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This time the gloves really come off, and it shows

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[Note from Rich Miller: This is my new intern Kevin Fanning’s first blog post here, so try to be gentle. Thanks.]

If you hedged your bets that last night’s CNN democratic debate in South Carolina would be the equivalent of last debate’s love fest, today’s political headlines must be leaving you extremely disappointed. Headlines today include “Debate gets fiercely personal” in the Trib, “Debate turns heated as Obama, Clinton allege distortion” in the Daily Herald, and my personal favorite “Sparks fly in most contentious debate to date” on

On a night that was supposed to be reserved by the Congressional Black Caucus Institute to debate how best to realize Dr. King’s vision for a better society, we witnessed an example of how best to tear it apart. The claws came out, and only John Edwards was able to crawl out of the ring without a battered face.

Minutes into the debate accusations flew back and forth between Clinton and Obama. Hillary looked too aggressive, Barack was too defensive, and Goldilocks was left in the middle asking how “is this going to get us universal health care?” After a bitter exchange about the Clintons’ portrayal of Obama’s “fondness” for Ronald Reagan the junior Senator from Illinois snipped back:

“…what I said was is that Ronald Reagan was a transformative political figure because he was able to get Democrats to vote against their economic interests to form a majority to push through their agenda, an agenda that I objected to. Because while I was working on those streets watching those folks see their jobs shift overseas, you were a corporate lawyer sitting on the board at Wal-Mart.”

This obviously hit a nerve with Hillary who moments later asserted:

“I was fighting against those ideas when you were practicing law and representing your contributor, Rezko, in his slum landlord business in inner city Chicago.”

And on it went , ranging from how Obama’s health care plan isn’t universal to how Hillary voted for a banking bill that favored big business to how Obama voted present too many times in the statehouse to how Hillary and Bill have been tag teaming Obama, and finally concluded with Obama having to answer if Bill Clinton really was the first black President. Which to his credit I thought he gave a hilarious response, and in Governor Blagojevich’s words regarding the transit bill “took a lemon and turned it into lemonade.”

After last night’s royal rumble one thing is certain, the general election will be no cake walk for either candidate. If Hillary comes out alive after February 5th she will have to mend fences with an angry African American community who came out in numbers to vote “uncommitted” in Michigan.

If Obama wins the nomination he will have to answer to the attacks made by the Clinton campaign. Is his universal health care plan really universal? Why did he vote “present” 130 times in the state Senate? And most of all, the Achilles Heel, what was your relationship with Antonin “Tony” Rezko? All of these questions threaten the central theme of Obama’s candidacy, honesty and openness in government.

I guess we’ll just have to hold our breath to see which candidate limps their way to Denver.

posted by Kevin Fanning
Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 1:17 pm


  1. Rich, you better hold onto this guy. Straight up, great job, Kevin.

    Comment by Observer Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 1:24 pm

  2. Normally I’d find humor in the viciousness of that debate but you’d think two Dem frontrunners would take a more respectful tone on MLK Day.

    Comment by Independent Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 1:38 pm

  3. Insightful post, Kevin. My only thought r the Clintons having to mend fences with the Black community if she beats Barack:

    Yes, but it won’t be hard. It’s like Daley playing hardball with the cops and firemen at contract time. Both unions, particularly firemen’s, are disproportionately white. But at election time, they have nowhere else to go.

    Comment by wordslinger Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 1:39 pm

  4. Good writing, great debut, Kevin. Congratulations!

    Comment by jaundiced eye Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 1:54 pm

  5. Solid first blog entry by the rookie!!! Yep, the Democracts could be fractured if the race continues to get the GOP a shot in November.

    Comment by Ravenswood Right Winger Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 1:54 pm

  6. I seem to recall that the Rose law firm went out of business becasue they were crooks.

    Webb Hubell, Clinton’s cllose friend and partner, Webb Hubble went to jail.

    Hillary Clinton was involved in doing legal work for companies involved in the savigns and loan scandal,

    The point I’m trying to make here is that Obama has the emabarassment of his association with Tony Rezko. hillary Clinto has a lot more skeletons thas Obama for the Republicans to dredge up.

