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First, they came for our jobs, then they stole our shuffle

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* Idiots

The Indianapolis tourism agency has yanked a video of its version of the 1985 Bears’ “Super Bowl Shuffle” from YouTube after it faced wilting mockery from online viewers.

The video showed hotel and restaurant workers dancing and singing new lyrics to the Bears’ 1985 rap song. The tourism agency produced the video as a marketing promotion linked to February’s Super Bowl in Indianapolis.

Critics started a Facebook page asking that “this abomination of a promotional video go away as soon as possible!”

An Indianapolis TV station saved part of the ridiculous video. Click here to watch it.

* More Hoosier news…

* Indiana governor not worried about increasing unemployment rate: Nationwide, 36 states saw their unemployment rates go down last month and nine stayed the same, while Indiana was one of only five states where the unemployment rate went up.

* Indiana Right-to-Work Ads Hit Airwaves

* Right To Work May Be On Daniels’ Christmas List

* Daniels’ favorite Really Cool Foods closes doors

* Food company closing has unpaid bills

* Turn out the lights on deal: Sunday, in its latest round of disturbing revelations about Yanagihara, The Indianapolis Star cited investors who lost hundreds of thousands of dollars to him on a California housing venture whose developer says he wrongly cashed in on its name. A spate of other problems in areas such as debts, taxes and licensing has been compiled by The Star as well, and Yanagihara has been mum since his gala announcement on Oct. 26, which included Mayor Greg Ballard and Gov. Mitch Daniels, of plans to bring 1,100 jobs to the city.

posted by Rich Miller
Friday, Dec 2, 11 @ 3:54 am


  1. The title reminded me of a recent incident at a Geneva GOP meeting when Chairmen Shepro, Kenyon, and McConnaughay stole a precinct committeeman’s cell phone for trying to record an open meeting.

    Comment by KaneInsider Friday, Dec 2, 11 @ 6:04 am

  2. Having worked and owned parts of business in Indiana, I recall how angry the small business community was at the state for favoring large incoming businesses, and anyone who threatened to leave, with tax breaks unavailable to them. They would point out the perceived advantages of illinois, ohio, and kentucky for business.

    And so it goes. The big companies get more, while the small, who are the real innovators and job creators over time, are on their own. We need a focused and progressive tax structure for business, with incentives for R&D and start-ups being considered investments, not loopholes.

    Comment by walkinfool Friday, Dec 2, 11 @ 8:02 am

  3. In Indianapolis’ defense, the original was pretty lame too.

    That being said, the Indy version cranked the lame up to 11.

    Comment by Ray Palmer Friday, Dec 2, 11 @ 8:23 am

  4. Daniels, Walker and all the other governor job poachers play a zero-sum, small-minded game.

    Wouldn’t it make more sense to be a force in a Midwest coalition that promoted are area’s strengths and interest on the national and international stages, where the real heavy lifting is done?

    Naw, no easy, phony press releases on “job creation” for that.

    Mitch is great at phony job creation press releases.

    –WTHR was honored for “Reality Check: Where are the Jobs?” 13 Investigates’ on-going series exposing how state leaders inflated Indiana job statistics through a quasi-state agency shrouded in secrecy. “Reality check: Where are the jobs?” revealed empty cornfields and abandoned factories where the Indiana Economic Development Corporation claimed there were thousands of new jobs.–

    Comment by wordslinger Friday, Dec 2, 11 @ 8:38 am

  5. Years ago wasn’t there a TV ad with Ditka (surprise) and Jerry Vaneese(sp?) for some airline started service to Indy that had the line

    “That’s shuttle not shuffle”

    Comment by OneMan Friday, Dec 2, 11 @ 8:51 am

  6. Welcome to Illinois without Chicago. Stupid rustics.

    Comment by just sayin' Friday, Dec 2, 11 @ 10:11 am

  7. We’re an ag state. So instead of hunting businesses, why don’t we grow them?

    Comment by soccermom Friday, Dec 2, 11 @ 12:33 pm

  8. ==Daniels, Walker and all the other governor job poachers play a zero-sum, small-minded game.==

    Scott Walker needs a big splash, now that his state boasts the biggest jobs loss numbers in October and with the recall issue. Maybe he should make a pitch for CME or other large corporations, with Wisconsin’s two year income tax break for businesses moving into the state? If Wisconsin’s economy remains the same or gets worse, it probably will not be a fun new year for Walker.

    Comment by Grandson of Man Friday, Dec 2, 11 @ 12:36 pm

  9. I was surprised that Wisconsin wasn’t in the Sears derby, for all the yapping about job poaching they do up there.

    Their Lands End brand hq is in Dodgeville, and they have big distribution centers around Madison and Milwaukee, too. A move up to 1-94 wouldn’t be too far.

    Comment by wordslinger Friday, Dec 2, 11 @ 12:47 pm

  10. ==I was surprised that Wisconsin wasn’t in the Sears derby, for all the yapping about job poaching they do up there.==

    Me too, in light of his latest polling data.

    Comment by Grandson of Man Friday, Dec 2, 11 @ 1:25 pm

  11. –Wouldn’t it make more sense to be a force in a Midwest coalition that promoted are area’s strengths and interest on the national and international stages, where the real heavy lifting is done?

    Yes, great idea, then eventually a US coalition, so corps can’t provoke us to race to the bottom.

    PQ should actually propose this–it’s unlikely to come from a right to work state.

    Comment by James Friday, Dec 2, 11 @ 1:27 pm

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