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Open thread

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* What’s going on in your part of Illinois?…

posted by Isabel Miller
Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 7:36 am


  1. High Temps, but low humidity, made for a pleasant weekend.

    Comment by Downstate Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 9:17 am

  2. Went down to the beach- Lake Michigan and finally went swimming. Brr it was cold! Mid late June is about right for being able to get in.

    Comment by Banish Misfortune Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 9:36 am

  3. It’s hot.

    Comment by JoanP Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 10:05 am

  4. Make sure you’re all reapplying sunscreen (I’ve learned my lesson)

    Comment by Isabel Miller Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 10:09 am

  5. Temperature forecast is so high that my wife gave me the preemptive go-ahead to delay mowing for a few days, so that’s a positive to this heat wave at least.

    Comment by TJ Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 10:19 am

  6. Agreed, it was surprisingly comfortable outside this weekend despite the high temps. Went to a farmer’s market on Saturday morning to get some fresh locally roasted coffee beans and it was very sunny but nice. I did make sure to do the lawn mowing yesterday morning though instead of Sunday afternoon as I normally do. Thanks for the reminder @Isabel, I didn’t remember to put sunscreen on though so I need to work on that.

    Comment by Aaron B Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 10:31 am

  7. 90+ is not comfortable, no matter the humidity. Soon the heavy thunderstorms will flood my basement again. I hate summer.

    Comment by thisjustinagain Monday, Jun 17, 24 @ 11:55 am

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