    Clnotn’s attacks on Obama’s integratity are a clear case of a pot calling a kettle “black.”

    Comment by Captain America Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:02 pm

  7. Reports of the Democratic Party’s imminent death/hospitalization/major fracture have usually proved overblown.

    Two heavyweights getting rough with each other does not a rift make.

    Comment by 42nd Ward Resident Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:02 pm

  8. Very nice post, except for the gratuitous “goldilocks” reference to Edwards. That’s pretty tired, and the rest of the post was above even mentioning what is a petty, silly non-issue.

    Comment by Ellinoyed Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:04 pm

  9. Ellinoyed, I agree with you on the Goldilocks thing. Live and learn.

    Comment by Rich Miller Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:06 pm

  10. Yeah definitely a mistake in retrospect. I was trying to make a reference to the too hot, too cold thing and not the hair, but I see how it looks that way.

    Comment by kevinfanning Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:10 pm

  11. Obama is about to get the Clinton roundhouse, this race is over.

    Comment by Apollo Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:13 pm

  12. nice first post, although I think Edwards
    deserves way more credit for his performance
    last night. he was hitting it for his home state.

    maybe there should be a new section on this site…
    call it Rezkobama cause there’s more there
    and we are bound to hear about it.

    or would you call it Rezkobamarama ?

    Comment by amy Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:14 pm

  13. Wow Ellinoyed. That thought didn’t even cross my mind given the context. Such is life, eh?

    Good debut Kevin.

    Rich, are you going to give him leeway to cover the GOP even though there’s no direct Illinois/Obamarama connection? I’d be interested in his take on the pachyderms too.

    Comment by Rob_N Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:15 pm

  14. What Obama said about whether Bill Clinton was the first Black president:

    “I have to say that, I would have to investigate more of Bill’s dancing abilities and some of this other stuff before I accurately judge whether he was in fact a brother.”

    Am I the only one that’s shocked by that? I know he CAN say it while the other candidates couldn’t, but I’m still surprised he DID say it. On MLK Day, no less.

    Check out Pat Buchanan’s column on Obama today. Whatever you may think about Pat, his political analysis is sharp. The gist of his argument is that the Clintons have successfully transformed Obama from a Candidate Who Happens to be Black to the Black Candidate — a recipe for defeat, in his judgement.

    Comment by wordslinger Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:16 pm

  15. The Democrat party, fractured? Bah, the GOP is very divided right now between the country-clubber wing (McCain, Rudy), the evangelicals (Huckabee), the conservatives (Romney, Thompson), and the libertarians/disconnected (Paul).

    Comment by Crimefighter Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:17 pm

  16. I don’t think it’s necessarily fractured, and especially nothing like the GOP, but there are definitely going to be some angry people after this thing is over.

    Comment by kevinfanning Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:20 pm

  17. Too bad Obama did not know about the $20 million Dudbi payoff to Clinton in the Wall Street Journal today.
    I still do not know why Obama does not bring out about renting out the Lincoln Bedroom to donors.
    Both Clinton have had bad donations from China sources. Plus ” I did not have Sex with that woman” which was the greatest Clinton lie and the First Lady’s response.

    Comment by blagoman Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:21 pm

  18. Goldilocks? Thats a little old. Some originality please. As far as Clinton having to mend fences with African Americans if she gets the nod, That will take about as long as it will take Obama to endorse HIlary. Even if Obama doesn’t endorse her if she gets the nod (which iwll NOT Happen), its not like your dealing with the religious right, who just stay home and not vote if their canidate gets bumped out of the race, African Americans will vote, and they will vote for Clinton.

    Comment by Moderate REpub Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:25 pm

  19. Moderate Repub, he explained the Goldilocks thing in comments.

    Comment by Rich Miller Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:26 pm

  20. Ahhh, I see. Didn’t get the hot cold reference. Still don’t. Anyway, pretty good first blog. Good idea to let him cover something, how shall I say, not exclusively an issue to Illinois (under the dome topic).

    Comment by Moderate REpub Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:32 pm

  21. Kevin, nice job on this post amigo. Your U of I education served you well in the writing department. :)

    Question to everyone: Do you think Hillary has, will, or can effectively package the Rezko connection into a meaningful attack? Her attempt last night came off as very weak to me. She merely mentioned it randomly without much explanation, as if it were already a salient issue on the average voter’s mind…doubtful.

