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* ABATE of Illinois awarded one of its coveted Legislator of the Year motorcycle vests to Rep. Kelly Cassidy this week. Here’s a video Isabel took of Josh Witkowski, who lobbies for the group, presenting the award…
You can clearly see that Illinois Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Chris Miller (R-No Relation) was also in attendance. Miller has never been awarded a vest, but he still showed up.
Sometimes people who do a lot for our organization aren’t always out in front. They’re not always sponsoring our bills, they’re not always leading the charge for us. But behind the scenes, they’re talking to their fellow lawmakers, people in their caucus. They’re telling them, ‘Hey, this is where we should be, ABATE’s a good organization. This helps.’ When we ran into issues with the environmental caucus, this individual was very instrumental in helping us along. They’ve got a biker background. They’ve got a biker soul. And they have helped us for well over a decade. So I am very proud that finally, once again, another one long-time coming, Representative Kelly Cassidy!
* I’ve tried to ignore this guy for the past few weeks, but this post was just goofy…
* From ABATE of Illinois…
Statement from ABATE of Illinois on the Disrespect from Failed Candidate Thomas Devore
On March 19th at our Annual Reception, a bipartisan picture of many ABATE Legislator of the Year winners from over the years was taken. It was meant to be a moment of celebration showing ABATE’s ability to unite elected officials of all backgrounds in support of motorcyclists enjoying the open road.
Unfortunately, ABATE learned that failed political candidate Thomas Devore chose to steal this picture off social media and use it for his divisive purposes by attacking the great friends of ABATE in that picture. ABATE exists to educate the public and represent the interests of all motorcyclists, regardless of what they ride, where they come from, or their personal political beliefs. The Illinois riding community is made up of hundreds of thousands of individuals, each as unique as the customizations on their bikes. Yet, we all unite together in support of our freedoms, just as many legislators did at our reception.
ABATE is unsure why Mr. Devore decided to attack ABATE by dragging our events into his petty political posts, but we’re here now.
Perhaps Mr. Devore doesn’t understand the rush of freedom a rider experiences when the engine, exhaust, and wind unite to drown out the unnecessary noises in society caused by professional screamers like himself. Maybe he is unfamiliar with the idea of putting in the hard work to educate and build diverse coalitions to advance a cause, along with the victories that come from this hard work.
Here is a concept that we hope Mr. Devore can learn, Respect.
Mr. Devore chose to disrespect ABATE, our members, our friends, our hard work, and riders all throughout Illinois by stealing pictures from our events to continue his quarrels. That is a level of disrespect we could not let go unanswered.
posted by Rich Miller
Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 12:08 pm
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- drown out the unnecessary noises in society caused by professional screamers like himself. -
I’m stealing that burn. Well done, ABATE.
Comment by Excitable Boy Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 12:17 pm
Wonder how Devore feels about Ronald Reagan’s relationship with Tip O’Neill, Democratic speaker of the house back in the day? By most accounts, the two were pretty good friends.
Comment by Siualum Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 12:26 pm
Tom can always fall back on his RINO removal business:
Comment by City Zen Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 12:32 pm
From DeV: the Republican electorate expects there to be a certain level of distance between their elected representatives and the other side of the aisle.
From ABATE: Maybe he is unfamiliar with the idea of putting in the hard work to educate and build diverse coalitions to advance a cause.
Well said, ABATE.
Comment by H-W Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 1:07 pm
When two of your clients get a vest in the same year. I’m so proud.
Comment by Former Downstater Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 1:08 pm
My favorite part of that thread is where Mr. Devore says helping Republicans win elections is the only thing he cares about. Caring about a thing so much that you’re willing to tank it at every possible opportunity is a toxic relationship you can’t make up.
Comment by VK Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 1:13 pm
That ABATE statement is a thing of rhetorical beauty.
Comment by King Louis XVI Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 1:13 pm
For both personal and professional reasons I can say that I have mixed feelings on ABATE, but I completely support ABATE dunking on DeVore for whatever reason they choose.
Comment by Homebody Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 1:15 pm
This State will be a better place the moment little Tommy becomes Disbarred and Disgraced Devore (case pending)
Comment by fs Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 1:16 pm
If you have to mention marketing slogans like “DEI” and “RINO” you’ve already lost.
Comment by Jerry Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 1:19 pm
How is the egg roll factory going?
Comment by Big Dipper Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 1:27 pm
“Perhaps Mr. Devore doesn’t understand the rush of freedom a rider experiences when the engine, exhaust, and wind unite to drown out the unnecessary noises in society caused by professional screamers like himself.”
He doesn’t understand that ABATE is a badger that is best left unpoked. Then again, he seems to fail at understanding all sorts of things.
Comment by OneMan Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 1:38 pm
“Miller has never been awarded a vest, but he still showed up.”
Chris doing anything he can for attention from anyone outside of a ten foot circle around his chair on the House floor.
Chris and his wife are both charter members of the “professional screamers” of North America Inc.
Comment by Give Me A Break Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 1:40 pm
Strong statement from ’ski, and further proof these purity tests don’t get you 60-30-1 nor a position to affect change.
Comment by Dirty Red Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 1:43 pm
Notice the way Miller and his minion bailed when Cassidy came forward? Cowards.
Comment by Wally Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 1:55 pm
So much whine and cheese from Tom DeVore.Stamping your feet and pounding your chest accomplishes nothing. Time to find another hobby rather than spending time on social media.
Comment by Rudy’s teeth Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 2:33 pm
Miller and his cohort avoided any actual confrontation by retreating to the rear…weakly.
Comment by Dotnonymous x Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 2:47 pm
Just checking: Is calling Devore an idiot considered an uncivil comment resulting in banishment? Asking for a friend.
Comment by TheSouthern Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 2:49 pm
I’m not a biker by any means, but I would imagine there are plenty of LGBTQ bikers on the road in Illinois. I don’t agree with ABATE on everything (I support a helmet law) but they’re an effective organization that works well on both sides to advance their members’ interests. Devore should take a page from their book and maybe he might actually win something one day.
Comment by ModerateGOP Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 2:59 pm
Sshhh…Don’t tell Devore that Rep. Cassidy’s brother in law is Trump MAGA stalwart, former US Speaker Newt Gingrich. Nutty Devore might go into shock.
Comment by Lol Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 3:10 pm
His ARDC complaint is full of reasons he’s angry…he keeps getting caught.
Comment by Neye Phew Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 3:19 pm
- Nutty Devore might go into shock. -
I can hear my Grandma say, “He’s gonna have a conniption fit.”
Comment by Dotnonymous x Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 3:21 pm
@Lol you made my day
@ModerateGOP, You’re spot on. Pride Parades across the country have been led by Dykes On Bikes for ages. It’s quite a sight.
Having come up through John Cullerton’s district office, there was some uncertainty about whether I’d take up his helmet mission when I first got to the House. When my ex and I had a bike, I’d always wear a helmet and so did she, but the issue of a helmet law is a non starter after all these years. Over the years first Todd V and more recently Josh W have been folks who I am happy to know and be helpful to whenever I can.
This place is about relationships, plain and simple. As Rich likes to say 60-30-1 is always the goal. Being able to have a friendly chat about our families, share a meal or beverage, or (gasp) even work together on things we find common ground on is the secret sauce for doing that more often.
Comment by Kelly Cassidy Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 3:27 pm