or more. His health will be an issue.
Also, Chicago.
The thing is, we have biases, because we Illinoisans know what is true and untrue, we know its crazy to say that Pritzker is part of the corrupt Chicago Democratic Machine. But they don’t have that kind of basic knowledge in 49 other states, and voters will believe the worst of what Republicans say about JB’s record.
Anyone who cannot win the general should not be in the primary in my view. I think Democrats have stronger options.
Comment by Felonious Gru Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 1:10 pm
JB has been an excellent Governor and would make an excellent President. But I think Dems need someone from a swing state. Would love to see Whitmer, Kelley or Shapiro be the party’s choice.
Comment by Common Sense Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 1:16 pm
Iowa and New Hampshire still play an outsized symbolic role and both states will make a play to regain some lost status. Smart stops for any aspirant.
Comment by Here here Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 1:30 pm
My opinion means zero but, I predict the only thing he will run for is Gov and he may not do that. By 2030 he will not be in office and will move on to the next chapter in his life.
Comment by a drop in Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 1:36 pm
I think he’s testing the waters but will eventually decide not to run. I think he would be a very good President, but the primary season is long and brutal and there are other potential candidates who have a better chance of making it through the gauntlet. JB might even announce in the spring or summer of 2027, but will likely step out before the first primary. Its hard for me to imagine a wealthy white guy getting the Dem nomination.
All that said, it will ultimately depend on who else is running.
Comment by Pot calling kettle Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 2:09 pm
Think he should run, as long as he’s not dealing with natural disasters like Newsom is. Once read here (Sep 18, 2019) a commenter, think it was our gracious host, said about Jerry Brown: “He is the best US governor of my lifetime by far.”
Absent unforced errors, Governor Pritzker is doing that well. Among other things, ACFR Surplus, first since Thompson.
For those thinking he is an out of touch elitist, compelling family history would refute that.
Comment by Anyone Remember Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 3:32 pm
JB attending in N.H. as the rich and powerful head of the IL Dem Party I can see, but he has never stated Presidential aspirations. I can more readily see a 3rd term governorship, especially since IL Repubs haven’t a clue how to win, let alone the Gov’s chair.
Comment by thisjustinagain Monday, Mar 10, 25 @ 4:35 pm