    Will it likely be a greater liability in the general where there will be time to let it build up?

    Comment by Paul Richardson Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:35 pm

  22. Nice job Kevin!

    Comment by Matt G Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:37 pm

  23. Good post Kevin - I think Paul got a 10% raise after he entered the ring. Check it out and let us know!

    Comment by A Citizen Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:54 pm

  24. Nice job Kevin!

    When you have three candidates agreeing on most issues, silly personal attacks arise in order to get an edge with voters. Edwards, Obama and Clinton are like three divas singing the same song, then claiming the other’s version wasn’t as good as theirs.

    So, what’s left? Clinton pulled Obama down to her level, which he needed to rise above in order to inspire a win. Edwards is unimportant, except in his own mind; playing kingmaker this summer between Barak and Hillary. Obama has become just another candidate, the ‘can-do’ spirit found in Iowa is now truly a ghostly one.

    So just pick one - because they are all the same, except for the glass ceiling they claim they break. Just pick one - which one is the bigger victim of the other and self-righteous enough to get the nomination? By the time this group gets to Denver, all three of them will demand that they have a plan to get us out of Iraq by 2007, if not sooner. Each will wail over the horrific economy and shed crocodile tears speaking to each special interest group.

    Will Rezko sink Obama? Will Hillary curb Bill? Will Edwards realize that even Elizabeth isn’t voting for him? Each is standing on a molehill claiming to need oxygen and granola bars.

    Clinton will win the nomination, and lose in November when Bill is found at a motel with Malibu Barbie and My Pretty Pony.

    Comment by VanillaMan Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:54 pm

  25. When I first read that Obama was asked if Clinton was the first black president, I thought you were joking, but after I had seen the video…. wow. That’s all I have to say haha

    Comment by Justin Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:56 pm

  26. “Am I the only one that’s shocked by that?”

    Yes. It was a lighthearted answer that elicited laughs from black and white audience members alike.

    Comment by Jon Shibley Fan Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:57 pm

  27. It will definately be a liablity in the General. We are talking about the Clintons here, they WILL use it against him, and they will package it well. Right now everyone is asking what was that slum lord comment Hilary threw out there last night? The media will ask the same question, tell the story, and then Clinton will come in after that with their own version of the story through paid media. Mind you that the Clintons have to think it is a bankable issue, and it doesnt open the gateway for Obama to sling the Arkansas real estate questions the Clintons way. Do I think they will use it? Yes because I think Rezco is guilty, and we know Obama profited through a deal with a criminal.

    Comment by Moderate REpub Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:57 pm

  28. Paul, To me, the Rezko attack was unintended, yet very meaningful. If it was planned, she wouldn’t used his first name.

    Didn’t Clinton get dragged through the mud on some land deal? I’m sure she’d rather have had Bill do that type of blasting.

    Now my question. Barrack gets bent out of shape for Hillary pimping Bill. Are we all to forget Barrack did the same with Oprah a few months earlier.

    Comment by The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 3:03 pm

  29. Good job, Kevin. “Goldilocks”…I thought it was funny.

    Comment by K to the 3 Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 3:05 pm

  30. The cold cynical calulated methodology of the clinton machine really gives me the creeps. Somewhat like you are dealing with the dark side! They need to be neutralized and exposed for their lies and distortions of truth and real facts. They leave me absolutely cold and uninspired, rather depressing doom and gloom atmosphere.

    Comment by A Citizen Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 3:06 pm

  31. I agree with Citizen. Why would we want to go back to the contentious ’90s. Let’s move forward and away from the Clinton/Bush empire.

    Comment by K to the 3 Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 3:08 pm

  32. Broken Heart, I think what Barack did with Oprah was legit. She helped campaign for him, not slander his opponent. The former President is completely distorting the truth, if not outright lying, and I think it’s shameful.

    Comment by kevinfanning Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 3:10 pm

  33. The real estate deal with Rezko will sink Obama. Billary will see to it. I happen to think it should sink him. He engaged in the deal when everyone knew Rezko was in the federal soup.

    Comment by Leave a light on George Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 3:11 pm

  34. Rezko is a great issue against Obama and it will be used again and again. Picture a TV spot featuring.

    Black and white photo of Rezco with a super “Indicted slumlord”

    Photo of smiling Tony and Obama together.

    Photos of Rezco’s South Side buildings and environment, juxtaposed with Obama’s “mansion.”

    Great words for the voiceover: Insider. Corrupt. Slumlord. Chicago-style politics. Sweetheart deal. Mansion.

    “Obama helped Rezco secure millions in taxpayer money for his South Side Chicago apartment buildings. Rezco helped his friend and lawyer Obama with campaign contributions. He even helped Obama buy this mansion in a sweetheart deal while residents of his apartment buildings lived in squalor. And taxpayers lost millions on deals Obama helped arrange when Rezco’s buildings were foreclosed. ”

    It’s got legs.

    Comment by wordslinger Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 3:12 pm

  35. Bill Clinton is a failure as a President because he lost two years of his second term - and an ability to leave a legacy - because of a lie that led to an impeachment attempt. The fact that he is lying now shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. We simply cannot afford, as Democrats, to risk losing our momentum, our majority in the legislature (Clinton lost that in 1994) or our upper hand in the morality fight in DC by installing the Clinton gang back into the White House.

    Comment by Thutmose Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 3:13 pm

  36. you’d need a photo. i may be mistaken, but i don’t ever remember seeing one. you could photoshop i suppose.

    but as others have noted, it would open her up to some bigtime hits on her own finances

    Comment by Rich Miller Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 3:14 pm

  37. Check out the youtubes here on the split via Media Nation.

    It’ll convince anyone caucuses are disasters.

    As long as neither HRC or Obama conclusively seals things up, I think Dems will be looking for alternatives.

    Obama a given for VP unless the Resko references keep flowing from the court room the next three months….

    Comment by Bill Baar Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 3:18 pm

  38. So I conclude Clinton and Obama are both severely compromised! Well, that settles it. I’m voting Republican - for a Real Change!

    Comment by A Citizen Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 3:19 pm

  39. The “Rezko attack” is a big, big trap for the Clintons. And they have fallen in it. It serves to remind everyone about all those negative Clinton things like Whitewater, Monica, the last-minute pardons. And I’m not one of those that has a problem with Whitewater, Monica, last-minute pardons. It’ll only serve to remind those of all of these negative things. Drawing attention to “Rezko,” they have opened the door and brought in their own problems.

    Comment by Reading on Walden Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 3:19 pm

  40. However, I must add, when Obama gets fired up giving a speech I hear and actually feel Hope! When Hillary gets fired up all I hear is “Take out the garbage!”

    Comment by A Citizen Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 3:25 pm

  41. In the short-term I think this debate helps John Edwards, in the long-term its not clear whether Obama or Clinton benefits most.

    I think the shrillness in Clinton’s voice probably reminds alot of white Southern Democrats why they don’t like her, and I think the tag-teaming on Obama only helps him consolidate the black vote.

    Obama was starting to slip slightly in the tracking polls after Nevada, I think this probably helps him consolidate his vote.

    It will be interesting to see how the attacks and counter-attacks play out nationally, and whether Clinton is actually willing to spend money on these attacks.

    I think there is a great danger for Clinton that the constant attacks on Obama will suppress turn-out among African American and younger voters. Voting for the Republican isn’t the only option, remember. Staying home is an option too.

    Obama does need to stop defending himself, and just stay on the offensive. Stop calling the Clinton attacks “factually innaccurate.” Call them lies. Call them “finger-wagging lies.”

    Sure, the Democratic Machine may not like it, but who cares? The Machine is, by and large, with Clinton. Bill has already done the damage….Disarming AFTER your opponent launches their nuclear first strike is an insane strategy.

    So, let’s remind voters that the “Good old 90’s” weren’t always so good:

    - 2.6 million Americans lost their health care while the Clinton’s were in charge;

    - 1 in 4 americans were functionally illiterate when Bill Clinton became president, and 1 in 4 were functionally illiterate when he left;

    - The U.S. has lost 3 million manufacturing jobs since the Clintons passed NAFTA, and the Economic Policy Institute DIRECTLY links atleast 2 million lost jobs to NAFTA. The biggest loser? California, with a loss of over 200,000 jobs.

    Comment by Yellow Dog Democrat Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 3:26 pm

  42. Obama needs to use the “there you go again” line - or something similar lest he again be falsely accused of idolizing Reagan - and use it on Hillary when she begins to echo and expand upon the lies initially spun into the public domain by her husband. This is first time in years that Democrats have a real chance to move Democratic policies forward in DC and unfortunately that can be undermined be a candidate who does not or care to engage in civil discourse with the opposition to achieve positive results.

    Comment by Thutmose Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 3:51 pm

  43. Amy,

    “Rezkobamarama” — hillarious

    I agree that there is more to this relationship. The fact that Obama listened to Rezko’s advice when he recomends someone says a lot. As we have seen, and in the true fashion of Chicago politics, Tony Rezko did not give all of these contributions and sweetheart real estate deals because he believed in Obama. Something is there, the question is what and how smokey is it?

    Comment by Bud Man Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 4:00 pm

  44. — “but as others have noted, it would open her up to some bigtime hits on her own finances” —

    That’s normally true, but everything has already been examined, including the California guy and the Illinois company that just went under(pardon me, the names slipped my mind). The media is not going to go back and do a ringing expose on something they have already tried to do one on. Hillary is right that she is probably one of the most vetted candidates in history. I mean, is the media really going to go back and do stories on the old, indicted Clinton friends or Whitewater? I doubt it and that’s why she thinks she can attack on this Rezko-Obama thing.

    Comment by Bud Man Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 4:08 pm

  45. Except, BM, just about everyone has already done a Rezko piece. So, it could be argued that if they’re gonna rehash Rezko, then they should rehash hers.

    Comment by Rich Miller Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 4:12 pm

  46. They will govern the way they campaign. I saw more than enough last night.

    Nice post Kevin.

    Comment by North of I-80 Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 4:15 pm

  47. Nice job, Kevin.

    Comment by Bill Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 4:19 pm

  48. Good job on the first blog entry.

    It is no secret the the Clintons have practiced a scorched earth policy against their opponents/enemies in the past. It is likely just the beginning for BO.

    Since the Senator has cleansed himself of ‘tainted money’ by donating to charities, will the Clintons then push the Rezko connection on the purchase of the Obama family residence?

    As long as he (BO) is a threat to the coronation (nomination) of Hillary the Clintons will leave no rock unthrown.

    That is the difficulty of avoiding an appearance of impropriety. Whether there is legitimate connection or not becomes immaterial. The issue becomes a bat to beat your opponent with.

    The upcoming Rezko trial will not help.

    Comment by plutocrat03 Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 4:24 pm

  49. Having watched Republicans chew each other up the last 10 years on a State level, I can’t tell you how much fun it is to see Democrats do the same.

    Comment by Sporty 41 Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 4:27 pm

  50. Nice start.
    Don’t back down when the sick twisted, minds that hang ot here start to whine — Edwards was soooo left out he had to point out he was the only white male just to get noticed.
    Also many of us would appreciate it if you don’t make connections to the POA’s attempts at being humorous or clever. Many mental health professional believe this only enables him and the few lonely people who hide with him in the Ravenswood bunker to think they are on the right track and/or capable of making a comeback.
    Quote the Marx Brothers or Martin & Lewis, but not you know who.
    Are tied into the Fanning Caddy folks?
    Is that how Capt. Fax got the sweet deal on the new ride?
    So little time. So many questions.
    Welcome aboard.

    Comment by Reddbyrd Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 4:45 pm

  51. It’s definitely getting ugly. But November is a long way away, even if this thing drags out past Nov 5. People talk about how Hillary could be a unifying force for Republicans, which is true, but take it to the bank that, in November, the memory of eight years of Bush is going to stay a powerful unifying force for the Democrats. The Clinton-Obama feud hasn’t come close to derailing that, not as yet.

    Comment by ZC Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 4:50 pm

  52. Here’s a video from one year ago that shows Obama to be a hypocrite in this exchange.

    Comment by joe Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 4:51 pm

  53. Rich, except the Rezko trial has yet to begin - Clinton’s hyper-investigated past is ancient history.

    But it looks like it’s unlikely that there will be a Clinton or Obama running as VP this year.

    Comment by phocion Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 4:52 pm

  54. There’s a Fanning Cadillac? I wish I’d of known.

    Comment by Rich Miller Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 4:52 pm

  55. Right!
    Just continue to play dumb Capt Fax

    Comment by Reddbyrd Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 5:11 pm

  56. Clinton cannot beat Obama in an primary about “hope”. She has to first tarnish his white robe with personal dirt and then hammer him on policy specifics.

    The press has for the most part allowed Obama to stand on the shore and merrily skip stones. Clinton has slowly pulled him in, and when she gets him out to deep water he’ll drown.

    Comment by Independent Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 5:17 pm

  57. Obama should carry a list of the investigations & shenanigans in his pocket for times like these. Just pull out the scroll and watch it roll all the way across the stage. Now that would be a debate worth watching!

    Good Job Kevin!

    Comment by BIG R.PH. Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 5:39 pm

  58. Haha Reddbyrd I like the post. Yes, Eugene Fanning of Fanning Caddy was my dad’s uncle. Don’t worry Rich, they sold the dealership a long time ago.

    Comment by kevinfanning Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 5:44 pm

  59. Kevin, the only caveat on that 10% raise is that you have to pick up the tab at Brown’s and Boone’s for six months.

    Comment by A Citizen Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 5:54 pm

  60. Great post Kevin and welcome aboard.

    That scroll is a neat idea. I remember a Chicago TV reporter that had a list of all the property and equipment the State couldn’t find and he tossed the list over the rail from the top floor at the Thompson Center and it unfolded all the way to the ground floor as the camera rolled.

    Unfortunately, the CMS Police thought the unrolling paper was a terrorist rappelling down the atrium and they shot it full of holes.

    OK, I made that part up. Still a good idea.

    Comment by Arthur Andersen Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 6:04 pm

  61. Nice job, Kenin. Congrats. I couldn’t help but think watching Obama and Clinton that the two would make a humorous ol’ married couple to live next door to, but I think my hope of a O/C ticket in November went up in smoke, can you imagine the two of them breaking out like that when it’s Dem/Rep campaign time.

    At least I can see Clinton getting stronger in her speech mannerism. At first she was like a nagging mom which had nothing to do with what she said, just how she said it. Then I watched her get all shrill a couple time. Last few times I’ve listened to her she was strong and assertive ( I would not say aggressive) and I could finally want to listen to what she was actually saying.

    First time in 30 years of voting I still am sitting on the fence. Know who I am not voting for, but can’t make up my mind on who I will

    Comment by Princeville Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 6:22 pm

  62. Perhaps President Obama can grant a presidential pardon to his old friend and supporter.

    Comment by Pardon Me Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 7:56 pm

  63. -Pardon Me-
    As Billiry Clinton taught us: Presidential Pardons are not free, ask Mark Rich. And I don’t think Obama is quite as mercenary as the clintons. Nice thought though.

    Comment by A Citizen Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 8:06 pm

  64. I’m a lifelong democrat, but I totally agree that the democrats have been asleep at the switch for the last 15 years. The republicans have been the party of (bad, in my opinion) ideas. But at least they had ideas. In fact, didn’t Clinton pick up on the republican torch when he “transformed welfare as we know it?” And from what I’ve heard, the Clingons weren’t big supporters of unions in Arkansas, either. I wish Obama’s staff would get off the stick and don’t just accept as gospel that the Clinton years in Arkansas were great (didn’t he execute a mentally retarded man in Arkansas to prove he was tough enough on crime to get elected?)

    Comment by NoGiftsPlease Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 8:46 pm

  65. Kevin you did an excellent job, I wish I could write as good as you.

    As for the debate, I find it very hilarious to see them rip at each other. I don’t think it will be hard for Obama to endorse Hillary because Liberals stick together. I don’t know how good this Rezko thing will hurt Obama. Think about it, we still have the same governor from four years ago.

    Comment by JakeCP Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 9:09 pm

  66. Great job Kevin!

    Comment by kmom Friday, Jan 25, 08 @ 2:10 pm

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